Face Off

On this day, an uninvited guest appeared at Prince Rui's residence.

The approaching figure wielded a long spear and seemed mighty and majestic. At a glance, one could tell he was a warrior of the battlefield; his brows were resolute and weathered, and as the person stood firmly at the doors of Prince Rui's residence, one had the perception that the visit was ill-intended.

The guards at the gate stopped this burly big man but he quipped, "Take me to see Rui Wáng."

This person had an unfriendly tone of voice but the people of the residence of Prince Rui were used to it and even the servants were somewhat arrogant. As if one did not take this, they still respectfully said, "Without any invitation, Wángzǐ Diànxià will not see outsiders."

Just as the big man was about to become enraged, a startled voice from inside said, "General Shen." As one looked up, Tie Yi strode over. He walked over, glaring at the guard and respectfully said, "General Shen, the servant is not wise, and hope you are magnanimous enough to forgive. This subordinate will now take you to see Wángzǐ Diànxià."

That guard's eyes widen. Most likely he only now understood who 'General Shen' was and looked at the other person with suspicion as it seemed that he did not expect that the other person would come at this time.

Shen Xin was filled with anger. He tossed and turned restlessly in bed these days, and every time he thought about the suspicion he made a few days before, he couldn't sleep well. One expected that as time passed, this matter would eventually go away, but one did not think that as time passed, one's heart would be unable to let it go.

Shen Xin was not one to stir things up, so if he had any suspicions, he had to clear them up, particularly because this was a matter concerning Shen Miao's lifelong case. As a result, he eventually decided to pay a visit to Prince Rui's residence. Whatever the outcome, he must comprehend everything.

Who knew that when he entered, there would be a guard with no eyes, making his already anxious heart even more uneasy.

Fortunately, Tie Yi saw the situation and saw that Shen Xing seemed to be unhappy, so he thought up ways to light up his mind. He said that recently, everyone in Prince Rui's residence had been preoccupied with the marriage so that Shen Miao could be married grandly and Ming Qi would not lose face.

It was exactly as Tie Yi had said as Shen Xin followed him. Everyone in Prince Rui's residence was putting up decorations and making it very festive. Regardless, the people in Prince Rui's residence regarded this marriage highly, and it was something that made one feel happy, so Shen Xin's heart was better.

After arriving at the door of a room, Tie Yi stopped and said, "This subordinate cannot enter Wángzǐ Diànxià's study room. One had already reported so General Shen can enter directly."

Shen Xin was hoping that the discussion he would have with Prince Rui would be very confidential and would not be heard by outsiders in a while. It would be much more convenient if the servants were unable to enter the study room. At the same time, he had some reservations in his heart. Prince Rui did not allow servants to enter and only wanted him to enter alone; could he be taking care of him later? However, he changed his mind in an instant. For Prince Rui's talents shown with Shen Qiu, he would not be in a state where his hands were tied and he was unable to do anything.

Despite having too many thoughts, Shen Xin's face remained calm as he raised his foot to enter. However, he saw a white fuzzy thing dash out the entrance, and upon closer inspection, it was a white tiger. It was just that its body was still tiny and whining as it ran over.

Shen Xin slashed his spear at it almost unconsciously.

Tie Yi quickly brought the white tiger away, and Shen Xin took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

Prince Rui sat on the chair, reading. His sitting stance was sloppy, as he flipped the pages casually, as though he was just taking a quick glance at it and not reading it seriously.

Shen Xin frowned, "Rui Wáng."

Unlike Luo Xue Yan, Shen Xin was unable to call Prince Rui 'Jing Xing' even though he had warmly encouraged the Shen family to do so, and Luo Xue Yan had done so. Males and females were not the same. Females could use their intuition to determine whether an individual was friendly or malicious, but males could not. Shen Xin, in particular, tended to make decisions based on facts.

Prince Rui raised his head and placed the book on the table. Shen Xin noticed that it was a military book, and it was a difficult-to-understand military book that was usually understood by older Generals. Prince Rui was twenty-two years old, and reading those books meant he was either acting or concealing his true intelligence.

Prior to his meeting with Prince Rui, Shen Xin considered Prince Rui to be Emperor Yong Le's blooded younger brother, and therefore an idle prince who behaved loosely and rudely. However, ever since that day when he sparred with Shen Qiu, Shen Xin had the impression that Prince Rui was not so simple.

Perhaps this was a male's intuition.

"May General Shen accompany me to play a game of chess." He did not call out 'Master Shen' or other more intimate address and it felt that there are different meanings to it.

Shen Xin said, "I do not know how to play chess."

"War chess." Prince Rui raised his hand and placed the chessboard on the table and passed a jar of white pieces to Shen Xin and kept the jar of black pieces to himself before saying, "General Shen and I use this board as a country, chess moves as boundaries, chess pieces as soldiers and battle in a game. How about it?"

When Shen Xin heard about it, he was filled with energy and seeing that the other party was young, he felt dissatisfied at being taken lightly and said, "Play then play."

Two of them set up the chess pieces and began playing.

Unlike Prince Rui's appearance, Shen Xin was taken aback by Prince Rui's chess style, as the other party was young but exuded the shrewd and ruthless air of someone far older. It was quite difficult for one's mind to play war chess because every move had to be carefully considered before being made. But when Prince Rui played, he didn't seem to think much and just placed it wherever he wanted. If one looked closely at the seemingly easily positioned pieces, one would notice that they were placed very deftly.

Shen Xin's war chess was not bad, but when compared to Prince Rui, it became unfavourable. Shen Xin seemed to be under the impression that Prince Rui had already played this game of chess. Otherwise, how would Prince Rui know where to place his next piece?

When the game was over, it was unsurprising that Shen Xin had lost.

Shen Xin waved his hands, "Another round."

"It would still be the same." Prince Rui said.

"What is the meaning of it?" Shen Xin frowned.

"You will lose." He said.

Shen Xin had lived for so long that Emperor Wen Hui had to offer him enough face, and no one else dared to talk to him like this except Luo Xue Yan. He became outraged immediately and was about to detonate when he saw Prince Rui say lightly, "One feared that for General Shen to come to Rui Wáng's residence today, it would not be for chess." He asked with his lips hooked, "What is the matter?" "

Shen Xin's vitriolic words clung to his throat.

Prince Rui still seemed to have the ability to divert the subject without leaving a trace, as if nothing had been said previously. This talent was similar to that of the Marquis of Lin An, Xie Ding, when he was younger. He was still this frivolous when Xie Ding and Shen Xin battled. Shen Xin had an honest temperament and would always be serious, but Xie Ding would play him like a fool.

He recalled the reason for his visit to Prince Rui's residence when he thought about Xie Ding. Shen Xin had no need to be angry with Prince Rui after thinking about this. He stared into Prince Rui's eyes and asked slowly, "Previously, when you were sparring with Shen Qiu in the Shen Mansion, where did you learn the locking the dagger to the throat move?" "

When Prince Rui heard it, he grinned and said, "General Shen is referring to the 'locking the dagger to the throat' move? I slowly deployed it, trusting that General Shen had seen it clearly. Is it possible that I need to show it to General Shen again?"

Shen Xin was startled, and his heart pounded. Prince Rui did it deliberately, after all.

That day, he said the locking of the dagger to the throat seemed to have been deliberately slowed down, as though it was intentionally allowing him to see what it was. Shen Xin was unable to express his feelings when he heard Prince Rui admitting to it, but he became more suspicious when he asked, "You know that it is called 'locking the dagger to the throat'. How did you acquire the skills?"

"Have long known about it." Prince Rui said sloppily, "Didn't General Shen see it before?"

Didn't General Shen see it before?

Shen Xin's brain crashed, and it felt like lightning struck his heart, causing him to tremble.

Many years before, on the streets of Ming Qi, he had inadvertently seen the heir to the Marquis of Lin An's residence. Xie Ding's Di-son had used this move against others, and he was thinking at the time that Xie Jing Xing's move was much more powerful than his father's.

Now Prince Rui made a point of saying, "Didn't General Shen see it before?"

Prince Rui had never been to Ming Qi before, and Shen Xin had never seen anyone else execute this move.

A storm raged in Shen Xin's heart, and for a brief moment, he was so overwhelmed that he didn't know whether to show shock or disgust, but his heart was calm. He had been sleepless for days, but now that all had been confirmed, he realized his suspicions were accurate.

"Are you Xie Jing Xing or not?" he inquired.

Prince Rui took off his mask.

Shen Xin sucked in a mouthful of cold air.

The Shen family's relation with the Marquis of Lin An's residence had never been good, but as a result, Shen Xin had the best understanding of the Marquis of Lin An's residence. Xie Ding had a son to restrain him, and while Shen Xin appeared amused, he secretly respected Xie Jing Xing and felt that, while this youth was a little stubborn, he possessed the kind of truthfulness and independence that many noble gentlemen lacked.

As a result, Shen Xin vividly recalled Xie Jing Xing's appearance.

The individual in front of him was much more mature and attractive, but there was still a shadow of his former self between his brows, where Shen Xin understood at that moment. Everything which was bothering him seemed to have an answer.

"What's going on here?" Shen Xin questioned. "Shouldn't you explain it? "

His tone was that of an older generation chastising a younger generation. So much so that Shen Xin had the ludicrous illusion that he was assisting Xie Ding in disciplining his son.

"May Yuèfù (wife's father) drink some tea and slowly listen," Xie Jing Xing spoke as he poured a cup of tea for Shen Xin.

In the next half a shichen (1 shichen = 2 hours) Shen Xin had heard a shocking secret that he had never thought of from Xie Jing Xing's mouth.

Shen Xin had never imagined that Xie Jing Xing would turn out to be Great Liang's Prince of the First Rank and that his life would be so strange and difficult. He had no idea that Xie Jing Xing would have the audacity to strut freely to Ming Qi after becoming Prince Rui of Great Liang and not fear what kind of trouble he would cause himself if his identity was revealed.

Shen Xin's heart was filled with rage, frustration, guilt, hesitation, and all the numerous complex emotions were mixed together after hearing Xie Jing Xing's words. He knew immediately, however, what decision he needed to make right now. "Since you have this identity, Jiao Jiao cannot marry you," he stated.

"Why?" Xie Jing Xing asked.

"Your objective is not just to come for Ming Qi's tribute," Shen Xin continued, "Great Liang's ambitions would not end here, and there would come a day when Great Liang would take action against Ming Qi. You will meet us with troops at that time. What kind of difficult situation are you putting Jiao Jiao in if she marries you? Might it be that she has to choose between you and Ming Qi? I will not place Jiao Jiao in such peril, even if I defy the Imperial decree."

"Yuèfù is too anxious." Xie Jing Xing laughed carelessly, "She knows of my identity and is far more aware of the position she is in than you are." Perhaps you should consider the Shen family's relationship with Ming Qi."

When Shen Xin realized there were hidden meanings in his words, his brows furrowed and he inquired, "What do you mean?" "

Xie Jing Xing snapped his fingers and his gaze was drawn to the recently completed game on the chessboard. The majority of Shen Xin's white chess pieces had been consumed on the chessboard, while Xie Jing Xing's black pieces had filled the board. Shen Xin had suffered a crushing defeat, but it seemed that this game was lacking in aggressiveness. "The game one played with Yuèfù was me using the identity of Ming Qi's Imperial family to play with Yuèfù," Xie Jing Xing explained. "Didn't Yuèfù recognize it? "

Shen Xin abruptly looked up and exclaimed angrily, "Nonsense!"

Whether it is nonsense or not, both of us are clear." Xie Jing Xing's smile faded, and the lazy look was put away. What remained was a very blunt and sharp look, "What attitude Ming Qi has of Shen family, I don't believe Yuèfù never saw before. In reality, if it hadn't been for Shen Miao's sly dealings of the situation the Shen family would not have been able to prioritize protection over matters of principle. I am not a Buddhist, but I am not able to see Shen Miao defending your Shen family when you all know nothing about it. She is only a young lady but she had to be a bad person. I cannot bear it."

The beard on Shen Xin's lips was straight, but he grasped the pivotal meaning in Xie Jing Xing's words and inquired, "What happened to Jiao Jiao? What exactly do your words mean? Explain to me." (HidAnas: What does Shen Xin grasping the essential details have to do with his beard being straight? Can anyone tell me???)

"Yuèfù and Yuèmǔ are often stationed in the Northwest area and have hearts that are overflowing with all under Heavens, so you will naturally be too busy and unable to look after Shen Miao, but I was lucky enough to remember. What do you think the Shen family's Second and Third Households are like? Initially, they banded together with Yu Qīnwáng and wanted to send Shen Miao to Yu Wáng's bed, even using a bewitching incense. What happened to Shen Yuan? How did Ren Wan Yun lose his mind? How did Shen Gui and Shen Wan end up in heated water? Jing Chu Chu and Jing Guan Sheng popped up. It is fine if the Shen family schemed against Shen Miao but the Imperial family of Ming Qi had never had any qualms on taking your head."

"Who do you think dealt with it when you withdrew to Xiao Chun City at first, that the Su Yu of the Su family unexpectedly appeared personally and succeeded by a lucky stroke to let the Huángdì give a way out? Was it really a coincidence that the Shen family would withdraw safely every time?" (皇帝 Huángdì is a title while 皇上 Huángshàng is an honorific)

Shen Xin seemed to have been struck by lightning.

These incidents occurred upon his and Luo Xue Yan's return to Ding capital city, and he, too, was suspicious that something was unusual, but every time he investigated, nothing was discovered at the end, and afterwards, since there were too many matters in the army, he did not have much time to be entangled in, and thus pushed it to the back of his mind.

Shen Miao didn't mention it, so Shen Xin ignored it. Shen Xin was speechless after hearing all of this from Xie Jing Xing. He couldn't tell if he was shocked or angry.

"It was all Shen Miao's scheme for the Shen family's Second and Third Households to walk to such a point. General Shen should not blame her for being vicious and merciless. If she didn't, the grass at her gravestone would be more than a Zhang (1 Zhang = 10 feet = 3.3m) high." Xie Jing Xing's words were sarcastic, but his eyes were so sharp that one can not breathe. "Perhaps Yuèfù is a good General to everyone under Heavens, but I have a feeling it may not be the case for Shen Miao," he said. " I'm not sure why she takes on all of these responsibilities as if she owed the Shen family. Even though I believe General Shen is not a good Fùqīn, the Shen family is extremely fortunate to have raised a Guīnǚ like Shen Miao."

"She had devised thousands of plans and hundreds of tactics to protect the Shen family in order to assist you all. Shen Miao will have to deal with the Imperial family of Ming Qi in the future, so when General Shen said that Shen Miao would be in a difficult situation, I do not know if you really understand Shen Miao," he said coldly and mockingly.

Shen Xin sat on the chair and at this moment, he suddenly did not have any expression.

"On the contrary, although my friendship with Shen Miao is not too deep, in any case, we have suffered from the same pains and sorrows. Together, hearing of good people having short nights and coming out of plans during the night. I have saved her life and resolve her distressing situations." Xie Jing Xing said, "Why can't I marry her?"

Suddenly, unbounded exhaustion appeared in Shen Xin's heart. That Shen Miao that Xie Jing Xing mention was not what he was familiar with. Even those matters that Shen Miao had experienced were something that he was totally unaware of. Just like what Xie Jing Xing said, to his daughter, he only knew how to dote but did not have the basic understanding of. Just what was he doing all these years?

He looked at the remaining chess pieces on the chessboard. After looking for a long time, till his eyes began to feel sour, he then said lightly, "Tell it all to me."

"All matters of Jiao Jiao that you know, tell all of it to me."


When Pei Lang was awake, he was at an unfamiliar place. There were many well-dress maids that were supporting him to drink the medication. In Pei Lang's memory, before he fainted, he was at the underground prison in the residence of Prince Ding and a black-clad person rescued him from the fire. Perhaps, because he was rescued, he was still alive now.

He did not know who was the person who rescued him and did not know why did that person want to rescue him. After asking the maids that were serving him, he only knew that this was the residence of Prince Rui.

Pei Lang was vaguely aware that Shen Miao might have a friendship with Prince Rui, but he had no idea where the friendship stood. He asserted that Prince Rui would not keep him here for no reason and that if he did, it would undoubtedly be because of Shen Miao. Shen Miao did not give up on him, and his heart was slightly moved when he thought about it.

It was as if everything he had endured had been worthwhile at this moment. Despite the fact that Pei Lang had no idea where this inexplicable idea came from.

Just as he was thinking, the doors of the room opened and a young man walked in from outside. Carrying a medical box and sitting down in front of him, as if the man wanted to take his pulse.

Pei Lang didn't look closely at first and assumed it was a doctor invited by Prince Rui's residence. He was slightly startled when he saw that doctor's appearance and immediately called out, "Imperial Physician Gao."

His action was too large and touched the wounds on his body, causing him to wince in pain. "Don't need to be this surprise," Gao Yang said as he pressed his wound. "Take care not to aggravate the injuries."

When Pei Lang looked at Gao Yang, a slew of thoughts raced through his mind. Gao Yang was the Imperial Medical Institute's youngest Imperial Physician, and no one could say for certain about his medical abilities. The Imperial family, on the other hand, adored this young Imperial Physician, most likely because he knew how to speak and could always make Emperor Wen Hui happy. In addition to his attractive features, it made him appear much more appealing to the Consorts than those old men.

Since he was an Imperial Physician in the Palace, he would not treat others outside the Palace for no reason, especially since this was Prince Rui's residence. Pei Lang's first thought was that Prince Rui had requested that Emperor Wen Hui lend him Gao Yang, but this was quickly dismissed by Pei Lang. Even if Gao Yang were the only cherished doctor with high medical skills in Ding capital city, he would not be the only one, and Prince Rui would not need to insist on Gao Yang and alert the Imperial family.

Then there was the possibility that Gao Yang had a secret friendship with Prince Rui.

This possibility was as shocking as setting fire to the entire world. He looked up at Gao Yang with scepticism in his eyes, but he still smiled gently and elegantly as he inquired, "How is Imperial Physician Gao here?"

As Gao Yang took Pei Lang's pulse, he said, "Rui Wáng called me over to take a look at you so I came over." As he was feeling his pulse, he said, "It is almost stable. But previously, Ding Wáng had used torture on both of your legs and the muscles and bones were harmed. I have to give you acupuncture, else, both of your legs would be crippled not long after."

Pei Lang was stunned. Fu Xiu Yi was really vicious towards him and seemed to hate people that betrayed him. Even though he did not want his life, he did not think of keeping him. Thus, he did not care much about one's physical disabilities. In fact, if no one saved him during that big fire, accordingly to Fu Xiu Yi's instructions, his kneecaps would be dug out in these few days.

Hearing Gao Yang's words at this moment, even though Pei Lang was always calm, he could not help but feel like he had gained a new lease of life in his heart.

"Fu Xiu Yi is really cruel." Gao Yang took out a row of golden needles from the medical box and rolled up his sleeves before slowly applying the needles on him as he said, "One could not see the ruthlessness in his heart from his appearance."

Pei Lang's heart moved. Gao Yang was, after all, Ming Qi's official and an Imperial Physician who specialised in treating the Imperial family but he actually called Prince Ding's name and not only that, when he spoke of Fu Xiu Yi, there were no traces of respect in his tone, as if this was an insignificant person. With Gao Yang's identity, he was not cautious which made this somewhat strange.

Gao Yang did not even lift his head as he concentrated on inserting needles for Pei Lang when he suddenly said, "Do you want to ask what kind of relationship do I have with Rui Wáng?"

Pei Lang paused and smiled, "Is Imperial Physician Gao willing to tell this one?"

"Not to hid it from you, I am Rui Wáng's person." Gao Yang said.

This time, it was Pei lang that did not believe it. He was in total shock at Gao Yang's identity but what was most shocking was that Gao Yang told him of this secret without hiding anything. Then what was Gao Yang considered? A spy that Great Liang sent to Ming Qi to spy on the Imperial family of Ming Qi? For what reason? To poison Emperor Wen Hui?

Or was it that he was simply bought over by Prince Rui and became a traitor?

"Are you surprised why I would tell you such a big secret?" Gao Yang seemed to be able to guess Pei Lang's thoughts and continued speaking.

"Correct." Pei Lang said frankly, "I indeed do not understand."

"What's the huge deal about it? " Gao Yang smiled, "A large fire was started in Ding Wáng's residence, and after the fire is extinguished, Fu Xiu Yi will send people to look for the corpse, but they will not be able to find yours. Fu Xiu Yi is not a fool, and he will know that you were rescued and that the person who rescued you had set fire to his underground prison. Naturally, Fu Xiu Yi will place this entire account on your head. Only the residence of Rui Wáng in the entire Ming Qi could protect you if you enraged the residence of Ding Wáng. Whether you want it or not, you are bound to Rui Wáng's residence, and as such, we are all insiders, so what secrets cannot be revealed? We are all ants in the same boat," Gao Yang said as he looked up and smiled at Pei Lang.

Pei Lang had no idea what had happened to force him to be tied together, and the phrase 'ants on the same boat' was used. His heart was gloomy, but it wasn't either. However, he quickly recognized the key point in Gao Yang's words, "The fire in Ding Wáng's residence was set by you all?" "

Gao Yang acknowledged, "Of course."

Pei Lang took a deep breath of cold air. That underground prison was considered the most important place in Prince Ding's residence, and all of the people locked up were thought to be very useful to Fu Xiu Yi. Pei Lang could tell Fu Xiu Yi's heart was erupting in angry flames because it was burnt down by a fire. There was a person beneath the Heavens who would do such a thing. Gao Yang was correct in his assessment; the only place Fu Xiu Yi was afraid of, in the entire Ding capital city, was Prince Rui's residence, and only Prince Rui's residence could protect him.

Pei Lang hesitated for a moment but still asked the question that he wanted to be answered in his heart, "Did Rui Wáng rescue me?"

"Otherwise who would have such an ability to rescue you?" Gao Yang said, "No one would dare to take such a risk."

"But why would he rescue me?" Pei Lang asked probingly, "Because others requested him to do so?" He did not know if Gao Yang knew about Shen Miao's matter and thus dared not speak of Shen Miao as he feared that he would bring trouble to Shen Miao.

Gao Yang looking at him profoundly and inserted a golden needle into his knees. Pei Lang frowned slightly and heard Gao Yang speaking, "Correct, because our Wángfēi requested."

"Wángfēi?" Pei Lang was startled. He had not heard that Prince Rui had a consort and did not know what relations Prince Rui Consort would have with him and asked, "Why did Wángfēi?"

"Most likely it was because of the teacher and student relationship with you." Gao Yang smiled thoughtfully, "Rui Wángfēi after all, was your student before."

Pei Lang, "She is?"

"Shen Miao."