
It was considered happy but not all that happy at the start of the new year in Ming Qi.

The happy thing was that the entire family was together, and the sad thing was that Shen Miao would be married into Great Liang's Imperial family after the New Year. As the day approached, everyone in the Shen family was so preoccupied that their feet did not touch the ground. Guards, servants, and maids would be part of Shen Miao's dowry. Even the routes that Great Liang's horse carriages would take had to be planned.

Even though Shen Xin's dowry for Shen Miao was not comparable to Xie Jing Xing's betrothal gifts, it was substantial. He did not give shops or land because they could not be used in Great Liang, furniture was not brought due to the wearing of the horses and carriages, and everything else, with the exception of some rare and precious jewellery, was changed into taels of silver. Other things may have been unnecessary in another country, but taels of silver were required. Having silver in hand was far more convenient.

Shen Xin and his wife had initially prepared enough money for Shen Miao, but Shen Qiu secretly pulled Shen Miao to the side and took out a thick wad of notes from his sleeve, "These are notes that can also be used in Great Liang." He then said embarrassedly, "Gēgē do not have extra things and only have these silver notes for you. I hope Mèimèi doesn't complain about how small it is."

A warm current passed through Shen Miao's heart as she looked at the crumpled silver notes that Shen Qiu was holding. Shen Qiu was, after all, a young man, and those soldiers in the army had worked hard for him, so Shen Qiu should naturally reciprocate by treating them to a meal or something. Shen Qiu's salary was grossly inadequate, and the majority of it was based on previous military achievements. Shen Miao was moved that he did not save it for when he started a family, but instead gave it to her, "Gēgē, the money that Fùqīn and Mǔqīn gave can feed one for an entire lifetime. Why are you giving more to me? "

"Fùqīn and Mǔqīn are Fùqīn and Mǔqīn. Gēgē is Gēgē. How could what I give you the same as what Fùqīn and Mǔqīn gave?" Shen Qiu became anxious and pushed the silver notes into Shen Miao's hands and left without even turning around. Shen Miao did not know if she should laugh or cry as she watched his retreating back and thought to instruct Mo Qing to secretly return it back to him when there was an opportunity.

Just as she was thinking, she saw Shen Xin walking in from outside, "Jiao Jiao, Fùqīn has some things to say. Come, let's go to the study."

When Luo Xue Yan heard it, she wanted to follow, "Just nice, Mǔqīn also has some words to pass to you."

"It would not be late for Fūrén to speak after a while." Shen Xin said, "Let Jiao Jiao and I say a few words alone."

Luo Xue Yan snorted but did not follow in. She thought that Shen Xin wanted to secretly give some money or something else to Shen Miao, and thus, did not think much.

Shen Miao followed Shen Xin to the study, where Shen Xin instructed the servants to guard the door before allowing Shen Miao to sit in front of the table and bringing her some snacks and tea. He sighed deeply after taking a seat opposite Shen Miao "Jiao Jiao will be married in a few days time. I intended to send Mo Qing with you to Great Liang." Shen Xin resumed speaking after a brief pause "Even though Rui Wáng is Yong Le Huángdì's bāo dì (胞弟 - blood younger brother) and has a status in Great Liang, there are many matters in the Imperial family, and some are not as simple as they appear. You must not have any grievances at that time. If you are bullied, go tell Rui Wáng. Rui Wáng has to protect you as you're the one he married back with thousands of gold. Don't carry it by yourself and hand it over to him."

Shen Miao complied.

"If Rui Wáng cannot protect you, you need not be afraid as there your still your Fùmǔ. I have selected a few people in the Shen Army that are not ordinary even though they cannot be compared to Mo Qing. They would be dressed up as guards that are part of your dowry. Anyhow, one cannot let yourself be at a disadvantage."

Shen Xin was assiduously teaching and guiding, and after much thought, Shen Miao couldn't help but ask, "Fùqīn, do you and Mǔqīn have thoughts of leaving Ming Qi?"

Shen Xin was taken aback and stared at Shen Miao, speechless.

Shen Miao would say everything out loud since the words were spoken, "Since I will be married to Great Liang, Huángdì will undoubtedly be estranged from the Shen family. Despite the fact that Fù Mǔ are brave generals, Huángdì will not value you in the future. Jūnzhǔ's mind has always been difficult to decipher, and if Huángdì has other plans, why not follow me to Great Liang under the guise of being concerned? Just let the military power go because if one stays in Ming Qi, the military power may be taken back one day." (君主 Jūnzhǔ - Monarch)

She spoke tactfully and if it was before, after hearing Shen Miao's words, Shen Xin would certainly be confused. But after that day where Xie Jing Xing spoke to him for a long time and then listening to Shen Miao's suggestion, Shen Xin immediately understood. He could not help but laugh bitterly, so it turned out to be it covertly or overtly, his daughter had already warned him so many times. Why did he not take those words to heart? Was it because of the Shen family's training of being loyal to the country? Or was it he did not trust from the bottom of his heart that Shen Miao's words were true?

Shen Xin said, "The Imperial family wants to suppress the Shen family and fearing of the military power in my hands, they would not let the Shen family leave Ming Qi that easily. Moreover, they still want to use the Shen family to control you."

Shen Miao was startled. All along she was apprehensive towards Shen Xin and would not make Ming Qi's Imperial family's indifference too clearly. It was not because she felt that Shen Xin was stupidly loyal but because Shen Xin was taught by Old General Shen since young to be loyal to the Monarch and dedicate himself to the service of the country. To make one overthrow the thing that one revered for so many decades was a long process that in the end, some people would not be able to do it in their lifetime. However, Shen Xin's words seemed to have penetrated through it.

Shen Xin said, "Fùqīn knows of Jiao Jiao's concern but Fùqīn cannot leave."

"If Fùqīn makes up his mind and some means are used, one will be able to leave," Shen Miao stated. "The Imperial family wants to use the Shen family to control me and me to control the Shen family. What a scheme. They are not afraid of suffering a double loss," she continued, there was some viciousness in her brows and her tone became sharp.

Shen Xin laughed loudly, "I used to think Jiao Jiao was too soft and did not appear to be a gūniáng of my military lineage family. There is a heroic sense in seeing you like this, like this Fùqīn. The heart is firm and does not yield to force. Very good!" He drank a mouthful of tea and said, "Jiao Jiao is so intelligent, it won't be hard to find a way out, but what about the future?" "

"Future? " Shen Miao was doubtful, "What future? "

"Jiao Jiao," Shen Xin exclaimed abruptly, "The Imperial family regards the Shen family as a thorn in the flesh, so even if Ming Qi flourishes one day, the Shen family will still become the fish on the chopping board that anyone could slaughter." Shen Xin sighed deeply, "Our Shen family are straight and do not fear of crooked shadows, and one does not even fear death. It is just that one is unwilling to see your Mǔqīn, Dàgē, and even you implicated, and even more unwilling to see the righteousness of the Shen family's generations and the loyalty of your Grandfather and ancestors be insulted by others."

Shen Miao's heart was pounding in her chest. She had guessed what Shen Xin was going to say, but she did not dare to believe it.

In the next moment, one heard Shen Xin's voice rang out, "This loyal servant of the Imperial Family, I, Shen Xin, no longer want to be one."

Shen Miao looked up suddenly and said, "Fùqīn."

"Jiao Jiao does not need to persuade me." Shen Xin smiled heartily, "Even though your Fùqīn am loyal, I would not be loyal to people who have hearts of wolves and lungs of dogs. And would not bet the entire family's life. Moreover, one could clearly see that if our Shen family follow you to Great Liang, if one day Great Liang attack Ming Qi, the commoners under Heavens would scold our Shen family for being rebels and traitors and would also scold you for giving succour to the enemy. We cannot carry such an unfathomable dirty reputation."

"Moreover, if we remained in Ding capital city and you marry afar, if there is a day where Ming Qi's and Great Liang's troops meet, you should not make an appearance. You are only a female and live like duckweed as one is alone in a foreign country, everything is not of one's own volition so the commoners would not blame you. Our Shen family will be in Ming Qi and it would not be possible to collude with Great Liang and naturally it would be unwarranted for one to carry those reputations."

Shen Miao shook her head, "Like that then could it be that Fùqīn wants to use the Shen Army to represent Ming Qi to go to war with Great Liang?"

"No." Shen Xin smiled, "Before that, Bìxià would take action against the Shen family. Even if Huángdì does not take action, I have ways to let him take action against the Shen family." Shen Xin looked at the tea on the table, "The Imperial family is full of suspicion and only some actions need to be taken before Huángdì would hear some empty rumours. Huángdì is already jealous and fear the Shen family for very long and would definitely not be able to sit still and take action." He said it sarcastically. After going to the battlefield for Emperor Wen Hui for so many years, protecting the country, risking life and limb but as long as some vile character say some rumours to Emperor Wen Hui, he would forget the loyalty that the official had shown and did not hesitate to eliminate the other party.

Once there was a threat to his Imperial throne or there was a little doubt, Emperor Wen Hui would not leave any future problems for himself.

"Upon waiting till that day," Shen Xin's gaze suddenly became solemn, "On the day when the Imperial family is unjust and heartless to the Shen family, it will be the time for the Shen family to rise up in arms."

Not willing to smear the Shen family name but not willing to sacrifice the people because of one's innocence and become the victim of the despicable Imperial power, thus, one had to let all the commoners under Heavens see clearly it was the Imperial family that was heartless to the Shen family, thus, the Shen family became disloyal.

Perhaps, when compared to the Imperial family, the Formidable Great General with heroic and meritorious deeds had far more prestige in the eyes of the people of Ming Qi. Shen Xin desired to exploit this advantage to compete with the Imperial family.

This was the Shen family's counterattack against Ming Qi's Imperial family.

But Shen Miao's thoughts were not on this at the time. This was not Shen Xin's style of action, she rationalized.

The Shen family was plain and honest, stating what needed to be spoken and refusing to toy or plot with people's hearts. Apart from being on the battlefield, they would be as clean as a sheet of white paper most of the time. This was why, upon Shen Miao's rebirth, she took on everything. First, the Shen family could not manipulate people's hearts, and second, she feared that her current demeanour would be perceived as sinister, treacherous, and vicious by the Shen family.

However, Shen Xin was currently plotting a strategy in the background. Shen Xin would never take the initiative unless he had heard something from someone or if someone had made a request. Shen Miao's initial thought was of a person, Xie Jing Xing.

She stared at Shen Xin and wanted to say something, but she was speechless for a moment.

Shen Xin seemed to see her internal entanglement and chuckled as he patted her head, "I used to feel Jiao Jiao won't grow up, but when Jiao Jiao stayed in Ding capital city alone, Jiao Jiao grew up. I used to think that being so matured as a gūniáng was a bad thing, but Fùqīn is now glad. Like this, even if Fùqīn and Mǔqīn are not by your side, Jiao Jiao can still protect oneself," he said tenderly.

"Fùqīn, if the Shen family cannot protect oneself, then write to Great Liang," Shen Miao remarked. "I am the Shen family's daughter, I will find a way."

"These are actions that men should take. Do you genuinely regard yourself as a man, despite the fact that you're a gūniáng? But our Jiao Jiao is the greatest gūniáng in the world," Shen Xin laughed. " Thinking about it, it is a loss to marry off to Prince Rui."

Shen Miao felt her nose was sore and it seemed that from this moment on, she clearly understood that in this lifetime, after rebirth, she would be leaving her family.

"Despite the fact that this individual, Rui Wáng, is deceptive and cruel, he is considered as trustworthy. He would protect you since he pledged to marry you. If you like him, don't need to have any trepidation. Like what you like and do what you want."

"I understand." Shen Miao stated softly.

Shen Xin glanced at Shen Miao for a long time before smiling and saying, "After a few years, Fùqīn guarantees you, that one will surely go search for you in a few years."

"I will wait for Fùqīn," Shen Miao said with a small smile.

From that day when Shen Xin and Shen Miao had the long secret-talk onwards, Shen Xin's and Shen Miao's relationship seemed to be closer and Shen Miao would often watch Shen Xin practice in the courtyard. It made Shen Qiu angry but he only said, "Lately Mèimèi sticks to Fùqīn all day that one does not care about me anymore."

Shen Miao had the feeling that there was some sort of secret tacit understanding between Shen Xin and herself, and that Shen Xin had become the person in the Shen family who understood her the most, so she spoke without hesitation. Most of the time, she would advise Shen Xin to be wary of the Imperial family because she had spent so much time in the Palace in her previous life and had some understanding of Ming Qi's Imperial family. Shen Xin was taken aback when she told him because he had no idea where Shen Miao had learned all of this. Naturally, Shen Miao pushed all the credit to Xie Jing Xing without hesitation, prompting Shen Xin to be wary of Xie Jing Xing. With such trickery and schemes, one could not be underestimated and had to be on guard against, or else he would be counting money for Xie Jing Xing after being sold off.

Shen Miao had asked Xie Jing Xing if he had said anything to Shen Xin. Xie Jing Xing neither admitted nor denied it. Shen Miao understood in her heart after seeing his demeanour. When asked what would happen to the Shen family in the future, Xie Jing Xing stated that he still had plans in Ming Qi's Ding capital city and that nothing would happen to the Shen family. Shen Miao felt secure after hearing these words from him.

In a blink of an eye, time had flown to the night before the marriage.

On the next day, Shen Miao will be married off from the Shen family and the sedan carriage would go round the entire city and the ceremony would be completed festively before leaving Ding capital city gates, leaving Ming Qi in grandiose as it heads towards Great Liang.

The things that should be brought will be brought and the people that should be following also would be following. Shen Miao did not forget about Pei Lang at all. Currently, with Pei Lang's identity, it was very dangerous for him to remain in Ding capital city as Fu Xiu Yi would dig three Che (1 Che = 1 foot) to the ground to look for him. It was better to let Pei Lang hide in the marriage entourage and head together to Great Liang.

Shen Miao had anticipated that because of Liu Ying, Pei Lang would be reluctant to travel to Great Liang and had planned to persuade him, but she only mentioned it in the letter, and Pei Lang agreed to it straightforwardly. This made Shen Miao suspicious, and she reasoned that it could have been Xie Jing Xing who persuaded Pei Lang, but she also reasoned that Xie Jing Xing would not do such a thing. Whether Pei Lang stayed in Ming Qi or went to Great Liang, whether he was dead or alive, Xie Jing Xing would most likely not even consider it.

Shen Miao's wedding is tomorrow, but aside from the entire Shen residence having a sleepless night today, there were others who were in no mood to sleep.

The Princess Residence was one.

Princess Rong Xin returned to the room after a walk and all the servants were dismissed by her. She only feared that her abnormal behaviour would be suspicious to others.

Even though Princess Rong Xin had many doubts since discovering that Prince Rui's identity was Xie Jing Xing, she had never taken the initiative to go to Prince Rui's residence to question Xie Jing Xing. She was well aware that the Heavenly family had many ears and eyes, and that just because she was no longer a Princess with worldly concerns did not mean that no one was watching her every move. What if those people detected something and discovered Xie Jing Xing's identity?

Princess Rong Xin harboured lingering feelings for Xie Jing Xing. She was wary of him, suspected him, but couldn't forget the many moons of companionship, and couldn't forget that during those lonely days, it was Xie Jing Xing who came over to talk to her and help her get through the difficult times of being a widow.

Human emotions were complicated because there was no such thing as pure love or hatred. Many things would be made easier if it were easier to tell the difference between love and hate. The most difficult aspect was the complication of love, in which one was unable to harden one's heart but was unable to remain unaffected.

Tomorrow, Shen Miao will marry off, and Xie Jing Xing will leave Ming Qi's Ding capital. The next time Xie Jing Xing steps onto Ming Qi after his return to Great Liang, it could be the time when both armies meet or when he comes to flatten Ding capital city.

Princess Rong Xin was not only the Yímǔ of Xie Jing Xing's past but also the Princess of Ming Qi. One had to always make a decision in front of the country and family. Furthermore, there were elements of deception in these family relationships.

She eventually made her way to the front of the table, sat, and pulled out a brush and paper. She dipped the brush in ink and was about to write on the paper when she abruptly came to a halt just above the paper as if she was tangled up.

When this letter was written, when this letter was sent, it didn't matter if no one knew about Xie Jing Xing or if he would be blamed by tens of thousands of people or even put in danger, one thing was certain: once this letter was finished, it meant she had made a decision. All of her and Xie Jing Xing's previous sentiments would vanish at this moment.

It was a difficult transition from a close family member to a despised individual, whether for Princess Rong Xin or Xie Jing Xing. Princess Rong Xin dared not contemplate the outcome, but she had no choice.

She also did not expect that when she heard about Xie Jing Xing's death, she almost followed him, but now she had personally pushed Xie Jing Xing down a potentially fatal path.

She gritted her teeth and hurriedly wrote the letter.

Su Yu and Su Fūrén were looking at Su Ming Feng's closed study door in Ping Nan Bo's residence and looked at each other in dismay. Su Ming Feng had lived for twenty years and had fallen in love for the first time with a young lady. It was unfortunate that this marriage did not work out. Previously, the Su family was willing to risk offending the Crown Prince by allowing Su Ming Feng to marry Shen Miao first, but who knew the Crown Prince matter had passed and now a Prince Rui came attacking from thin air?

(Sorry guys! I was going through my notes and found that I had not made sure that there was consistency in the storyline… so from now on, whenever Count of Ping Nan is mentioned, it will be reverted to Ping Nan Bo as I had originally used in Chapter 15. I will also be revisiting my old chapters to correct the discrepancies.)

For someone like Shen Xin, who loved his daughter so much, the only option was to obey the Imperial decree and let his Di-daughter marry far away to Great Liang, despite the fact that the status of the residence of Ping Nan was much lower than the General residence.

Su Fūrén signed and said, "The plan now is only to wait as the days pass and Ming Feng would come to understand and forget the gūniáng of the Shen family."

"It is easier said than done." Su Yu shook his head, "Ming Feng's personality is like mine, long-lasting emotions. To change affection and forget the gūniáng of the Shen family, one feared that it would not be that easy." He looked at Su Fūrén, "It is useless for us to stand here. It is better for us to go back first and let Ming Feng think about it."

Su Fūrén glared at Su Yu, "One's feelings is not a piece of meat that fall off from your body, you don't even know about heartache. This is my son, seeing his heart hurting is more painful than cutting my own flesh."

"Then you, too, did not go in to persuade him. He doesn't listen so isn't it the same?" Su Yu said in a grievance. He then saw Su Ming Lang hugging a thick copybook for calligraphy as he walked past.

As Su Ming Lang grew, the liveliness during his childhood was finally put away and gradually became the second Su Ming Feng. However, Su Ming Lang was a little more snobbish than the gentle and courteous Su Ming Lang. Even now, when he saw his parents, he would put on airs of an adult which made Su Yu complained openly and discretely that Su Ming Lang was now no more adorable.

Su Yu called him, "Ming Lang."

Su Ming Lang stopped and walked over to the two of them before greeting his parents.

"Your Dàgē has suffered a blow today and is currently not in a good mood. Diē has an important thing to hand over to you. Go to your Dàgē's study and talk to him to persuade him."

Even though Su Ming Lang's temperament had some changes, he was still very close with Su Ming Feng. Upon thinking, it was true as Su Ming Lang matured late and looked as round as a meatball when young, thus, being teased by his friends or scolded by Su Yu. It was Su Ming Feng that would protect him every time and also plead Su Yu for leniency. Su Ming Lang was one that would think of those who dug the well when one drank the water, thus, he still remembered that his Oldest Brother treated him well when he was little.

Su Fūrén also said, "Yes. Yes. Ming Lang, go and ask your Dàgē to teach you to right or perhaps play cards with you. In all, don't let him be idle."

Su Ming Lang looked at the couple and said old fashionably, "You want me to persuade Dàgē not to be upset about Shen Jiějiě's marriage right?"

Su Yu and Su Fūrén, "…"

Su Ming Lang looked at the lantern that was still lit in the study, "We xiōngdì want to speak of things close to one's heart so if Diē and Niáng have nothing to say, do leave first. I will not let Dàgē throw himself into the river."

After half a beat, Su Fūrén then said, "Then, thanks, Ming Lang."

Su Ming Lang stepped towards Su Ming Feng's study and he pushed open the doors with great difficulty. He saw Su Ming Feng sitting in front of the desk with a complicated expression. These days, this expression often appeared on his face.

Su Ming Lang climbed onto the nearest chair to Su Ming Feng and sat properly before looking at Su Ming Feng, "Dàgē, if you like, go and fight."

Su Ming Feng, "…"

"A true man should have the courage to accept the consequences of one's action." Su Ming Lang encouraged him with a solemn attitude, "As a xiōngdì, I will definitely support you. Since you like the Xiǎojiě of the Shen family then go and snatch the bride over. Anyways compared to the whatever Wáng, Dàgē is much better."

Su Ming Feng laugh in spite of himself when he understood what Su Ming Lang was saying and shook his head, "What does her marrying to who has anything to do with me?"

"Then why are you upset?" Su Ming Lang asked curiously, "Do you not like Shen Jiějiě?"

"Don't listen to Mǔqīn's nonsense words. When did I like her?"

"But you still send people to investigate Shen Jiějiě secretly." Su Ming Feng accused, "If this is not like, what is?"

Su Ming Feng shook his head, "I did not do this because of like but because." He suddenly stopped speaking and a complex expression appeared on his face.

Su Ming Lang looked at him, "Dàgē, you look really strange now."

"Èr dì." Su Ming Feng suddenly said, "Do you still remember Xie Jing Xing of the residence of the Marquis of Lin An?"

"Xie Gēgē?" Su Ming Lang said, "Of course I remember. Is that not Dàgē's best friend? Dàgē said that Xie Gēgē left for a faraway place and will not be returning so in the future I must not mention Xie Gēgē. Why is it brought up today? Dàgē, is Xie Gēgē returning to Ding capital city?"

Su Ming Feng shook his head, "No." He asked, "You also think that he is my best friend?"

"Of course." Su Ming Lang said, "Even though Xie Gēgē is fierce, his mouth is bad and always like to bully me, but he treats our family rather well. Didn't Dàgē say before that Dàgē is the youngest of the residence of the Marquis of Lin An and Xie Gēgē is Dàgē's Gēgē?"

Su Ming Feng was silent.

Su Ming Lang looked at him curiously, "Is Dàgē quarrelling with Xie Gēgē?"

Su Ming Feng stood up, "No. I need to go out. Ming Lang, stay here and don't go anywhere."

The night of Ding capital city covered everything and in the Princess Residence and the residence of the Ping Nan Bo, the darkness was like an undercurrent waves tumultuous crashing against the reef under the calm water.

In the residence of Prince Ding, Fu Xiu Yi was sitting in the highest position.

His appearance looked a little haggard and this made his handsome appearance somewhat inferior. In the period before, a large fire burn down the underground prison of the residence of Prince Ding and Fu Xiu Yi almost smashed everything that could be destroyed in the room. However, before the raging anger was fully vented, the oncoming news made him even angrier. It was that Pei Lang's body was not found in the underground prison.

Obviously, Pei Lang was rescued and one naturally knew that the fire was set by the person who rescued Pei Lang.

Fu Xiu Yi was determined to dig three Che (1 Che = 1 foot) into the ground to find Pei Lang and the person behind Pei Lang for being so blatant and daring to behave atrociously in his residence of Prince Ding and, more importantly, ruining the thing that he valued. He assumed it was the Shen family, but the investigation revealed that it had nothing to do with the Shen family at all. Further investigation revealed that the clues had been severed and that there was no trace of them at all.

One could only imagine the fire in Fu Xiu Yi's heart.

And tomorrow would be Shen Miao and Prince Rui's wedding, and after that, Shen Miao would be following Prince Rui to Great Liang, making it impossible to learn about the secret behind Prince Rui. How could Fu Xiu Yi stand by and watch an opportunity slip away in front of him?

Just at this moment, the guard Fu Xiu Yi had dispatched to investigate matters entered and greeted Fu Xiu Yi before saying, "Diànxià, there are movements in the Gōngzhǔ Residence and the residence of the Ping Nan Bo."

Fu Xiu Yi's eyes lit up as he said, "How is it?"

The guard took two steps forward and bent down to whisper two sentences to Fu Xiu Yi's ears. Fu Xiu Yi's looked shocked before immediately expressing great joy.

"The Heavens is helping me. Immediately instruct people to follow two of them. Don't let any little thing go."

The guard complied and left. Fu Xiu Yi lean back to the back of the chair and a self-satisfaction smile slowly floated on his face.

"Rui Wáng. Gōngzhǔ Residence. The residence of the Ping Nan Bo. Shen Miao." He said, "Běndiàn wants to see what kind of untold secret you have."

Zaza's note: Shen Miao and all readers can fight for XJX for all I care… I only need 1 Su Ming Lang in my life!!! SU MING LANG!!!! NOONA HEARTS YOU!!!