Marrying off

On the eighth day of the first month, it was a rare auspicious day in the calendar that was good for marriage, funeral and also to start on a journey. Just as the sun rose, Shen Miao was quickly awoken by Jing Zhe and Gu Yu to start dressing up.

Initially, Shen Miao had thought that no matter what had happened, she would not be able to sleep the night before but who knew when the day arrived, she slept especially soundly. It was as if she had returned to her carefree childhood times.

Because of the good sleep, her face looked more translucent and bright. Bai Lu and Shuang Jiang brought some exquisite cakes and each one was made tiny. Bai Lu said, "Xiǎojiě eat some to fill up the stomach first. The wedding ceremony is cumbersome today, one cannot be hungry on the way." She then picked a bowl of porridge, "This is the winter porridge that Fūrén personally made early in the morning. One will be lucky and everything will go according to one's wishes upon drinking it!" Shen Miao picked the bowl up and slowly drank it.

One's heart was somewhat emotional upon thinking of how one raised children.

In the previous lifetime, she was previously married to Fu Xiu Yi because she made a fuss and threw tantrums with her family, forcing Shen Xin to agree because he had no other choice. However, more people came for the excitement than for the blessings. Luo Xue Yan was so angry with her that she became ill and could barely finish the wedding ceremony; how could she possibly have the mood or energy to make porridge? Unlike now, everyone in the residence was overjoyed and working hard for her. Shen Miao had a faint impression that this marriage was ideal.

Luo Xue Yan entered after Shen Miao finished her meal, followed by a middle-aged woman. This female's appearance was unremarkable, but she drew attention from others. Her clothes were exquisite, and it made one remember her from the bottom of one's heart.

"This is Mei Niángzǐ from Ding Jing Li." Luo Xue Yan smiled, "She is here especially to be your auspicious Niángzǐ."

Shen Miao was slightly surprised. Mei Niángzǐ was a very famous person in the Ding capital city. She was born in an official family but started a business despite the opposition at home. What more was that the business was selling rouge, perfume, clothes and jewellery. There were numerous delicate females that were raised in Ding capital city and those young ladies of official families were not short of money as long as their love of beauty was satisfied.

Mei Niángzǐ's rouge, perfume, clothes and jewellery were precisely the best and unique. Even though Mei Niángzǐ was a merchant, no one dared to underestimate her.

However, the most outstanding craftsmanship of Mei Niángzǐ was putting on makeup for others. There was once a Prince in Ming Qi who was marrying a Consort and that Consort had some friendship with Mei Niángzǐ, thus, Mei Niángzǐ became her auspicious Niángzǐ and people said that Prince Consort's appearance was most probably the most beautiful since the founding of Ming Qi. However, for Mei Niángzǐ to be another's auspicious Niángzǐ, it was all because she had some friendship with the other party and others did not have such good luck. For so many years, Mei Niángzǐ had not been anyone else's auspicious Niángzǐ.

Shen Miao was surprised as she smiled, "I did not think that Mei Niángzǐ would be willing to do me the honour."

Mei Niángzǐ smiled, "May Wángfēi not say such things. When Nújiā saw Wángfēi, one felt a fate and wanted to come over to seek some auspiciousness and thicken one's face to come over. If Wángfēi does not despise Nújiā's skills, Nújiās heart is satisfied."

(奴家 Nújiā - Your Female Servant or This Servant. The self-proclaimed young woman in the vernacular of Ming and Qing Dynasties)

These merchants' mouths were all-powerful as they could speak to both humans and ghosts. Shen Miao naturally did not believe the words of fate. She was thinking that it could be that Shen Xin gave this Mei Niángzǐ a large sum of money but after thinking for a bit, this Mei Niángzǐ was not short on money that she even does business according to her feelings so why would she care about these worldly benefits? Just as she was thinking about it, Mei Niángzǐ had stepped forward and said with a smile, "Wángfēi, the hairstyle of a bride is very complicated. One request for the wedding dress to be worn before Nújiā can put up the makeup on you."

Luo Xue Yang quickly urged Shen Miao over.

After changing the clothes, styling the hair and putting on jewellery, layers of powder were placed. As Mei Niángzǐ put on the makeup for Shen Miao, she smiled as she said, "Nújiā has seen numerous gūniángs over these years and many Xiǎojiě of officials' families have also bought jewellery and powder from Nújiā thus Nújiā had seen all the Xiǎojiěmen in Ding capital but no one could compare with Wángfēi's bearing." She smiled and said to Luo Xue Yan, "Fūrén mustn't blame Nújiā for speaking too much. Wángfēi doesn't look similar to Fūrén. Fūrén is straightforward and refreshing but Wángfēi looks poised and noble that even those Palace's nobles are inferior in comparison."

(小姐们 Xiǎojiěmen [Can native Chinese reading this explain? Is this the plural form of 小姐?])

Hearing others praising her daughter, naturally, Luo Xue Yan would be happy but the topic touched on the Palace so Luo Xue Yan said modestly, "How could it be that good? It is only that Jiao Jiao is naturally unflustered and more similar to her father."

"One cannot say that." Mei Niángzǐ said as she drew Shen Miao's eyebrows, "Even though some people's status is noble, they do not have that kind of bearing in their bones but could only put up an act. After removing their clothes and taking the jewellery off, there is no difference between them and ordinary folks. Some people are however different, even with coarse clothes and without anything else, just sitting there, they are still in a higher position. I see that Wángfēi is the latter." She smiled, "It is only the fate of the rich and noble. But Fūrén can rest assured today, there would not be coarse clothes. With such a great wedding dress and all these great pieces of jewellery, if I, Mei Niángzǐ do not give Wángfēi a good makeup, one would be smashing my signboard. One has to let Wángfēi be the first in Ding capital city!"

As Shen Miao let Mei Niángzǐ go on, she listened to Mei Niángzǐ's words and felt that this Mei Niángzǐ seemed to be quite good at observing people. She felt interested and listened to their conversation carefully.

This bride's makeup took an entire half a shichen (1 shichen = 2 hours) to put up.

Even though it looked like a thin layer of powder, one had to use a small brush made of sheep fur for application and rouge naturally had to be put up so that the brows would look like the new moon, lips like flower petals and the most beautiful thing that made one feel had to be the eyes. Shen Miao had a pair of naturally clear and distinctive eyes that looked like a newly born deer but today Mei Niángzǐ drew a slight hook at the end of the eyes that made her look more graceful with the same purity.

(HidAnas: I learnt something new today... Apparently, some sheep do not grow wool but they have fur! Imagine that! In my 32 years of life, now then I learnt of this!)

There was some feeling of being the Mother of everything under Heavens.

Luo Xue Yang was shocked at the sudden thought that jumped into her mind. Mei Niángzǐ smiled, "Currently, there is nothing else to do now. After a while, the people who are here to top up the dowry will arrive. Fūrén can accompany Wángfēi first while Nújiā searches for some fragrant leaves to make some for Wángfēi to wear." Luo Xue Yan complied.

Shen Miao sat in front of the table as Luo Xue Yan looked at her charming daughter. She was happy but reluctant and could only hold on firmly onto Shen Miao's hands, "Jiao Jiao, today you will be marrying off. Mǔqīn has some words to tell you."

Shen Miao said, "Mǔqīn do speak, I will listen."

"When Nǚ'ér is married off, Mǔqīn would always have a few words to instruct. However, at the beginning when Mǔqīn married your Fùqīn, your Wàizǔmǔ had passed away and Mǔqīn only has Gēgēs and no Jiěmèi. The few Sǎozis were young so no one said such things to Mǔqīn." Luo Xue Yang was a bit embarrassed, "So these things are all that Mǔqīn came out myself and is not sure if it is right or wrong. However, one still has to tell you about it. The way of getting along between Fūqī (夫妻 man and wife) is all in the honesty. For so many years with your Fùqīn, one does not have any secrets with each other. If upon discovering that the other party has secrets, don't rush to question and wait and be patient as he will tell it to you."

Luo Xue Yan patted Shen Miao hands lovingly, "Mǔqīn know that your temper is stable and it is a good thing as you will not be affected by matters outside but emotions cannot be resolved by tolerating. If you like him, you will care about his every move and would involuntarily follow one's heart to take action and one would not be stable."

"Be frank, be direct, don't be shy and don't be afraid. That is your Zhàngfū, the person that you will spend a lifetime with." Luo Xue Yan paused and said, "Jing Xing had promised me that after you, there will not be any Qiès or Tōngfángs and honestly speaking, I do not trust him. As a member of the Imperial family, how could one's inner courtyard only consist of one female? It is just that since the matter is as such, one can only take one step at a time."

Shen Miao's eyes hang down and she heard Luo Xue Yan continue speaking, "But our Shen family's Nǚ'ér will never compromise. If your Zhàngfū has other females in the inner courtyard, you can be jealous, can quarrel with him. All that nonsense of magnanimity is all dog shit. Those upon marrying againare all the unfair conditions that the world bound females with. If there is such a day, you do not need to view him as your Zhàngfū in your heart, since you cannot manage another's heart, one can manage one's heart. With regards to others, if you want to separate, Fùqīn and Mǔqīn will help you." Shen Miao first looked at Luo Xue Yan with surprise before she could not help but laugh in her heart. Yes. There were no concubines or Tōngfángs in the Luo family and Luo Xue Yan's living environment made her decide that one life would be spent as a couple. Luo Xue Yan's words would be shocking to other's ears but were especially warm in Shen Miao's.

Luo Xue Yan would always consider her feelings and would not let her feel grievances. As for other people, what did they have to do with her?

Thinking again about Fu Xiu Yi's birth mother, Consort Dong Shu, who kept requesting her for this and that. Requesting her to be magnanimous and after not long of marriage, she had taken the initiative to arrange a secondary consort for Fu Liu Yi. The contrast could not be clearer.

Luo Xue Yan suddenly took out a booklet from her sleeves, "Jiao Jiao, this… Keep this well. After the entire wedding ceremony is completed then find some free time to read it."

Shen Miao was somewhat curious and took it as she asked, "What is this?" Luo Xue Yan's face reddened and she spoke vaguely, "Things that you need to understand." Seeing that Shen Miao was about to open it, she quickly pressed Shen Miao's hands down, "Don't look now! Later… Later when you are alone, then look at it." Shen Miao nodded her head and was about to ask a few more things when she saw Luo Xue Yan's unnatural face and suddenly understood. Her face also became hot.

Spring drawings (*cough* do I need to explain this?). She did not see this before as the Shen family was in an entire mess when she married in the past life that even this little booklet was forgotten. Afterwards, on the day of marriage, Fu Xiu Yi did not consummate the marriage, much less mention this.

Even when she and Fu Xiu Yi consummate marriage, it was done in a rush and Fu Xiu Yi was extremely perfunctory. Even though Shen Miao had never seen spring drawings, afterwards, she had heard of others speaking about it and of couples studying together during their newly wedded life but these were things that she had not experienced before.

One had not expected that upon marrying again, even the regrets of the past life would be fulfilled. Just as Luo Xue Yan and Shen Miao were somewhat embarrassed, there were footsteps from outside. Luo Tan pulled Feng An Ning in and seeing that Luo Xue Yan was present, she said, "Gūmǔ, we are here to top up the dowry for Xiǎo biǎomèi!"

Luo Xue Yan was embarrassed and seeing both of them here to get her out of the situation, she sighed in relief and smiled, "Then you all should talk for a while. I will go out first."

When Luo Xue Yan left, Luo Tan went one round of Shen Miao and exclaimed, "Xiǎo biǎomèi, you are just too beautiful today! It is almost comparable to fairies!"

"Correct." Feng An Ning was always picky and had a temperament of picking bones in eggs but this time, she also nodded her head, "It is the first in all of Ming Qi." After being given the cold treatment by Shen Qiu, Feng An Ning had come to her less frequently but this time because Shen Miao was marrying off, even though she feared Shen Qiu in her heart, she gathered her courage to come over.

"One heard that Mei Niángzǐ is your auspicious Niángzǐ." Feng An Ning said, "No wonder it is so pretty that even I cannot recognise you."

"Xiǎo biǎomèi is already good looking from birth." Luo Tan was all smiling before she took out a small box from her back and said, "This is what I gift to you!" Shen Miao opened the box and saw a metal lump toy inside but did not know what it was. Shen Miao had not yet spoken when Feng An Ning took the lead to ask, "What is this? It is just ridiculous for you to give this thing to Shen Miao!"

"What do you know? This thing is called a compass!" Luo Tan said, "This is different from those used in the army that only points at the rough area. This is something that was gotten from the Eastern Sea and is what the boating teams use. Ling Gēgē brought ten back and wanted the craftsmen to make more for the army. It was not an easy task to request one. If you don't want it, then, never mind!"

Shen Miao quickly closed the little box, "Many thanks."

Luo Tan pouted her lips, "I just feel that Xiǎo biǎomèi is not short of anything and Rui Wáng gave such a big betrothal gift and there is just nothing lacking at all. By gifting jewellery or something, it is not comparable to Rui Wáng and one would only invite trouble for oneself so it is better to gift something practical. Keep this compass since you are not familiar with Great Liang and one day, when you are lost, this would come in handy."

Shen Miao said, "That makes sense. This is more special than gold and silver jewellery."

Luo Tan proudly looked towards Feng An Ning, "Feng Dà Xiǎojiě, what are you gifting? Take it out and let us open up our eyes. If it is jewellery, then it would not be fun anymore."

Feng An Ning glared at her and said in dissatisfaction, "What of a compass? Even if our Feng family has nothing, I would not gift such children toys."

She opened up her own little box and took out a small bottle, "There are three Gui Yuan pills. Do you know of Gui Yuan pills? It is something that the previous dynasty physician made to renew lives and valued with cities." She put the bottle and box onto Shen Miao hands and said with dislike, "Your temperament is not likeable that there are people seeking to kill you in Ming Qi, so much less in Great Liang. If there are any unexpected misfortunes, then eat one Gui Yuan pill as it will save your life." Then she added, "However, it is said that the troublemaker would live for a thousand years, so you should live for a long time."

Shen Miao smiled gently, "Many thanks." Feng An Ning spoke as if with odds but her intentions were good. Shen Miao knew that the Gui Yan pills were precious, that Fu Xiu Yi previously had one Gui Yuan pill and it was used to bribe an aide that he really wanted to bring over to his side. One pill was worth a talent so one could see how valuable it was. At one time, Feng An Ning brought three pills over, she was indeed very generous."

When Feng An Ning heard those words, her eyes became red, "With this goodbye, one do not know if one would be able to meet up again in this lifetime. You don't have any friends in Ming Qi and since I know you, naturally, I cannot make you lose face and gift you things that you cannot show off…" As she spoke, she sobbed but still wanted to continue, "It is not that I cannot bear to let you go but it is because I feel that gifting you such a big gift but you are not able to top up the dowry when I get married, this is just too uneconomical…"

Shen Miao was between tears and laughter, "If you get married, I will get someone to send you your gift and will write to you from time to time. I will not let you gift in vain."

Feng An Ning then was slightly better.

Shen Miao suddenly remembered something and took out a letter from her sleeves and said to Feng An Ning, "Now, there is a letter. After today ends, read this letter, then let your Dàgē read it."

Luo Tan and Feng An Ning were startled at the same time before Luo Tan smiled, "Could it be that Xiǎo biǎomèi feel sorry for Feng Dàgē? At that time, you did not agree to Feng Dàgē's proposal and specially wrote a letter to express one's apologies?" After finishing she shook her head, "But why let An Ning read it?"

"Don't bother about this." Shen Miao said, "If there are any troubles in the future, come to the Shen Mansion and look for my Dàgē. My Dàgē will definitely help." Shen Miao had remembered that the Feng family's ending in the previous life was not good and Feng An Ning married to a beast in human shape and, in the end, died before her prime. Now, in this lifetime, she was considered friends with Feng An Ning and could only write all those reminders for the Feng family. If Feng An Ning brought it out, one feared that Master Feng would think that Feng An Ning was acting willfully but if Feng Zi Xian brought it out, it would be different. Feng Zi Xian had already entered officialdom and Master Feng trusted Feng Zi Xian's talent and would treat this matter seriously.

As for Shen Qiu, since Shen Miao was not in Ming Qi, one could only let her Eldest Brother help to take care of the Feng family.

When Feng An Ning heard it, her face became red and she muttered, "So fierce, who wants him to help…"

But these words were not heard by Shen Miao.

Shen Miao did not have sisters and had few friends in Ming Qi. So, most of the people who came to top up the dowry were doing it because Luo Xue Yan and those young ladies wanted to please Shen Miao. Most of the things that were gifted were jewellery and when one met up, the jealous and admiring people all praised Shen Miao's wedding dress and makeup.

After all these females finished speaking, the auspicious time had arrived and the entourage that came to bring the bride had reached the front doors of the Shen Mansion.

Luo Xue Yan and Mei Niángzǐ came into the room and Mei Niángzǐ covered Shen Miao's head with the veil. Both Shen Miao's hands were supported by these two people as she slowly walked out.

The main doors of the Shen Mansion were exceptionally lively today.

The streets of Ding capital city were empty so that they could come over to see the Shen family marrying their daughter off. The entrance of the Shen Mansion was surrounded by so many layers that water could not even pass and the commoners were all talking about it.

"Wǔ Xiǎojiě of the Shen family is really marrying off in a grand style. Look at the horse carriages outside, they are not what ordinary people use and look like for those extremely favoured consorts."

"Look at the sachets that are used to reward, it is all loose silver and not copper coins. From that, one can tell that this wedding is different from ordinary ones."

Another person interjected, "How could it not be grand? First, one does not even need to say that the Shen family is originally well-regarded, one also has to see who Shen Wǔ Xiǎojiě is marrying. That is Great Liang's Qīnwáng. One heard that Great Liang is wealthy and did not believe it at first but seeing this, one can only believe that it is true. A Qīnwáng of Great Liang marrying a wife and the entire thing is done much grander than when our Huángshàng marrying. Isn't this slapping our Huángshàng's face?"

"Hey. These words cannot be said indiscriminately. As long as one's heart understands, it is enough." A middle-aged female said, "One heard that Rui Wáng of Great Liang gave ninety-nine sets of betrothal gifts but one does not know if it is true or not."

"Hey. Quick look, it is here!"

In Ming Qi's marriage customs, it was necessary to 'send betrothal gifts'. On the day of the marriage, someone would bring each chest of betrothal gifts over to the bride's maiden family, letting everyone to look and also allowing the surrounding people to see clearly. As a result, when the betrothal gifts are more generous, both parties will be pleased. By bestowing so many betrothal gifts in front of the world, the bride will feel good and the groom will feel proud, making it a joyous occasion. To save face, some people would purposefully bring empty boxes as betrothal gifts on the day of the wedding.

Today, however, was not one of those days.

That was because each chess of betrothal gift was completely open, allowing everyone to see what was inside.

Paintings, antiques, jewellery, furniture, pearls, precious stones, clothing, silver... Everything that should have been here was, and each chest was pressed so tightly and full to the brim that even a little water couldn't get in. Almost everyone in the audience was red-eyed.

However, no one dared to take action. One feared that even the most arrogant of thieves and robbers would not dare to act rashly. The soldiers were wearing thick armour, had precious swords on their waists and looked imposing with orderly steps as if there was any one's heart that was against the law or discipline, they would immediately drag them out to kill.

Such ferocity made one dared not come forward and everyone spontaneously opened up a path and let these people who were carrying the betrothal gift pass.

There were some who were curious and counted with their fingers, "One, two, three, four…" The long entourage did not appear to come to an end, and the crowd's voice counted until it became tired. Until the very last one, someone exclaimed, "It's ninety-nine chests!" Ninety-nine chests of betrothal gifts!"

Ninety-nine chests of betrothal gifts!

There were only fifty-eight chests when the Crown Prince married the Crown Prince Consort, and this was roughly twice more. But Prince Rui was Great Liang's Prince of First Rank, so how grand would everything be when Great Liang's Emperor married? Regardless of the Emperor of Great Liang, Shen Miao's marriage was currently grander than the Emperor of Ming Qi.

The audience couldn't help but erupt in ovation. It was possible that after Shen Miao's grand wedding today, no one in Ming Qi could surpass such pageantry.

There were some young females of marriageable age in the crowd, not to mention the officials' daughters who had come to top up the dowry and were staring upon them with red eyes. What woman hasn't dreamed of a lavish wedding? Females have always been somewhat vain.

Who could have predicted that Shen Miao, that stupid Shen family member who was no match for one's own Tang Older Sisters and had been constantly mocked and dismissed by Prince Ding, would marry so well?

Everyone knew Fu Xiu Yi was uninterested in Shen Miao at the time, but Shen Miao became even braver, and she became everyone's joke in Ding capital.

So, even if the old man on the frontier misplaced his mare, who could have predicted that it was a blessing in disguise? Who could predict what would happen in the future?

"Didn't Shen Wǔ Xiǎojiě admire Ding Wáng Diànxià at first?" someone asked. One feared she would be overjoyed now. Everyone knows that His Highness Prince Ding has always been simple, and if Fifth Shen Young Lady married to His Highness Prince Ding, one fears that the procession would be reduced to a hundredth of its current size.

Fu Xiu Yi, who was in the crowd, happened to hear these words. A smidgeon of rage appeared on his face, but it was quickly suppressed.

His simplicity was displayed for all to see, and it was all for the sake of maintaining a good reputation. If he had heard people say such things before, Fu Xiu Yi would have been happy because it meant he had succeeded, but hearing them today that Fu Xiu Yi was 'simple' made Fu Xiu Yi angry. It appeared to imply that he was vastly inferior to Prince Rui.

The investigator he had dispatched the day before had yet to return, and Fu Xiu Yi knew the investigation had failed. He directed his people to look for the whereabouts of his subordinates while also participating in Shen Miao's marriage.

He was also curious to see how arrogant this 'Prince Rui of Great Liang' could be.

He, however, did not expect Prince Rui to actually dare to do so.

Using such a grand style, it would only make the Imperial family of Ming Qi seemed petty. This was none other than slapping the face of the Imperial family. The awful thing was that one could not say anything about it because Prince Rui was not Ming Qi's citizen and Ming Qi's regulations could not be used to manage him.

He looked back at the doors of the Shen Mansion and saw Shen Miao walking out with the help of Luo Xue Yan and Mei Niángzǐ. Shen Miao was stepping over the braziers and carefully lifted her foot so as not to burn the dress.

Her action was very careful and slow as if she was extremely serious about this matter. The people surrounding were amazed at how this wedding dress was shimmering and swaying but Fu Xiu Yi felt a feeling that was difficult to specify in his heart.

He suddenly felt that this scene was very annoying to his eyes.

But why was this the case? Fu Xiu Yi felt a strange feeling in his heart as he approached Shen Miao. When Shen Miao chased him at first, he despised stupid people but only thought of using the Shen family's military power and thus used her. After that, there was a day when Shen Miao stopped chasing him, and Fu Xiu Yi realized that he didn't understand Shen Miao at all. Shen Miao was not stupid but was also very cunning.

The Shen family was also peculiar. They were obviously chess pieces in his hands, but no one knew when they had escaped and were now on the other side of the board, facing him.

However, Fu Xiu Yi felt compelled to kick the brazier over because he felt the scene was incorrect as if something was wrong with it.

There was a commotion in the crowd just as he was losing control of this incomprehensible idea. When he returned his gaze, he saw that the crowd had naturally parted to form a small road, and the person leading at the front was dressed brightly and riding an angry horse.

That person, dressed in fiery red robes, yanked the reins and galloped over from afar. The clothes were fluttering, but they exuded elegance and warmth as if they could burn one's eyes.

Everyone was in an uproar.

That person snagged the reins and came to a halt one step away from Shen Miao. Those watching were taken aback when the horse slammed its hooves into the ground.

The young man sat high on the horse, his silver mask slightly tinted red from the bring red robes. He said nothing and leaned slightly forward on the back of the horse, reaching out a hand to the bride.

He then opened his mouth lazily but irresistibly.

"Here to marry you. Shen Jiao Jiao."