
Zaza: There is a song in this part that I do not think I translate well because it is difficult to express it in the elegant flair that it was composed in and I have to guess the meaning of most of it. I did my best but it feels lacking so I have put it in the translation for all of you to try a hand in it. I will use whichever translation is better than mine with credits.

"Here to marry you. Shen Jiao Jiao."

His tone of voice was careless but his hand gesture of reaching out was however serious. Such an arrogant, lawless and unbinding manner made others felt that everything seemed to have quieted down and this male's appearance was deeply engraved in everyone's heart, making it unforgettable.

Everyone was silent.

Shen Miao's head was covered and could not see anything thus she could only hear the sound coming from in front of her. She instinctively looked up and in the next moment felt that her hand was being lifted up and something was worn around her fingers.

It was a slightly cool and soft feeling that made her somewhat stunned.

The people around, however, breathe in a cold breath.

In all dynasties, Princes of the First Rank would have their own thumb rings and this thumb ring was not just an accessory as it was an important symbol of their identity. By using this thumb ring, one would be able to freely order one's subordinate. Naturally, no matter where the Imperial relatives went, everyone would recognize them and there was no need to use this thumb ring but one had never seen a Prince of First Rank giving his thumb ring to another.

What was gifted was not only a thumb ring. This meant that Prince Rui had given arbitrary power to Shen Miao to instruct his subordinates. Once Shen Miao had this thumb ring, there was no difference between facing her and Prince Rui.

This was giving up his power to another and the person who he gave to was a female.

One had seen others dote on their wives but one had never seen such doting. The young females surrounding were just too envious of it. Even though Prince Rui was wearing a mask, he was noble and generous, thus there would be birds and bees flying around. Shen Miao was not a national beauty so she would be despised by Prince Rui very soon.

Who knew that the groom would directly slap their faces. In this world, it was most likely the first time one doted on one's wife like this.

Why was it that it was the Fifth Young Shen Lady that had such fortune? One did not know what blessings she had cultivated in her past life.

However, be it unfortunate or blessings, everyone had not thought about Shen Miao's experience in her past life.

Prince Rui placed the thumb ring onto Shen Miao's thumb on her left hand and his thin lips hooked up before he leaned over slightly and kissed the back of Shen Miao's hand.

The feeling was slightly numbing and naturally, Shen Miao guessed what it was and could not help but redden her face. Fortunately, there was a veil covering her head and others were unable to see her.

Prince Rui got up and Mei Niángzǐ quickly sang with a smile, "Bringing the betrothal gifts and the dowry is carried out."

After all the dowries were moved, the mother had to personally feed rice dumplings to the bride.

The dumplings were made small-sized and there was a mixture of peanuts, lotus seeds and sesame seeds as it has the meaning of giving birth early. Luo Xue Yan took the small spoon as Shen Miao slightly lifted the corner of the veil and swallowed the dumpling that Luo Xue Yan fed. Luo Xue Yan's eyes were somewhat moist, "Jiao Jiao, after marrying, one must not take grievances."

Shen Miao's heart also moved, "I understand, Mǔqīn."

Shen Xin turned his back around and quietly wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes. He was a male and had led countless generals and soldiers thus it was unspeakable for one to tear in front of others. However, he was feeling very upset in his heart. Towards Shen Miao, Shen Xin always felt that he had owed her too much, especially after the conversation with Xie Jing Xing, only then he knew that all along they thought that Shen Miao was raised in a warm nest but did not know that there were snakes, bugs, rats and ants in the nest. In those many moons, unknowingly she had grown up.

Before he had the chance to compensate or to do anything, Shen Miao had married off. From the crying baby to the little girl who started to talk to the current young lady who was wearing a wedding dress, Shen Xin felt a lot of emotions.

Shen Qiu walked over as the brother of the bride had the responsibility to carry the bride up the wedding sedan.

Shen Miao lay on top of Shen Qiu's back as Shen Qiu walked exceptionally slow. As he walked he said softly, "Mèimèi, you are too thin. The next time I see you after you are married to Great Liang and you are thinner than today, I will get it even with Prince Rui."

Shen Miao, "…"

"Quickly give birth to a niece for me. A nephew is also alright." Shen Qiu's voice was soft and silly, without any of the bravery and hot-bloodedness of the battlefield, "I will visit you."

Shen Miao buried her head in Shen Qiu's neck and spoke to him like when she was young, "You must."

When Prince Rui, who was on the horse, saw this scene, his brows and heart jumped.

After Shen Qiu carried Shen Miao onto the wedding sedan, Mei Niángzǐ started singing.

"The grand events under Heavens is like the joy of marriage.


The gentleman does not ask about saints. With a basket of food and a ladle to drink, one would not have worries and always have joy that there would not be any violation towards the groom in three months.


The Fifth Lady of the Shen family also has beauty. In the beginning, Nüwa (creator of humans in mythology) mend the skies with thousands of stones, the restoration did not stop there and continued in this graceful female.


The Heavens birth people and each living thing have its principle. The groom has a majestic appearance and has an elegant bearing that is unchangeable even in front of numerous people. The Fifth Lady of the Shen family is a citizen of the Ding capital of Ming Qi, has tender sentiments and cherish memories. She is soft-spoken, warm, extraordinary and charmingly refined. Her appearance is dignified and able to hold one's bearing envoys are not comparable.


The marriage today is good and as both are married, may they be in conjugal love and inseparable.


One day that was started, two surnames come in mutual harmony, more than three celebrations, with four tools of beauty and may the family prosper five generations running.


The six rituals are completed, the seven virtuous acts are concluded, assembling all eight sides, in harmony with nine songs, a perfect ten like the admired Luan (mythical bird related to the phoenix).


A pair of lovers leaving a small shadow. A perfect marriage that was made from numerous advisors."


"Lift the wedding sedan. The wedding is completed."

Mei Niángzǐ's voice, filled with joy, was loud and clear. Her voice was so great when singing that when she finished singing, everyone was applauding and cheering. The servants that were preparing outside started to scatter gold plated copper coins to the streets. It looked good as one group came up to speak auspicious things while another quickly picked up the money in joy.

The entire event was extraordinarily lively.

Shen Miao sat in the wedding sedan and even though she could not see what was going on outside, she could hear everything clearly. The liveliness and joy made her heart pick up.

She comforted herself. This was not her first time on a wedding sedan, so why did her nervousness appear again? Her hands were somewhat shaking and as she looked down, she saw the white jade thumb ring. Its colour was bright and smooth that she could not help but reach out to touch it.

The sedan bearers outside started to lift the wedding sedan. The sedan bearers that Xie Jing Xing found were naturally good. The sedan was lifted stably and did not sway at all.

Prince Rui sat on a big horse and was right in front. There was a large flower that was made from red silk on the horse that was very delicate but his attitude was very lazy yet elegant. Everywhere he went, the commoners cheered and laughed.

This was actually valued. Even though Prince Rui was not a person of Ming Qi and the current relations between Great Liang and Ming Qi was currently very delicate, the commoners seemed to have respect for Prince Rui. Perhaps it was because the other party was generous, perhaps some felt that his appearance made one feel comfortable, in any way Prince Rui marrying was enough to bring joy to tens of thousands of commoners.

Behind Prince Rui, it was the wedding sedan that the sedan bearers were carrying and at both sides, the entourage was throwing prosperity money. One had heard that Prince Rui would be walking one round around the city during the marriage and to scatter money like this the entire way, it was just too generous.

Further back, it was the Shen family's dowry group. The Shen family was, after all, not as crazy as Prince Rui and the chests were managed well. Everyone counted and found that there were a total of fifty sets, exactly half of the betrothal list that Prince Rui sent over and this was not considered little at all. One had to know that when the Crown Prince married his consort, the dowry was only forty-two sets and the Shen family had an additional eight. The most important thing was that the Shen family was not a merchant family. Although they were generous, they were not considered very wealthy.

With this kind of behaviour, it was enough to show the position Shen Miao had in the hearts of Shen Xin and his wife.

Behind the crowd, Luo Xue Yan was riding with the dowry and secretly turned her head over to say to Shen Xien, "Is it good to be like this?"

Shen Xin said, "Since he dared to give, we will dare to accept. Anyways with his betrothal gifts of ninety-nine sets, our residence cannot come out with so many dowries but any lesser would also be laughed at by others."

Luo Xue Yan could not speak.

There were fifty sets in Shen Miao's dowry and twenty of those were from Prince Rui. That day when Prince Rui came over to gift a wedding dress, a booklet dropped out from the box holding the wedding dress. Upon Luo Xue Yan's closer look, it was related to Shen Miao's dowry.

Prince Rui also knew that his betrothal gifts were just too shocking and that the Shen family would not be able to match the dowry, thus, he simply resolved the dowry issue himself. Even though there were only twenty sets, these twenty sets were packed up to the brim. Thus like this, Prince Rui had given the Shen family a hundred and nineteen sets of betrothal gifts.

It was precisely because of this that Shen Qiu's impression of Prince Rui turned for the better. Since the other party did not hesitate to spend money on Shen Miao's marriage, he was indeed a straightforward person.

The streets were filled with drums and gongs, making it very festive. Fu Xiu Yi was mixed in the crowd but he did not continue following. He only felt that this entire scene was conspicuous and his face turned cold as he turned around and walked away from the wedding sedan.

Naturally, there was Emperor Wen Hui, who was as uncomfortable as Fu Xiu Yi. Emperor Wen Hui had heard from his subordinate's mouth that Prince Rui made this wedding so magnificently that it was even grander than his, an Emperor. This was slapping his face. The grander Prince Rui held it, the more Ming Qi's Imperial family looked mournful.

Of course, this was not what Emperor Wen Hui felt the unhappiest about but that he was very unwilling with this marriage. If Prince Rui did not use the few cities along the border to threaten him, he would not make such a move. He was obviously unwilling to grant this marriage to Shen Miao but had to pass the decree onto Prince Rui's hand. The extremely useful chess piece of the Shen family was considered wasted like this.

When Emperor Wen Hui mentioned Prince Rui's marriage today, what appeared in his mind was the scene where Prince Rui was in the Imperial study threatening him and he felt his chest being stuffed up and could not even breathe, thus automatically felt upset. He instructed the palace's eunuch to accept the auspicious gifts that Prince Rui sent and closed the doors before returning to Yang Xin Dian to lie down, not allowing anyone to come to disturb.

The marriage ceremony would be completed in Ming Qi, thus, the wedding sedan was carried one round around the Ding capital city but the marriage was a matter of both sides. Prince Rui's family was in Great Liang and originally, after the wedding sedan went around the city gates, it had to go directly out of the city but Prince Rui insisted on completing all the ceremonies in Ding capital city.

As for the bowing to the parents, it was held at the main altar in Ding capital city.

The main altar in Ding capital city was only used when the Emperor conferred an Empress and not to mention this was another thing that Prince Rui requested Emperor Wen Hui to provide. No matter how unwilling Emperor Wen Hui was, he could only agree to it.

On the altar, Mei Niángzǐ supported Shen Miao out of the wedding sedan carefully and followed behind Luo Xue Yan and Shen Xin who was sitting at the other end of the altar.

After bowing to the Heavens and Earth, bowing to the parents, the couple then bows to one another.

This was Ming Qi so Luo Xue Yan and Shen Xin naturally could receive both couple's bows but Prince Rui's Imperial Father and Imperial Mother had departed from the mortal world for many years, thus, both of them could only sprinkle wine on the ground and treat it as completed.

Lastly, it was the husband and wife who would bow to one another and the ceremony was completed. This was announced from then onwards, Shen Miao is the Consort of Prince Rui. When one married a chicken, one followed the chicken and if one married a dog, one would follow the dog. She was now a person of Great Liang.

In everyone's cheer and laughter, far away from the crowd, Ji Yu Shu was conversing with the person beside him.

"Ah... One really did not think that Sān biǎogē would actually marry Shen Xiǎojiě." He signed deeply, "Two years ago, I was able to see that Sān biǎogē treated the Shen Xiǎojiě somewhat different and did not think that now she would become my Sǎozi. However, this is good. I had thought that with Sān biǎogē's temperament, the ordinary young lady would not control him but Shen Xiǎojiě is different. With her around, I will rest assured."

Just opposite him, the person standing was wearing the servant uniform of the residence of Prince Rui and his appearance was ordinary but it was Pei Lang who had his features concealed.

Pei Lang in the end agreed to follow Shen Miao to Great Liang. Just like what Shen Miao had mentioned, he had completely offended Fu Xiu Yi and could no longer stay in Ming Qi and not to mention that it was not good for himself, he perhaps could have implicated Liu Ying. Fu Xiu Yi had many eyes and ears around and perhaps one day would have discovered his background so it would be better for Liu Ying and himself to go over to Great Liang. By taking the firewood from under the cauldron, even if Fu Xiu Yi discovered anything, nothing could be done.

On one hand, it was for Liu Ying's good and on the other hand, Pei Lang did it because his heart wanted to do so.

As for knowing about Prince Rui's true identity of Xie Jing Xing, that was a matter of a few days ago. He was in the residence of Prince Rui recuperating from his injuries and when he was in the courtyard at night, he coincidently saw Prince Rui's back facing him and went up to great before he saw Prince Rui's real face.

Prince Rui did not wear a mask.

Pei Lang knew that with Prince Rui's personality if he wanted to conceal anything, it would not be taken lightly like this. It was very obvious that he deliberately showed Pei Lang his face 'accidentally'. Perhaps he was using his identity to make certain things clear.

Now Pei Lang understood why Prince Rui did what he did.

Pei Lang had been persuading Shen Miao to think carefully about the marriage with Prince Rui as Shen Miao's understanding of Prince Rui, a Great Liang Prince of the First Rank, was just too shallow. But now that Prince Rui had become Xie Jing Xing, a lot of matters were different. Xie Jing Xing and Shen Miao knew one another and seemed to have some friendship.

Since Shen Miao had long known that Xie Jing Xing's identity was Great Liang's Prince of the First Rank, the relationship between the both of them was not usual.

He looked up at the pair who were wearing wedding clothes. With the male's talent and the female's appearance, it was an unsurpassable match and there was a feeling of sourness in his heart.

For Shen Miao's kind of person, even though she schemed against others and used everything that could be used by her side, she was, however, an extremely stubborn person. Once she had made her mind on something, no one could change it. Just like her hating Fu Xiu Yi, she could use all means and methods and even risk her life to draw a clear line with Fu Xiu Yi.

In fact, if she was not willing, no one was able to force her.

His gaze landed on Prince Rui.

After creating such a big ruckus, forcing the Imperial family of Ming Qi to take every step back, who in the entire world under Heavens would believe that Great Liang would be forced to relinquish to the middle ground.

She was a golden phoenix that would fly to nine Heavens and he was the true dragon that would call for rains and winds.

Ji Yu Shu looked at him and patted his shoulders as he spoke sympathetically, "A gentleman will always pursue a gentle and graceful female. Pei Xiānshēng need not be too upset. Upon our return to Great Liang, with Pei Xiānshēng's style, there would definitely be numerous females who would admire you and at that time I will get Shao Yao Gūniáng to introduce some sisters to you."

Although Ji Yu Shu still remembered that it was because of Pei Lang that he was locked up in the prison tower for a period of time, seeing Pei Lang this sad, he was unable to throw stones when he was down.

Pei Lang was startled at others being able to see the mood in his heart but was unable to remove his eyes on the pair.

Ji Yu Shu sighed in his heart.

Gao Yang would also be following them to return to Great Liang but because he was Ming Qi's Imperial Physician on paper, he had to tidy matters of his identity up. If Emperor Wen Hui knew that Gao Yang swept away all the precious herbs from the Imperial Medical Institute and brought them back to Great Liang, one would not know what kind of wondrous expression there would be.

After all the complicated ceremonious etiquette was completely done meticulously, it was already in the afternoon and time to leave the city.

Shen Miao marrying Prince Rui was considered as 'marrying afar'. Going out of the Ding capital city gates of Ming Qi, from then onwards, she was a person of Great Liang.

Naturally, everyone in the Shen family followed up.

Luo Tan, however, did not go and said that because Shen Miao was not willing to bring her to Great Liang, she was sulking. Today, she had followed her around Ding capital city but was unwilling to face the goodbye scene. Everyone was helpless with her and could only let matters be.

In the Princess Residence in Ding capital city, Princess Rong Xin was sitting restlessly in her room.

"Gōngzhǔ Diànxià, Rui Wáng's wedding procession almost reached the gates of the city." The person who came to report said.

Princess Rong Xin waved her hands irritably and instructed the servants to withdraw. She fell onto the chair and bit his lips uneasily.

In that letter, she had revealed Xie Jing Xing's true identity and she had sent the letter to the hands of Emperor Wen Hui. This was her responsibility as the Princess of Ming Qi.

Since ancient times, loyalty and righteousness had been difficult to choose as there was only one choice between family and country. Even though there was inextricably closeness between Xie Jing Xing and her, like a mother and son, the distance between both countries made these feelings impure.

If Xie Jing Xing dies because of this, Princess Rong Xin would be upset but if she did not do anything and let Xie Jing Xing bring this secret back to Great Liang, Princess Rong Xin would regret it.

So in the end, she chose to personally cut off her love and affection.

As to what would happen after Xie Jing Xing's identity was exposed, Princess Rong Xin had an understanding of this Imperial Older Brother of hers. Perhaps because of Great Liang's power, he would not let Xie Jing Xing die, but it was possible for him to ruin his reputation and make tens of thousands of people resent him. With such a bad reputation, even if he returned to Great Liang, Xie Jing Xing's future days would not be well.

Princess Rong Xin chose to use a letter to explain everything and did not personally see Emperor Wen Hui as it seemed that from this way, she would be able to minimise her betrayal. As if the person who betrayed Xie Jing Xing was not her.

But why did Emperor Wen Hui not act upon it?

At present, the carriage and entourage almost arrived at the city gates and afterwards, Shen Miao would disembark from the wedding sedan and enter the horse carriage before leaving Ding capital city and head to Great Liang with Xie Jing Xing. It was not like Huángxiōng to procrastinate like this.

There were some doubts in her heart and most of it was uneasiness but Princess Rong Xin was unable to take the initiative to go out to see what was going on.

After all, she could not face Xie Jing Xing, or to accurately say, unable to face him.

"Go and check it out again." She instructed another subordinate.

The wedding sedan of Rui Wángfēi had reached the city gates and Mei Niángzǐ had completed the job of what a prosperity lady should do. Jing Zhe and Gu Yu then helped Shen Miao out of the wedding sedan.

Shen Xin and Luo Xue Yan kept on reminding Shen Miao, "Great Liang is different from Ming Qi. When over there, you must remember to take care of yourself. When it is cold, wear more clothes and one must take care. You have to write back frequently. If you suffer any grievances, you must tell us."

Shen Xin then turned his head and spoke a few words to Xie Jing Xing.

Both of them knew of each other's identity clearly and since Xie Jing Xing told him everything honestly, Shen Xin's impression of him changed. He instructed Xie Jing Xing not to let Shen Miao be bullied in Great Liang, regardless of the situation; and Xie Jing Xing naturally complied.

Shen Qiu threatened that if the next time he saw Shen Miao and she was thinner or in a poorer condition, he would bring the Shen family army and raze the residence of Prince Rui.

Prince Rui just snorted at it.

If it was not Luo Xue Yan who was holding him back, one feared that Shen Qiu would have fought with Xie Jing Xing on the spot.

The time had arrived and Shen Miao spoke to Shen Xin and Luo Xue Yan a few more words. She now would be leaving Ding capital city and even though she wanted to manage things in Ming Qi, the far distance would not allow her to do so, thus she could only say a few more words now.

Luo Xue Yan wiped away her tears, "Jiao Jiao, you must write back."

The curtain of the carriage was let down and a long platoon of guards followed behind, carrying the heavy dowry, marching forward with an imposing manner.

At the forefront, Xie Jing Xing was sitting on a horse but the horse was always by the carriage side and from time to time, would be by the curtains, talking to Shen Miao.

That made Jing Zhe and Gu Yu giggle about it.

The roads were naturally very far and it would take a few months of travel from Ming Qi to Great Liang. In the past life, she also left the city gates and went on the journey to Qin country. However, the horse carriage of a country's Empress was not as comfortable as the one she was currently in and at that time, the servants and palace maids that were brought along were scarce, needless to say about protecting her like this or accompanying her in conversations.

There was some joy in Shen Miao's heart.

When it was evening, it was time to find a place to rest and just as one was thinking about it, the entire entourage suddenly stopped.

Shen Miao's heart tightened. There were often bandits on the roads outside the cities so could it be that they had encountered bandits? But after thinking about it, Xie Jing Xing's subordinates were all highly skilled in martial arts and with the large number, one feared that even if they encountered bandits, they would be able to beat them.

Even though she was not afraid, there was some suspicion in her heart. She took off her veil and lifted the curtains at the carriage. When Jing Zhe and Gu Yu exclaimed in shock, Shen Miao had jumped off the carriage.

However, one saw Xie Jing Xing stopped the horses in front and stood in the middle of the road and a black-caped man was holding the reins of a horse and stopped in front.

He said, "Hey. As Xiōngdì, aren't you owing me a packet of prosperity money?"

That was Su Ming Feng's voice. Most likely, in order to hide from other ears and eyes, he had worn a cloak so that others would not be able to see his features. As the road was so far away, he had come over way earlier and with such distance, one does not fear that others would be able to hear this conversation.

Shen Miao was slightly startled but Xie Jing Xing had already flipped over and disembarked from the horse before walking up to Su Ming Feng. Su Ming Feng took a letter out from his sleeves and slammed it onto Xie Jing Xing's chest, "My gift." He then said softly, "The letter that the Gōngzhǔ's residence sent out was stopped by me."

"I know." Xie Jing Xing's lips were raised to a smile, "But one is thankful."

Su Ming Feng was startled and his tone of voice became angry, "It is good that you know, your hands and eyes cover the skies and one fear that there are people lurking all over the place that every single move in the Princess residence would not pass your eyes. Even if I did not stop the letter yesterday, you will have a way to retrieve it."

Xie Jing Xing did not deny it.

"You…" Su Ming Feng grasped Xie Jing Xing's collar and his action was that of punching someone, making Jing Zhe and Gu Yu jump in shock but Tie Yi and the rest did not go forward to stop.

Su Ming Feng suddenly loosen his hand and said angrily, "Jerk."

Xie Jing Xing's eyebrows rose, "I am very happy that you are willing to send me off."

Su Ming Feng was silent before speaking after a while, "It is the last time."

"Send you off the last time." He looked up, "Loyalty and righteousness cannot be both accomplished but this time I chose righteousness. After this time, you and I are no longer Xiōngdì."

He said, "I know your plans so one does not need to persuade me or retain anything. Both you and I will eventually reach the point where we would be soldiers on opposite sides. After seeing one another again, we would be enemies and there would not be any emotions of the past." He was serious and said word for word, "But now, you are still Su Ming Feng's Xiōngdì."

There were some things in the world that would render one helpless. Due to destiny, the people dearest would become the most unfamiliar person and when one gained anything, one had to give something up. What was retained would be the most precious.

Shen Miao seemed to have seen through the two youths in front and saw that many years ago, a pair of figures would stroll on the streets of Ding capital city and would poke fun of the teacher when his back was turned.

Su Ming Feng slowly clenched his fist and put it in front of Xie Jing Xing.

This was an action that they often did when they were young. The boys in Ding capital city would often use this action as a testimony to their brotherhood. Su Ming Feng felt that this action was very chic when he was young and would get Xie Jing Xing to do it with him. Afterwards, when they grew older, he felt that this action was too corny and stopped.

Xie Jing Xing looked at him and he suddenly smiled. After shaking his head, he stretched out his arm and touched him.

Su Ming Feng looked up and laughed out, "Delightful."

He then flipped to the horse that he came on and said to Xie Jing Xing, "Once this day passes, both of us are no longer brothers. However, the sun has yet to set and the moonlight has not shone, so you and I are still best friends." He whipped the horse's belly and the horse neighed. Su Ming Feng turned the horse's head and left.

"Today, I will congratulate you once again. From this day forth, may you have no worries about clothes and food, may you have lots of children and grandchildren. May all your guests be of exalted rank and have may happy returns to eternity."

The voice of the always refined youth was straightforward and the end of the sentence gradually disappeared in the evening sun and one could only see a back view.

Xie Jing Xing's brows and lips were smiling but his eyes gradually cooled down before he got up the horse again.

He shouted, "Depart."