"If Mr Bara doesn't mind. I'd also like to know if we have the same feelings." Dealova said with a slightly flushed face and couldn't wait to know how Bara said he loved her.

"I'm sorry Miss Nita, maybe I'm not too smart to tell you how I feel. But I really mean my feelings." Bara said, a little confused and had a hard time saying love to Dealova.

"What is that feeling Mr. Bara?" Dealova asked impatiently with Bara's expression of his feelings for her.

Bara took a deep breath, trying to calm his heart. With a bated breath Bara lifted his face and looked at Dealova's face full.

"All this time I..." Bara didn't continue his words when he heard Dealova's cell phone ringing repeatedly.

Bara turned to Dealova's cellphone which was left alone.

"Take the phone first, Miss Nita, maybe there's an important call." said Bara while holding his breath to organize his courage again.