"Right...I know, you love him very much. Hey Chelo....you are very handsome Boy. Do you want Aunt to carry you? Your Daddy must be tired of carrying you all the time." said Aluna trying to approach and befriend Chelo after hearing all the good stories about Bara's life and Chelo is also a woman named Dealova.

Without replying to Aluna's words, Chelo tightened his embrace on Bara's neck when Aluna wanted to touch him.

"Never mind Aluna, Chelo is already sleepy right now. Let me put Chelo to sleep first. You wait here, I'll be right back." said Bara while going inside to put Chelo to sleep first.

After putting Chelo to sleep, Bara went back to Aluna.

"Why didn't you tell me you wanted to come?" Bara asked as he sat down on the sofa.

"I was going to tell you but Bagus said you weren't home, so I decided to surprise you." said Aluna while sitting next to Bara with a longing look.