Something weird

I rolled out of bed to the sound of my sisters voice.

"Ate get UP its time for school. Your alarm went off for like 30 minutes"

I got ready for school in record time. 45 minutes, record time for me at least. I quickly ate my Spam and eggs, put on my shoes, and stated my day.


While my teacher droned on about math I already knew by heart, I doodled mindlessly on one of my notebooks. I looked at my note book and saw a pair of graphite eyes staring at me. I stared at them for a second, and looked back up, a little late to realize that they were in fact a guy in my class, Zach's eyes. And then I realized that I was staring at him while I doodled, and that he was staring at me too. I quickly looked down and let my hair fall in my face before the blush spread to my cheeks. I erased the pair of eyes I drew, hoping he didn't see them. This was weird. I don't believe he's ever payed attention to the quiet, shy, clumsy girl before. I looked up again and he was still staring. People have stared at me before, but as soon as they found out I caught them they looked away. He wasn't stopping. I fiddled with my hair, super uncomfortable and pretended to focus super hard on the teacher. Zach was the guy every girl dreamed about...except me. No one at this school ever had caught my eye. Zach has brown-blond hair, vibrant blue eyes, defined jaw, muscular, tan, wealthy...all the girls were attracted to him. It made me uncomfortable to be thinking about him, and feel his gaze on my face. When the bell rang I carefully and successfully made it out of class without tripping, and made my way to Gym. I was deep in thoughts as I walked in the crowded hallways. There must have been something on me to catch his attention. Was my shirt on backward?? I quickly checked, and sighed in relief. My hair was like it usually was, and I was fine. Nothing to catch his attention. I frowned in frustration and gasped as I bumped into something. I look up and see That I hit someone. The guy I bumped into turns around and I look at his face. Zach! Oh great. That was the perfect way to attract more attention to myself. I blushed.

"I'm sorry. I guess I wasn't looking where I was going."

He chuckled "That's all right. What's your name again?"


"I'm Zach"

I tried to think of something to say other than 'Oh yeah I know that', but I came up blank and stuck with a small smile. "I'm sorry I have to go to class,"

"Ok I guess I'll talk to you later"

"Ok" Wait WHAT?? Talk to me LATER? I walked away, dumbfounded. Why would he do that? What did I deserve to get attention? I was fine with my 3 other friends, Sarah, Irina, and Bree. I tried and failed to not panic about the fact that some other popular human wanted to talk to me, and I didn't know what I would say. I found Bree in the locker room and told her what happened.