With a patient heart, Ardian ate what Nayla had brought him.

Nayla smiled silently.

"Feel it! it is really good to eat so much chili sauce." Nayla said to herself.

While holding back the spicy taste in his mouth, as well as the pain in his stomach, Ardian ate the rice that Nayla had brought until it ran out.

Cold sweat was pouring out all over Ardian's body, his eyes were a little watery red.

"Sorry, can I go to the bathroom for a moment." said Ardian asking permission from Nayla's mother and father.

As Ardian staggered along with a sharp pain in his stomach, tears had poured out of his eyes.

Seeing Ardian's unfavorable condition, Sasongko followed Ardian behind him.

When Ardian could no longer hold his body, Sasongko immediately caught Ardian's body.

"Nayla, come quickly and help me" shouted Sasongko while supporting Ardian.

Nayla and Mother Nay immediately came and helped support Ardian and brought him into the room.

"Lay down quickly, Dad." said Mother Nay as she took off Ardian's shoes.

"Nayla quickly called Doctor Budiman, asked to come here immediately and say that Mr. Ardian was sick." Sasongko said to Nayla, who was just stunned in silence, not expecting her little revenge to make Ardian almost faint.

"Oh my God, is it because Mr. Ardian's kidneys are not tasteless with chili sauce." said Nayla in a heart that just remembered Ardian's illness.

"Nayla quickly called!" shouted Mother Nay seeing Nayla who was still pensive.

A little surprised, Nayla immediately called Doctor Budiman, a doctor who is well known in the village of Nayla.

Mother Nay put eucalyptus oil on the tip of Ardian's nose to keep him awake.

Ardian, who felt nauseous in his stomach and felt like he was squeezing, could not hold it in anymore until he vomited everything in his stomach including the rice and the chili sauce he ate.


Ardian lay limp with vomit that covered his mouth and chest.

A smell of chili sauce rose from Ardian's vomit which was scattered on the floor.

Mother Nay, seeing this, immediately glared at Nayla.

"How many chili sauce did you give Ardian, Nay?" asked Mother Nay angrily.

"Not much ma'am." Nayla replied with fear seeing her mother's anger.

"If Ardian hurts because of the chili sauce you gave him, you will know the consequences. Hurry up and clean up Ardian's vomit, let me clean the floor." said Mother Nay as she went to the kitchen to get a mop.

Somehow Nayla felt guilty because she had the heart to give Ardian chili sauce.

Not wanting to be scolded by her mother again, Nayla cleaned Ardian's mouth and chest that had been vomited with wet tissue.

Ardian, who was still half conscious, stared at Nayla with his eyes half closed.

"Let me clean it myself Nay." Ardian said taking the tissue from Nayla's hand until accidentally their two hands touched long enough to meet each other's eyes.

Nayla quickly woke up and withdrew her hand, her face flushed red.

"Sorry, can you give me the tissue, Nay? let me clean it myself." said Ardian weakly.

"This is the task of the mother, you will be happy when I get angry with you again?" said Nayla, still cleaning the tip of Ardian's lower lip which made Ardian's heart rippled.

Ardian let Nayla clean her mouth, as well as his chest which was beating even faster, especially when Nayla rubbed it gently.

"Nay, move aside ... Doctor Budiman is here." said Sasongko who was already behind Nayla with Doctor Budiman.

A little embarrassed, Nayla got up from her seat and came out of Ardian's room.

More than fifteen minutes, Doctor Budiman came out with Sasongko and walked out of the house.

Sasongko returned inside after escorting Doctor Budiman.

"Mother, Nayla come here for a moment." said Sasongko with a sharp glance at Nayla.

"Nayla, did you know that Ardian was still sick and had to leave the hospital because he was kind enough to take you home, so why do you still have the heart to hurt Ardian by giving chili sauce to his food, You know Nay, Ardian's kidney was bad, you know the consequences? fortunately Ardian is a strong person, now you don't want to know that you have to take care of Ardian until he is healed from his current illness. Doctor Budiman said that Ardian needed three days to rest." said Sasongko in a voice full of pressure.

Nayla raised her face.

"But Dad, if I have to look after Mr. Ardian in our house, what would the neighbors say, Dad?" said Nayla who thought more about Kenzo's feelings if he knew this.

"So that later Father will answer, you better take care of Ardian, the faster Ardian heals the better for you." said Sasongko again.

Nayla was silent with a complicated thought, why were her parents like this to her, why would they defend Ardian more than her.

"I wanted to know why Father and Mother were so defending Mr. Ardian. even Dad, who usually always keeps the family name, why do you now care about all of that." said Nayla with a sore heart.

"I have kept the good name of the family, so you take it easy, now you take care of Ardian." said Sasongko angrily.

"No Dad, before I know the truth, I won't want to look after Mr. Ardian, I've grown up Dad! .. I have the right to know everything." said Nayla with teary eyes.

"You want to know Nayla, because Ardian is your future husband even though it's completely in your hands, Dad wants all the best for you Nayla, Ardian is a nice guy, he loves you Nayla a lot." Sasongko explained.

"But I don't love him Dad, I love Kenzo, and Kenzo loves me." said Nayla maintaining her love.

"If Kenzo loved you, he would have picked you up last night, but he did not do this because he was engaged to Safitri, the son of Mr. Hendra, the richest man in this village." said Sasongko with emotion.

"There's no way Daddy, Kenzo can't possibly be engaged, he loves me .. Daddy must be kidding right?" Nayla asked in disbelief at what Sasongko was saying.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask Zanna, or Kenzo, the person you love, now go back to Ardian's room, he must be suffering because of your actions.." Sasongko said softly when he saw his daughter's tears.

"Sorry Dad, I can't look after Mr. Ardian right now, I have to meet Kenzo. I'm sure something's not right here, Kenzo can't possibly do this to me, he loves me." said Nayla hurried out of the house to meet Kenzo and Zanna.

"Nayla, you will regret it if you hurt Ardian's heart, you will regret it son, you don't know what Ardian has done to our family." said Sasongko sadly.

"Give Nayla time to realize everything honey. Don't let Nayla know what Ardian has done to our family, so that Nayla loves what Ardian is. I'm sure one day Nayla will love Ardian." said Mother Nay.