With a heart full of questions and a sense of disbelief, Nayla sped up her motorbike where she used to meet Kenzo.

In the gazebo near the creek on the edge of the rice fields Nayla awaits Kenzo's arrival after he calls her before leaving.

"I don't believe in all this? Is it true that Kenzo is engaged? why didn't he tell me?" said Nayla in her already complicated heart and mind.

"Nayla." called Kenzo who was standing behind her.

Nayla turned around, between her longing and anger.

Nayka walked closer to Kenzo until in front of Kenzo, Nayla threw a slap on Kenzo's white cheek.


"What does all this mean? why are you doing all this to me?" shouted Nayla with tears already streaming down her cheeks.

"Nayla listen to me first, I can explain everything to you, you have to trust me." said Kenzo, holding Nayla's hand which Nayla immediately brushed her off.

"I don't want to hear anymore Ken, why are you telling me to come home if you don't love me Ken?" look at Nayla with fiery eyes.

"I do love you Nayla, and I want to be with you, until the time Daddy called me and said that the company needed a very large injection of funds, and the only way I had to get engaged to Safitri. Daddy didn't force me to marry her, only told me to get engaged, after the funds were received by Daddy. and I am in touch with Safitri for five months I will leave her." Kenzo explained trying to convince Nayla.

"Is it so easy for you to escape Mr. Hendra's power? you can die at his hands if you leave Safitri." said Nayla full of pressure.

"I can persuade Safitri, even if she is the one who left me, I am very sure Safitri will do it if I ask." said Kenzo grabbing Nayla's hand and holding it lovingly.

"I'm not sure Safitri wants to do it, you know Safitri has always loved you a lot." said Nayla coldly as she let go of Kenzo's grip.

"Therefore, because Safitri loves me I really believe she will do it for me." said Kenzo who was desperate to accept his father's decision.

"Then why didn't you tell me before? why after this happened you just told me?" asked Nayla angrily.

"I was about to tell you, but when we meet, it turns out that two days ago Mr. Hendra put his engagement date forward, that is yesterday and I just found out that you came when you called me. I wanted to pick you up at that time but I couldn't go out. Father told me not to go anywhere." Kenzo explained sadly.

"Why can't you refuse all of this Ken? why do I have to be hurt?" asked Nayla with a still aching heart.

"I can't refuse it Nay, how can I close my eyes with the destruction of my father's company?" said Kenzo staring into Nayla's face.

"I don't know, now that our relationship is over before we started, you've hurt my heart Ken." said Nayla, met Kenzo's gaze with a hurt heart.

"I will start this relationship with you Nay, I will prove it only loves you, and only wants you." said Kenzo kneeling before Nayla.

"What are you doing Ken?" shouted Nayla who could not believe that Kenzo would kneel on the ground for her sake.

"I'm sorry Nay, give me the opportunity to finish my engagement with Safitri in just five months Nay. Give me some time Nay, I love you so much." said Kenzo with his head bowed.

"Well I give you a chance to prove that you really love me, but I ask you not to show your face in front of me anymore." said Nayla, glaring at Kenzo, then walked off to her motorcycle and left Kenzo alone with great sadness.

"I love you Nay, I will prove that I love you, you will be mine because I know you love me too." muttered Kenzo with deep sadness.

With a wounded heart, Nayla ran her motorbike towards her friend Zanna's house, who had disappeared after crashing into Ardian.

" Zanna." called Nayla when she found out that Zanna was sitting on an old bench planting flowers in her front yard.

"Nayla? what's wrong are you here?" asked Zanna who was very surprised that Nayla had arrived at her house in the morning.

"I want to talk to you now." said Nayla while sitting on the old bench in the yard.

"What are you talking about, Nay?" Zanna asked looking at Nayla who looked angry and sad.

"Why didn't you say that Kenzo was suddenly engaged by his father?" asked Nayla with anger and disappointment.

"Ohh, that .. how can I tell you how happy you look when we discuss Kenzo, I can't bear to tell you." said Zanna sitting beside Nayla.

"What nonsense is this Zanna, you didn't tell me because I couldn't afford to be hurt like that? now I'm sicker Zanna after I decided to go home and want to build a future with him. " said Nayla with an even more hurt heart.

"And again Nay, I have one reason why I didn't tell you about Kenzo. Because in our village, many people have talked about you if you are Mr. Ardian's future wife. Mr. Ardian proposed to you and your parents accepted it even though they were still waiting for the final decision from you." Zanna clearly looked at Nayla with a little fear.

"What? So Daddy meant it by saying that Ardian was my future husband!" said Nayla with an even more hurt feeling.

"Yes, you can say that Nay's gossip, but all decisions are yours." Said Zanna patting Nayla's shoulder.

"How can I accept Ardian, Zan? Mr. Ardian is our teacher! her age is far from me. Moreover, I don't love him, I love you Kenzo and Kenzo loves me." said Nayla with deep annoyance at Ardian.

"Nayla, even though you love Kenzo and Kenzo loves you, you know Kenzo is engaged to Safitri. And you yourself know that Safitri, Mr. Hendra's son, is the richest person in our village." said Zanna trying to open Nayla's eyes.

"Kenzo promised me he would end his engagement to Safitri soon." said Nayla, looking at Zanna seriously.

"Forget Kenzo Nay, it's better if you accept Mr. Ardian's application." said Zanna to persuade Nayla.

Nayla looked at Zanna in disbelief when Zanna said that.

"You know Nay, you can be happy with all the wealth that will be yours if you will accept Mr. Ardian's love. And again, you are still young, your future is still long, while Ardian is already old. Especially with Mr. Ardian already sick, you only waited a few months. And if Mr. Ardian has died, all Mr. Ardian's will be yours, all Nay." Zanna continued, trying to persuade Nayla to accept Ardian's proposal.