"Think what I said Nay, and again Kenzo is also five months, right he tied up with his engagement?" said Zanna trying to make Nayla be with Ardian without Nayla knowing that she had promised to help Ardian.

Zanna is forced to encourage Nayla to accept Ardian, by showing that she is not defending Ardian but defending Nayla.

If Zanna praised and defended Ardian, surely Nayla would not like Ardian. For that, in order for Nayla to be comfortable with her, Zanna pretended to insult and criticize Ardian so that Nayla would believe that she was defending Nayla.

"How about Nay, you have nothing to lose, Mr. Ardian, you can file for divorce when Kenzo separates from Safitri." said Zanna who was sure that Ardian would be able to look after Nayla and make Nayla change and be able to love Ardian.

"I can't Zanna? I don't love him." complained Nayla with anger buried in her heart.

"You want your parents to be ashamed of the neighbors?" Zanna asked almost in despair with Nayla stubbornly.

"Then what should I do Zan? You know for yourself I'm not a person who likes sweeties with people I don't like." Nayla complained with great sadness, as if a test was playing with her.

"Listen Nay, just take my advice. I'll stay on your side. I'm sure you can live it. And Mr. Ardian is also patient, you can definitely control him." said Zanna seeing Nayla sitting pensive.

"Well I will think about what you say, and again if Kenzo can get engaged to Safitri why can't I? he must also feel the pain that I feel." said Nayla with a wound that still opened.

"Now go home, poor parents they must be anxious to find you." said Zanna taking a sigh of relief.

"I'll go home now." said Nayla, walking to where the motorbike was.


"How do you get the answer, if Kenzo is engaged to his son Mr. Hendra?" said Sasongko when Nayla came and sat in front of her father.

"Kenzo was forced to do it because his father forced me to." said Nayla, still defending Kenzo.

"If he loves you he won't want Nay." said Sasongko in a soft voice, seeing Nayla who looked depressed.

"What if that happens to us, it's not like I have to agree with Dad if you have a problem like that?" said Nayla holding back tears.

Sasongko was silent, what Nayla said was true.

"Don't you fight anymore, everything has happened. Nayla you come in and see the state of Ardian, he is sick because of you who are too far. Did Ardian have something wrong with you that you could do something like that." said Mother Nay patiently but full of pressure.

Nayla was silent, without speaking Nayla walked into Ardian's room.

Ardian lay on his bed, unable to close his eyes when he heard Mother Nay's loud voice talking to Nayla.

"Don't make this problem a burden on your heart, I'm fine. And soon I'll be home, I know it's not good if the neighbors find out that I'm here." said Ardian trying to sit down.

"Thank goodness you still keep my family's good name." said Nayla sitting on the chair beside the table.

"I'm also sorry about my proposal, I proposed to your parents when you started studying in another city. And now you are home, but you don't worry...I will not force you to accept this matchmaking. And don't be mad at your parents, you can just be mad at me." Ardian said in a low voice.

Nayla looked at Ardian in disbelief, proposed to her three years ago? and his parents didn't tell him at all.

"What did you do to my family? why my parents are so defending you whereas to me not." Nayla asked, glaring at Ardian who was sitting beside the bed.

"I didn't do anything, believe me. And you should know, your parents really love you." said Ardian again who could not say that five years ago when Nayla's father needed a kidney donor, he was the one who donated his kidney to his father Nayla. And when Nayla needed money for college enrollment in the city until Nayla graduated, He was the one who paid for it.

Nayla looked at Ardian in disbelief, how could it be without doing anything, her parents are so very affectionate and always defend him

"It is better if you go home, because it is already late in the afternoon. It's not good if Mom and Dad tell you to stay over again." said Nayla with a feeling that was actually uncomfortable because it had indirectly kicked Ardian out.

"Okay I will go home, my message is never to be angry with your father and mother." Ardian said as he stood up and walked out of the room.

In the living room Father and Mother Nayla were waiting for Ardian and Nayla.

"Father and Mother Nay, I want permission to go home. I feel better now. Thank you for the kindness of Father and Mother Nay." said Ardian who said goodbye to go home.

"Sit down first Ardian, I want to talk about your proposal." said Sasongko with a serious face.

"Nayla, sit down." Sasongko said to Nayla too.

Ardian and Nayla sat side by side on a long chair, while Sasongko and Bunda Nay sat on separate chairs.

"Nayla, Dad has already told you that Ardian is your future husband, actually before you go to college in the city, Ardian has proposed to you and I accept it. But Dad still leaves it completely to you because Ardian wants those of you who answer him to accept or reject this proposal." said Sasongko at length.

Nayla paused for a moment thinking about rejecting Ardian's proposal, because Nayla didn't have any feelings for Ardian at all.

But if you remember the pain she felt for Kenzo, Nayla wanted to get back. Because everyone in the village knows who Ardian, a handsome village head in his village. And everyone really respected him, even many parents who wanted to make Ardian's son-in-law including Hendra's family, but Ardian refused.

Nayla knows everything from her mother.

"Give me one day to think about it. Dad, I'll go to Mr. Ardian's house if I accept his proposal. But if I reject it I hope Mr. Ardian can understand." said Nayla, staring at her father and Ardian in turn.

Ardian smiled calmly.

"You don't worry, I'll give you as much time as you want, I'll be waiting for you Nay." Ardian said, looking softly at Nayla's face, which looked hurt and disappointed.

"Forgive Nayla for not being able to answer today Ardian." said Sasongko with pity seeing so much love in Ardian's eyes for his daughter.

"It's okay sir, I will always be patient waiting for Nayla to come to my house." said Ardian smiling patiently.

"All right sir, Mother Nay, I'll excuse me Nayla." said Ardian getting up from his seat and walking out, followed by Sasongko and Mother Nay.