The Edge of Truth

SELENE woke up from the continuous slaps on her shoulder. She blindly shakes off the hands of the perpetrator, but her hands are firmly captured by it. 

"Selene, wake up! Can you hear me?! Selene!" a distressed voice of a lone female calls out to her. 

Selene groans out in pain. Her eyes feel too heavy that she doesn't want to open them. However, the continuous loud voice is messing with her ears. She slowly opened her eyes, and a blurred face of Dorothy came into view.

"Are you alright? What happened? Wait! I will call an ambulance." Dorothy suddenly bombards her with questions. The memory of last night assaults her instantly, particularly the creepy eyes staring right through her and pale, bloodied hands that came out of the mirror trying to reach her. If only that was a dream and not her reality. Selene feels a throbbing pain in her forehead when she lightly touches it; blood smears on her fingertips. 

"No, don't call an ambulance. The wound is not that deep." Selene replies weakly. 

"Help me up" Dorothy comes to her side and gently sits her up while supporting her back. Luckily, her back doesn't hurt much compared to last night, aside from her throbbing forehead. It feels like tiny pinpricks of needles are relentlessly stabbing it.

"Are you sure? What if you have an in—"

"Did you call Patrick?"  Selene asks while slowly standing up with Dorothy's assistance. Her legs feel too weak, but she can still take small steps until she reaches her bed.

"No. I didn't call Patrick yet," she replied worriedly. Selene breathes a sigh of relief. She doesn't want to worry him. 

"Don't call him," she pleads to Dorothy. "I'm fine. I just hit my head and slipped." Selene added nonchalantly. However, she doesn't look even a tiny bit convinced. She looks at her doubtfully. Dorothy gently sits her on the edge of the bed and thoroughly examines her from head to toe. 

Selene groans loudly. She understands that she's worried, but she doesn't have to be overprotective, just like Patrick. She needs her as a best friend, not as a caretaker. "Don't call an ambulance, and don't call Patrick. Let's just go to the hospital for a check-up after our appointment."

Dorothy arches her almost too perfect eyebrow. "You got the sequence wrong. Let's have you check to the hospital first before going to our appointment." 

Selene raises both her hands in defeat. "Alright, let's have it your way. Just let me rest for a little bit since my knees still feel weak."

Dorothy folds her arms and stares down at her. "I know you're clumsy, but tripping and passing out? What happened?"

"I think I saw something last night. Though I don't know if it's related to my nightmares."

"Something? Like a Gho—ghost?!"  Dorothy's gaze frantically wanders around the room, and her eyes are glued to the opened bathroom door.  She unconsciously rubs her bare arms as if to chase away the sudden cold that shrouds the surroundings.

"Precisely speaking, I saw eyes staring right through me from the mirror and a pair of hands trying to reach out to me and asking for help." 

Dorothy's eyes grow wide, and when her bedroom door suddenly opens, she shrieks and jumps in surprise. She immediately hides behind her when Selene sees a black snout and whiskers at the door. She smiles widely.

"Stop scaring yourself. It's just Snow." 

"What?!" when Snow finally manages to open the door wide enough, he thoroughly squeezes in his enormous body. He swiftly runs towards her, his black tail wagging adorably. 

Dorothy angrily points toward Snow. "Are you sure that's just a dog? It looks like a wolf to me, and what kind of dog can open a door like that?" 

Snow jumps at her and starts licking her hands. "What are you saying? He's been trained to do that." 

Snow yawns exposing razor-sharp teeth, and Dorothy squeezes in further to hide. She's not the least bit convinced. "Anyway, get dressed. I will wait for you outside, and please hold your dog while I go out. I think he's getting ready to eat me."

Selene shakes her head in disbelief. If Snow had plans of eating her, she wouldn't be able to come inside the house unscathed. However, Selene lifts and carries Snow while Dorothy nervously leaves the room to soothe her. Snow stares at her; his ice-blue eyes almost look like it sparkle with mischief. Selene grins and starts cuddling with Snow. How she wishes everything would go back to normal, just like always.

WHEN Selene opens her eyes, the first thing she sees is the menacing and gigantic blood-red moon hanging precariously close in front of her. If she just reaches out a little, she thinks that she can touch it with her hands. Selene stares dumbfounded by the thought. When she scrutinizes her surroundings, she can smell the earth's soil and feels the cold hard ground, which means she's lying on her back.  The cold seeps through the thin layer of her clothes, chilling her skin. Selene sits up straight and examines herself. She's wearing a white slip-on dress, which is different from her clothes before falling asleep. Seeing her bare feet confirms her hunch that Selene is dreaming. She couldn't help but laugh, and it sounded hollow in her ears. To be honest, she wouldn't even call this a dream.  It is so detailed that it feels like she got transported to another place when she's only supposed to be in the car with Dorothy. They are on their way to the shaman's house as scheduled.

Selene thought that nothing would surprise her even more. Still, a sudden blast of wind blew in her direction, and it brought about a tangy scent of sulfur mixed with the mustiness of the earth. The strong waves slam hard beneath her, and she can feel their impact reverberate through her body. Selene's body recoiled with her laugh coming out in broken gasps. Her mind is utterly gripped with fear. She doesn't need to have another confirmation to accept that she is dreaming. There's no way she will be stupid enough to go anywhere near the sea again. 

Habitually, Selene starts taking note of everything she sees. In this dream, she's sitting on a cliff with gigantic waves ready to swallow her whole. A blood-red moon in her backdrop serves as an omen that she's about to meet her demise. She can't make out anything aside from that because it's too dark to see anything else. 

"This is bad," Selene mumbles.  Before something else happens, she starts to crawl away from the cliff's edge. Selene doesn't even care if it makes her look stupid. She just needs to get away from this place even as soon as possible. 

Her heart is pounding hard that it's too loud. As seconds tick by, she feels her energy slowly fading away. If she wastes any more time, she's going to lose it. Selene's mind is barely hanging by a thread when sudden lightning strikes the ground and sets a massive tree on fire. She freezes on the spot, mouth agape. Even though she is aware that this is only a dream, the first thing that crosses her mind is that she will be burned alive before getting swallowed by the giant waves.

"This is the worst dream ever!" Selene screams at the top of her lungs. The fire is already spreading fast and getting nearer. She can feel her skin slowly scorching, and her throat is drying up.

"Am I finally going to die in my dream?" Selene asks with gritted teeth. Just like her dream last night, this one also feels different. She can't accurately pinpoint what's wrong, but she can feel that something is off. Her guts told her that this was just a prelude to everything that would make her life even more difficult than it already was.

"This isn't a dream," a masculine voice whispers, his voice carried by the wind.

"Who's there?" Selene frantically searches for the owner of the voice. The black mist suddenly gathered before her and took the shape of a tall figured man.

"This isn't a dream. If you don't go back now, you're going to die." the tall figure declares. Its voice sounds so deep that it feels like it came from the very bottom of the earth. All the hairs on her body stand on its end. "Everything is already set. We can't let you die here in vain."

"I don't even know how to wake up from this dream!" Selene complains, purposely ignoring its last statement.

"I will help you."

"How—" her voice dies down when a sharp object pierces through her chest. She looks up at the faceless figure in front of her, stunned, and feels an excruciating pain as the blood oozes out. Selene clutched her wounded chest, trying to stop the bleeding, but it was no use. The wound is just too deep. Selene gasps in pain, and blood comes out of her mouth. She can feel her consciousness slowly fading away.

"You will not die." the black mist declares. Still, before Selene passes out entirely, it leaves an even more sinister reminder that makes her wish she won't remember everything when she wakes up.

"I've been waiting far too long. Remember our promise." 

Selene wakes up with a gasp, and the first thing she sees is Dorothy's worried face and an intense stare.  "Thank God you're awake. You were groaning in pain while sleeping." Dorothy remarks while focusing her attention back on driving. 

"I'm fine," Selene replies, panting.  "I just had a bad dream." 

Selene tries to put on a smile to ease her worry.  She just hears a small grunt from Dorothy that might be considered her reply.  Selene remains silent and focuses her gaze on the row of tall trees as the car passes.  As they near the top of the mountain, the temperature seems to be getting colder, and the car window starts fogging. Selene sighs heavily. She repetitively replayed her dream in her mind for the whole duration of the trip, trying to decipher the message behind it, but she still couldn't understand it.

Completely immersed in her thoughts, they have already arrived at their destination before she knows it. When Selene comes out of the car, she is welcomed by a deafening silence. She also sees nothing but trees and grasses everywhere. However, looking out at the view from above was breathtaking. Surrounded by nature, lush greenery, and stylish residential houses dotted below, it's an excellent place to visit for some peaceful rest. The top it all off, the air is fresh, and the temperature is mildly cold. Although the sun is still brightly lit outside, the weather became cold and pleasant, considering the high altitude. Selene deeply inhales and savors the fresh air.

The shaman's house is located in a mountainous rural area three to five hours away from the city. After her check-up, they grabbed a quick lunch and continued traveling. Dorothy drove the whole way, considering they might get into an accident if she was the one behind the wheels. Though she managed to get her driver's license with a barely passing grade, Patrick forbids her to drive independently, utterly aware of how hopeless she is when going. Thankfully, some streets are paved, and Dorothy can navigate easily, although the road is steep.

"Selene, let's go. We still have to climb a hundred twenty steps to get there." her friend points towards the direction of the stairs. By looking at those uneven, steep stairs, Selene was feeling tired already.

Dorothy grabbed her hand and led her upstairs. However, she's been actively participating in sports like martial arts to build her stamina, the continuous lack of sleep, and her busy schedule and number on her body. She's been feeling weak and a bit under the weather these past few weeks, and doing a trek at this point will be a challenging job.  When they finally reach the top of the stairs, Selene is panting for breath while Dorothy remains unfazed. She curses silently. She needs to get back in top shape.

Selene focuses her gaze on the house in front of her. The charming and rustic wood cabin surrounded by a well-kept garden, with a grass field and flower patches at the edges, looks striking and warm even from a distance. The house is also built with slightly tall, rounded windows that allow enough light to enter the house. The intricately decorated door suddenly opens, revealing a tall-dark-haired woman wearing a tiered long sleeve boho dress that reaches past her feet. She looks completely normal from what she imagined.

The woman warmly greets them. Then, she looked in her direction and held out her hand in front of her. Selene hesitates at first but shakes it firmly.

"I am Cordelia." she smiles kindly. However, Selene couldn't help but feel bothered by it. She also feels uncomfortable with how she looks at her. It feels like Cordelia already knows her before she can even introduce herself. 

Selene returns her smile. She just wishes she didn't look stiff. "I'm Selene, and this is my best friend, Dorothy, who contacted you." 

Gratefully, she finally releases her hand and turns Dorothy to shake her hand. "Good afternoon, Cordelia. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine. You must be tired. Please come inside. I prepared some refreshments."

They quietly follow Cordelia inside the house. Like the façade, the house's interior also looks warm and cozy. The design is simple, natural, and has an earthy feel. It seems like the typical vacation house, complete with basic amenities. The ceiling is made of a large and chunky wooden beam that evocates nature at its finest when looking up. The living room has side tables, accent chairs, and other dense wood furniture made from raw logs, boards, and stones. There are also a rustic but elegant kitchen and small dining area that can be seen from the living room where Cordelia is currently standing. 

Selene sits comfortably on the couch, and Dorothy sits beside her. It may look like an average house, but Selene's gaze immediately fixates on the altar. There are crystals or some sort of unique stone placed in it. There are also candle displays, lit incense, and dried herbs. The warm, musky, and honey-like smell must be coming from it, making her nauseous.

Selene feels a sharp stab from her side. "Are you alright?" Dorothy murmurs beside her ear. Before she can even reply, Cordelia suddenly comes into the room with a refreshments tray. She set the tray on the table and seated in front of them. 

"You must have many questions that you wanted to ask me." Cordelia's soft and melodic tone of voice surprisingly calms her. Selene faintly nods.

Selene watches as Cordelia carefully places black loose tea leaves in the cup and slowly pours hot water coming from the small pot. Afterward, she pushes the teacup towards her and regards her with a sudden solemn gaze.

"Tell me what you want to know?" she urges without breaking eye contact. Selene swallows the humungous lump that suddenly forms in her throat. She wants to know many things, but the first thing that comes from her mouth bothers her most despite her unconscious denial.

"My dreams. I want to know what those dreams mean," Selene replies honestly.

Cordelia smiles, hold out her palm forward, and urges her to drink. "I think it's fine to drink it now. While drinking, please concentrate on your question and leave a small amount of tea in your cup."

Selene quietly held the cup for a few minutes and did as Cordelia instructed. When she nearly drank all the liquid inside the teacup, she placed it back in its saucer. Cordelia grabs the cup's handle and gently swirls it in a clockwise pattern around three times.

After that, she turns it upside down on the saucer before tapping it. After a few taps, some of the remaining leaves fell out. Cordelia silently looks into the cup for a few minutes before whispering.

"Hashi," Her attention is completely absorbed in the teacup that she's holding.

Selene is taken aback, and she's not sure if she heard her right. "Hashi? Wha—what bridge?" 

Cordelia puts the cup down and looks toward her. She leans to the backrest and clasps her hands together. "Past and present that connects alternate two worlds. It seems like you will be in for some great adventure."

Selene leans back and inhales deeply, her hands in a tight fist at her side. She suddenly feels suffocated. "What does it have anything to do with my dreams?" 

Suddenly, Cordelia points towards the necklace she's wearing hidden beneath her clothes. Selene automatically recoils and anxiously grasps the signet ring on her neck.  "It seems like you had forgotten someone. A long-forgotten memory of someone important that constantly haunts your sleep."

Selene stiffens. She can't wrap her head around what she's saying. There is no way she can just forget someone. If Selene could, her life would have been easy. If she can only forget, she wants to erase the vivid memory of her mother's death as she held her lifeless body in her arms while drenched with blood. She wouldn't feel in constant pain and perpetually hollow if she could only forget. 

Selene clenches her fist tightly until the pain reverberates to her skin. She needs to calm herself. 

"It's not like I'm boasting or anything, but I have a pretty good memory compared to an average person. I can even vividly recall events from when I was still a child. I will never forget it. That is why there's no way I will be unable to remember someone."

Cordelia doesn't look convinced. "But you just did. That's why something is trying to make you remember again through your dreams."

"I don't understand what you're saying. Can you please—"

Cordelia immediately cut her off. She feels something different from her, a different aura from earlier. All her hair stands on end. Cordelia's eyes darken, and her kind smile from before vanishes like thin air.

"You always feel a permanent hole in your chest that couldn't be filled with anything. You cry, feel sad, and empty for no obvious reason. It's like you long and ached for something you don't know. Am I right? I assure you it's not just because of your mother's death, but because of a completely different reason."

Selene feels like she has completely turned into stone. Her body feels heavy, and she can sense all the blood rushing to her head. Her stomach churns, and she will puke everything she had eaten earlier. And the rapid beating of her heart abruptly turns cold, and still, it's getting harder to breathe. Selene pounds on her chest to ease the icy hot pain when dark spots appear in her vision. When Selene thought that the dark would swallow her, a soft but firm hand held her.

"Selene, please breathe." Dorothy gently pleads, and just like that, everything becomes clear again.

Selene can't believe she got overwhelmed. It's already been ten years since she's attending therapy sessions with different doctors. Still, no one lasted until Dr. Maxwell came into the picture three years ago. Her mother died when she was only thirteen years old, and since then, her emotions have turned haywire. Others see her as someone volatile and delicate that needs to care for continuously. It's also why Patrick remains stuck to her like glue even after they graduate from college.  And then just a few words from some stranger made her feel like this. No wonder people around her just couldn't leave her be. She will always be just a burden to them.

Selene turns towards Cordelia while fighting back her tears. She can already feel a throbbing headache attacking her. "How did you know that? You learned all that information about me just by looking at that teacup?!"

Cordelia purposely ignored her question and continued what she was saying earlier. "It looks like you've gotten yourself into a binding contract that is impossible to break. You have no choice but to fulfill your promise. And your dreams are the key to retrieving your memory. Only then will you be from it."

Selene couldn't take the pain anymore. She promptly stands up and almost falls flat on her butt when suddenly overwhelmed by dizziness. Dorothy stands by her side and firmly holds her waist to keep her from falling. 

Selene slightly hangs her head to apologize. "I'm sorry, but I don't feel well. Thank you for giving me your time. I believed this conversation could continue on a later date."

Cordelia walks towards her and inspects her face. "You're getting pale." She touches her cheeks, and creases suddenly form on her forehead. "You also have a slight fever. Alright, let's talk again in a—"Cordelia freezes mid-sentence. One minute her eyes widen in surprise. The next, she suddenly became silent and motionless. 

"Is everything alright?" Selene asks, her voice tainted with worry. However, she didn't get a reply. She lightly touched her shoulder, which immediately made her snap out of it.

Cordelia awkwardly tucks some of her loose hair behind her ear.  "Ahhh, I'm sorry. Please, wait in the car. I just need to give you something."

She runs towards the room from their left side and leaves them confused by the sudden change in her behavior. The sun was about to set when they left the mountain and headed straight home.