The Weeping Danger

SELENE scrutinizes the amethyst stone given to her by Cordelia. It's almost the same size as her palm, and the smooth cut of the stone feels perfect in her hands. Since earlier, she couldn't stop herself from touching it. When holding into it, it somehow calms her nerves. 

"What did she give you?" Dorothy suddenly asks while her eyes are still focused on the road ahead. It's already dark, and they're traveling along the dark mountain road. It's taking them some time to reach the highway below since Dorothy reduces the car's speed. On an unfamiliar path like this, it's safer to drive at an average rate.

Selene lifts the stone within the eye level of Dorothy. As soon as the amethyst crystal hits the light inside the car, the stone displays a gorgeous sparkling flicker of colors. 

"It's an amethyst stone. Cordelia said it's supposed to help me have a good night's sleep. Though, it doesn't necessarily mean that the dreams will completely disappear."

Dorothy spares a glance in her direction. "Hmmm…I guess that's enough for now instead of going home with nothing. Is there anything else?" she probes, her voice laced with worry.

Selene closed her palm and hid the stone in her coat pocket. She opened the car window and slightly stuck out her head before breathing in deeply. 

"Nothing else," she replies in a quiet voice, her voice drowned out by the noise of the car.  Selene can't bring herself to say it, those last words of warning from Cordelia. She can still hear her ominous voice leaving her with nothing but growing fear.

"In the moment of life and death, you must desperately pray and make a wish. Hold the hand of that someone who reaches out, and she will save you." Selene murmurs. The words felt alien the more she heard them, even when they came out of her mouth. Her skin prickles with fear. Selene hugs herself to stop her body from quivering. 

Dorothy must have sensed her discomfort because her eyes were glued to her longer than necessary. "Are you cold? You should close the window." 

"No, it's okay. I like the co—"Selene's eyes widen like saucers when she sees a tall hooded figure standing in the road a few meters away.

Selene slaps her best friend's arm.  "Dorothy! Look out!" she screams, her hand instantly fastened tightly to the handle beside her. 

To her relief, Dorothy abruptly steps on the brake. If not for the seatbelt, they could have been hurt because of the impact. "Woah! Wait! What is it?!" she asks frantically, looking over the direction in front of them. Selene did the same, but the road remained empty, to her surprise. Aside from having nightmares, she is also starting to hallucinate.

Selene breathes out in exhaustion and looks over to the still confused Dorothy. "I just saw someone standing there in the middle of the road." 

Dorothy rolls her eyes. "I don't see anyone. Are you half-asleep?" 

Selene is sure of what she saw. She took off her seatbelt and came out of the car to check the road while ignoring Dorothy's rants about how scary it is to go outside when it's completely dark. However, as her best friend said, no one is there as she examines her surroundings. The hooded figure standing in the middle of the road earlier disappeared. Also, there is no place where he can hide. 

Dorothy calls out to her from the open car window. "Selene, go back in the car! It's getting late, and this is scary!"

She took one last look around before she reluctantly returned to the car. It seems that Dorothy is about to bust a fuse.  When Selene adjusted herself in the car seat, another problem popped up.

Dorothy anxiously starts the car engine, but it dies down instantly. She repeats it a few times, but the same thing happens.

"The car won't start," Dorothy replies horrifically. "But the tank is still almost full. What's wrong? Don't tell me we're going to be stuck in here?

Dorothy is already starting to panic. It looks like she'd seen a ghost because of how pale and aghast she seems. "Let's call for a highway patrol for help" Selene pulls out her phone from the inner pocket of her coat. However, to her dismay, there is no signal in the area.

"Did you hear that?" Dorothy whispers, her voice suddenly trembling with worry.

"What are you talking about? Stop scaring—"Selene stops short when she hears a loud screech of tires and metal moving in their direction. A massive truck came out from the curve at breakneck speed. Selene instantly processed in her head the time they had left to get away unscathed. They have at most two minutes to get out of the car. Selene immediately removes her seatbelt but freezes in her tracks when she sees a dumbfounded Dorothy in her seat. 

"Dorothy! Let's get out of here!" Selene screams. 

Dorothy's lips trembles, and tears start trickling down her cheeks. "I-I can't re-move my seatbelt." 

Selene frantically searches for the push button with quivering hands to help her get it out of her. However, when she finally frees Dorothy from it, Selene sees an incoming light only a few meters away from them, almost blinding her. Her mind has gotten numb with the sudden realization that it's already too late to escape. Cordelia's last words blare inside her head like an alarm. Selene squeezes her eyes shut and tightly hugs Dorothy to protect her from the impact. She is fully intent on using her body as a shield. She knows that it won't make much difference, but she's willing to hold into that tiny hope to keep Dorothy safe. The rest is for God to hear her prayer. 

Selene ignores Dorothy's muffled protests and braces for the impact. Before she could even blink, the heavy truck collided with them, sending their car rolling multiple times in the roadway. Selene can feel excruciating pain in every part of her body. The windshield must have broken into tiny pieces because she could feel the shards of glass cut deep into her skin. A large gash in her head and forehead sent her world spinning. And for the consecutive day, Selene succumbs to the empty darkness. 

She didn't know how many hours had passed. She can feel the paralyzing pain that wraps her whole body. A voice jolts Selene out of the empty darkness with heavy fluttering eyelids and far-off distance. She can dimly see the flickering lights of different colors, and she can almost hear the wind faintly whispers, "I'm here to save you."

Selene feebly flails her tattered hand in the air. She feels too weak to speak, but the only thing that matters is her best friend's safety in her mind. Whoever is there to save them, she just needs to say to her savior to keep Dorothy safe. 

"No—ple-ase sa-ve Dorothy." 

She heard a faint melodic laugh from a woman and then a soft murmur, but she couldn't quite catch what she said before quickly sinking back into the dark, empty void. 


The snow carpeted the entire mountain ranges in a vast ice sheet. The houses built just below the foot of the mountain look minuscule as the abundant snow buries them. The rivers remain deep and moving, still flowing under the blanket of thick ice. The sky is awash with colors of grey and watery light, illuminating a serene but chilling brilliance. 

Kaden looks at the frozen ground, and it glitters when reflected by the remaining faint rays of the sun as it slowly hides behind the mass of clouds. He breathed in deeply, and a surge of vapor came out of his mouth.  The air is icy and frigid. Not even a speck of warmth can be felt. The long, harsh winter waves have finally swallowed the whole kingdom of Lyriboña. Though they have gotten used to this severe weather, maintaining a decent living is still challenging. 

The food supply is always scarce in a cold, dry climate, just like this one. Though there are some land plants, most are not suitable for consumption. The lengthy winter periods of near-total darkness cannot support plants' growth, requiring sunlight leading to impoverished land. The only means for them to survive is to hunt for beasts. However, his grandfather has a different intention of going out.

"Gramps! Why are we here? We are way past the hunting grounds." Kaden shouts, eyeing the old man annoyingly. 

They have been tramping around the deeper part of the mountain, and they haven't had a moment's rest. Kaden feels like dragging him back home and tying him up. It will also be a lot easier if he is the only one to hunt for their food. The two of them traveling already pose so much risk. Kaden can also finish up the hunt earlier to give him a chance to spend his remaining time in someone's skirt.  A sizzle of energy spikes up his blood with the thought.

"It's close. I think it is around here," Elder Kenshin mutters distractedly. His gaze is sweeping carefully, taking in the surroundings without pausing, making sure his critical eyes will see every nook and cranny. Just by looking at the old man, Kaden knows he couldn't be able to convince him to go back and forget whatever it is he's looking for. The last thing he could do is end this suffering by helping him.

"Just tell me what we are even looking for so I can help you and be done with this already. I want to head back to the village immediately."

Elder Kenshin glares at him, and his dark blue eyes glint like a blade that shoots him in his spot. Kaden freezes, unable to take off his eyes from Elder Kenshin. A considerable lump suddenly forms in his throat. 

"And then what? Spend your time drinking until you pass out and then fooling around with anyone wearing a skirt? If you're not careful enough, you'll find yourself with a wife and a babe." Elder Kenshin said lowly, but an undeniable threat in his voice chills his blood to the core. And then, as an afterthought, he smiles. "I'm just worried about you."

Kaden didn't even realize he was holding his breath until it left him in a whoosh. He almost collapses in a heap of mess. He clears his throat.

"I'm always careful," he mutters without looking at him

"You will never know," the old man replies almost too playfully for his liking.

"Bloody hell! Stop saying those things. I have goosebumps," Kaden half-shouted.

"See, you're not ready to commit yet."

"I'm too young to commit myself to anyone" Elder Kenshin is being irritating. He's almost tempted to kick him in the shin.

"Doesn't it only mean that you haven't found your mate yet?" he said without preamble. Kaden almost tripped while standing still. He can't think of a nice retort because his message struck a chord in his chest and resonated through his soul's deepest part. Kaden shakes the feeling off him immediately. He couldn't dwell on those thoughts.

"Are we talking about this right now? Just find whatever you're looking for and make it fast," Kaden side-tracks.

"Then shut your mouth and follow me!" he snaps back. So, they are back with the suffocating atmosphere, huh?

"What exactly are we looking for?" Kaden asks again. He has every intention of making him spill everything.

Elder Kenshin scowls at him. He returns it with a smile and a shrug of his shoulders. "You're not acting like yourself. Besides, we are almost at the foot of the Wallmere Mountain. It is the Queen's land, and trespassing is punishable by death. There must be sentries patrolling the area as we speak."

"I know the law, boy. You don't have to remind me. You seem to be having cold feet for someone who doesn't like following the rules."

Kaden scowls, getting suspicious of his grandfather's unusual behavior. He is planning something, and he is getting a bad feeling.

"Then, where are we going? Spill it, old-man, or we're not getting anywhere from here."

Elder Kenshin sighs, and a deep frown creases his forehead. "We're not going to Wallmere. I found a secret passage that will lead us to the boundary of the Isle of Felora."

Kaden suddenly stops in his tracks, almost losing his balance. Did he hear it, right?  He stiffens when the realization sets in, and his mouth hangs open. His grandfather intends to make him faint because of his craziness.

"Fe—Felora?! Are you out of your mind?! Do you want to be hanged?!" he screams, disturbing a few birds nesting in the frozen trees. 

"If you're going to keep screaming like that, we will undoubtedly be put to our deaths. I suggest you tone it down." 

Kaden ignores his tirade and pulls his grandfather's hand. "I'm not going to stand for this. We are going back to the village." he declares, tightening his hold. 

"Then, are you going to watch your brother die? I'm going to get my hands on Baptisia. That flower is the only ingredient left to complete the potion." 

Kaden's hand slackens at his side, and Elder Kenshin takes that chance to break from his grasp. Khalil's pale face and thin body came to mind. He clenches his hands into a tight fist.

"The High Priestess is residing there. Do you think that she will forgive you if you just come unannounced? We already have our hands full because of those bloody bounty hunters that are out for our blood, and still, you're planning to commit treason. You're putting the village at risk!" 

"I don't care anymore. I need to help Khalil." Elder Kenshin declares firmly. Judging by the look on his face, it is futile to convince him to abandon his plans, but Kaden couldn't just back down.

He tried to keep his voice even and cold. "Khalil is a half-breed, a burden forced into you by your foolish son. He is destined to die at a young age. Just let it go."

Elder Kenshin remained silent, but absolute determination etched in his eyes. When he looks like that, he has no intention of listening to anyone but himself. "You can't be serious." Kaden breathed. His gramps left him alone and continued the trek towards the upper part of the mountain. 

For a moment, Kaden froze in fear.  His head is already spinning with hundreds of possible circumstances that might happen if his grandfather pushes through with his plans. Kaden might be harsh with his brother, but he only tells facts. His brother Khalil is his father's son, a shape-shifter, and a human woman. He knew the risks of having a half-breed child, but he still foolishly impregnated a human. Scorned by the village for being different, Khalil lives a lonely life. And when he reaches the age of twelve, which is considered the coming of age ceremony of their kind, he will start to manifest his spirit beast, which everyone believes he will not survive. He may have the blood of a shape-shifter. Still, it is too diluted, resulting in a body built like a human, fragile, weak, and almost having a non-existent pool of mana.

He heard about the miracle Baptisia flower with excellent magical properties that could heal any sickness. The flower is cultivated in the Queen's land, specifically in the Wallmere's Mountain. However, suppose his grandfather plans to go to the Isle of Felora. In that case, he must be talking about the fleeting Phantom Fairy Baptisia found on the island where the high priestess resides. According to the legends, it is a flower that could grant immortality. And just like the name itself, the flower blooms once every one hundred years and can only live for seven days. Getting his hands on it will be an impossible feat, and he has no idea how he will manage to do that, even if he does something crazy. 

Kaden needs to stop him at all costs. He runs after him feeling terrified out of his wits. Suddenly, the ground quaked with great force beneath him, followed by a familiar scream from a distance. Kaden rushes towards his grandfather at the speed of light, his heart thumping loudly against his chest. As seconds pass by, the unceasing tremors become powerful that blocks of ice from the top of the mountain start raining down on him, and then it instantly stops. 

When Kaden reaches his grandfather's location, he sees him standing still at the edge of a deep valley. He rushes towards him and pulls him out of the border. Luckily, he didn't resist. Like Kaden, his grandfather couldn't wrap his head around what happened. He stares off in the distance in complete shock.

"The ground breaks down, and a huge chasm appears." Elder Kenshin whispers, suddenly losing the energy he had earlier. He couldn't blame him. It is the first time something like this has happened, and even he can't believe what he sees. 

Abruptly, the temperature rises, and Kaden immediately feel it.  He walks towards the edge to look into the gorge when a mass of smoke rises and a pool of hot liquid the color of blood bursts free from the ground. Suddenly, an unexpected heat spread inside him, almost lighting his body on fire. All the blood inside him is screaming, wanting to break out. His breathing became ragged, and his heartbeat got louder like a reverberating drumbeat. Just when Kaden thinks that the situation can't worsen, the skies darken, and everything becomes pitch black for a moment. He couldn't see anything until an explosion of dazzling white bright light almost blinded him. Kaden uses his arms to shield his eyes, and when he opens them again, a column of red and bluish light shines down from the sky.

Kaden squints his eyes towards his left side, a few paces from standing. It looked like someone was standing there, but he couldn't be sure because of the thick smoke. Kaden wipes his eyes and scrutinizes his surroundings again to ensure that his eyes are not deceiving him; it certainly looks like a human figure. When a strong gust of cold wind blew towards their path, the smoke scatters, revealing a small girl standing precariously at the cliff's edge. She is dressed in strange clothing with her bluish-silver hair billowing along the wind. As if sensing his presence, the girl turns towards him, and memory from years ago resurfaces, turning Kaden's world upside down. 

A woman's words suddenly echo inside his head. He turns towards his grandfather, and the thrilled look in his eyes makes him want to blind him. He must have remembered what he said about his encounter with the dark-haired female ten years ago. Kaden clutches his head in frustration. He stumbled upon a more troublesome problem than the Baptisia flower. There's no way Elder Kenshin will pass up the opportunity to know about the girl in his strange story.