The High Priestess of Felora

SELENE struggles to break free from Zeno's weight as his slender but hardened body continues to crush her. She can't believe that Zeno reacted at the last minute and ends up following her. Selene puts all her strength into her arms and pushes him away, sending his body flying a few meters away. She hears him groans in pain while she fights back the sudden dizziness that overwhelms her. When Zeno didn't show any signs of getting up from the ground, Selene hurriedly runs towards him after regaining her balance to check his condition. However, when she reached his unmoving body, she finds him conscious while blankly staring off into space.

"How is it possible that such a skinny girl like you is almost as strong as the monsters from the Devil Hollows Forest?" Zeno asked breathlessly.

Selene grit her teeth in annoyance. She lightly kicks his legs, which made him whimper again. "Did you just compare me to a monster? You jerk!"

Zeno stares at him curiously, and then only a few seconds pass, and he starts laughing uncontrollably that his breath turns into painful wheezes. "You're amazing. It's the first time I met someone who stood up to that unpleasant Prince like that without fear. You have my appreciation."

While looking at him, the cold and aloof aura, he exuded from earlier vanishes without a trace and replaced by a mischievous and friendly behavior that suits his young age. Selene finds herself smiling at him without reserve, her chest feeling a bit lighter.

"You should smile and laugh often. It suits you."

Suddenly, Zeno stops laughing and stares at her longer than necessary. And when it feels like he finally had his fill with his staring, Zeno genuinely returns her smile that it even reaches his eyes. Feeling suddenly uncomfortable with the unexpected change in his attitude, Selene is the first one to break eye contact and sweep her gaze around her surroundings to distract herself. However, there wasn't anything much to see aside from what seems like a dying forest. She is standing in the middle of gloomy and barren land. Just by looking at the place, Selene is having doubts if she will find Lucia here.

Selene didn't immediately notice that Zeno is already standing beside her until she felt his hot breath fanning her neck. Selene jumps in surprise and tries to get away from him as soon she can when he seizes her wrist and pulls her towards his body. She feels anxious because of the sudden closeness, but Zeno pays it no heed as he examines her injured arm. Selene is grateful that her ability to see into people's minds is still unstable. It would be unfortunate if she unknowingly invades a person's privacy, although it would be advantageous for her.

"How is your wound? Let me see it."

"I'm fine. It doesn't hurt that much. I just got slashed a little," Selene replied coolly despite the ongoing turmoil inside her. Her left arm doesn't throb as much, just like earlier. The wound must have been healed already, but she can't see it visibly because of the blood. Though, it would be bad if Zeno checks on her wound. She's not supposed to let anyone know that her body can heal very quickly.

"There was so much blood. There is no way that it's just a little wound." Zeno insisted while they continue their game of tug of war.

As Selene struggles to get away from their body's closeness, he will pull her again towards him that makes her relentlessly nervous. Though it took her repeated attempts, Selene finally manages to break free from his grasp. Zeno glares at him, but there's a trace of worry in his eyes, which is a startling discovery. He surprisingly has a gentle side of him. However, it doesn't change the fact that he's been acting quite strangely, and she can't keep up.

Selene looks at him with a troubling expression on her face. "You shouldn't treat your hostage like this. Your master will be sad."

Zeno just shrugs his shoulders as if not caring one bit. "But you already got away. You're not my hostage anymore."

"Didn't you follow me so that you can take me back?!"

Zeno shakes his head vehemently. "Before I knew it, I'm already following you. I also don't understand it myself. Maybe, it's because I'm curious about you. I told you just earlier; it's the first time I met someone like you."

Selene can feel her face heating up. Her stupid face must be blushing right now. She mentally smacks herself and tries her damn best to put on an annoyed expression.

"You sure know how to say a cliché pick-up line. Stop it! It's embarrassing."

Zeno chuckles heartily. "You even look beautiful when blushing."

Selene can't believe a brat like him is making her blush. Though at her current appearance, it will be like a young man flirting with a child. Selene slaps her cheeks to wake herself up and not be led by the noose.

"Do you want to die? Stop it now!"

Selene angrily stomps away from Zeno's laughing figure and roams around the place, trying to look for an exit. She needs to figure out where they are and how to get out of this place. In just a few seconds, Selene can hear footsteps running after her and the annoying smooth, silky voice calling her. She starts to run faster, but Zeno caught up to her in a second.

"Where are we right now?" Selene is unsure if Zeno is doing it on purpose or not, but he starts walking close to her than she can feel their shoulders touching with every step. And no matter how many times she tries to get away, Zeno further closes the small gap between their bodies.

Selene sighed in frustration and just decided to ignore his sudden strange behavior. "I actually don't have any idea where we are."

All Selene can see is a lifeless forest with nothing but skeletal branches of charcoaled colored-trees and hard ground devoid of any form of plants, even the wild ones. She can also smell a potent reeking scent of something like rotten meat that makes her stomach churns. It feels like this forest has long been forgotten after being ravaged by a storm or some other kind of natural calamity, barely stripping it of its chance to be revived again. She's not sure if this place is Felora, where the High Priestess resides. Selene looks up at the darkened sky that added to its sad countenance when she heard shuffling footsteps heading towards their direction.

Like a skilled guard, Zeno pulls her behind him and uses his body as a shield when a group of women wearing white robes appears in her line of sight carrying swords. Before Selene knows it, they were completely surrounded. Although, it looks like Selene came in the right place, after all. She waves her hand towards the familiar figure standing in the center, and she can see the dawning recognition as she caught sight of her. It`s the woman who's together with High Priestess Lucia last time in the library.

"Hello! Do you remember me? We met last time in the library. I'm here to see the High Priestess. Can you please lead the way?"

Everyone gasps in surprise when she just casually announced that she wanted to meet the High Priestess; clearly, they didn't like it one bit, especially with how their poker face turns darker as they glower at her. Selene understands the importance of following standard protocols when meeting a high-ranking individual. She is also aware that it might be hard to meet the High Priestess, so she is asking shamelessly. Lucia said that she could use the coin when she's in trouble, and she did, but it didn't mean that her problem ends there. She needs a way to contact Kaden as soon as she can.

The young woman from last time murmured something to one of her comrades; after that, the others left, leaving only Lucia`s aide and another young woman that must be her assistant. She looks at her and gives her a brief nod before speaking in a curt voice.

"Follow me," the young woman starts walking in the opposite direction where the others took, and Selene immediately follows her when Zeno stops her just to hold her 1hand and slightly squeezes it before walking together again. Selene let the warmth of Zeno's hand comforts her until they reached the entrance of a pristine white temple that looks totally out of place in this barren land. It seems like High Priestess Lucia is also having some kind of trouble despite the indifference she'd shown the last time they talked about the problem of the kingdom.

The young woman who introduced herself just earlier while they were walking is called Mauricia, the High Priestess' close aide, and a Priestess herself, turns towards Kaden with an indifferent look on her face.

"Men are not allowed inside the temple. You will have to wait for your companion in an adjacent mansion, where you will stay for a while."

Zeno briefly smiles at her before he quietly followed the other young lady while maintaining his distance. If she didn't know better, he's acting surprisingly submissive.

Selene followed Priestess Mauricia when she led her further inside the temple until they arrive in front of intricately carved massive double doors. When Priestess Mauricia opens it, she finds herself standing in front of a vast warm indoor pool while three women are standing in a corner a few paces away from them. They were also dressed in a much simple white dress that reaches past their feet while their hair is neatly tied in a bun. They bow deeply in front of them and give their formal greetings.

"Make sure to scrub her thoroughly. Do not let even a faint stench of blood remain in her body," Mauricia ordered in a cold and firm voice.

"Yes, My Lady." The women replied in unison.

Priestess Mauricia turns towards her with her usual poker face. "I will let you meet the High Priestess when you're done changing.

"Without saying anything else, Mauricia left the room, and the maidservants swiftly flock towards her to help her bathe. However, there's no way she will allow someone to help her take a bath. Despite their repeated pleading, Selene kicked them out of the indoor pool and told them that they could assist her with something else except when bathing. In the end, they relented, and once she's alone inside, Selene takes off her bloodied-soaked clothes and step into the warm bath. A sigh escapes her lips when the warm water immediately eases the tension in her body. Selene starts to scrub herself, just like Mauricia instructed thoroughly, and uses the fragrant flowery essences prepared by the maidservants. However, Selene stops short when she finds weird markings at the center of her chest. She stands up in surprise and runs towards the nearest full-length mirror that she found. Selene stares, stunned at the branch-like silver markings on her chest from the middle, and extends to the other side of her breast. Not only does Selene have to feel dejected because of her shrunk breasts, but she also has to worry about the tattoo that suddenly appeared on her body. This place is where she felt the burning sensation when she met Cessair and Nicolai for the first time.

"Just what the hell is going on with my body?" Selene murmurs while looking at herself in front of the mirror. Her eyes look unusually clouded that a broken laugh escapes her lips. She tightly clutches her hair in frustration and starts massaging her head to ease the throbbing pain she feels. Selene jumps back to the pool and sinks her body further until she can see nothing but darkness.

AFTER her bath, the women lead her into an adjacent room where additional maidservants are waiting for her.

"My lady, we are here to help you get dress," a petite brunette stated. She stepped out from their straight line and waited for her reply. Without meaning to, Selene finds herself scrutinizing her from head to toe.

While looking closely, she looks too young, maybe around twelve or thirteen, the same as the others she came with. Though they don't look like they're being treated that bad considering how neat and pretty their appearance, Selene still feels something off. When she tries to concentrate hard, she can see a flickering and faint red color emanating from her body that instantly disappears when she blinks. Selene hears someone cleared her throat, and she was snapped back from her own world. Still waiting for her reply, Selene just nodded, feeling out of her element. Taking it as her affirmation, the brunette ordered the other ladies to get started.

Selene stares at a huge gown being lifted by the two maidservants. It is a dark and red fur-trimmed medieval designed dress. The front is decorated with a subtle vertical gold lace trim with an accent color different from the rest of the dress. The sleeves are full length and flares subtly outward. From the shoulder, it gradually expands until it hangs comfortably to the wrist. The edges of the sleeves are also lined in faux fur. Selene couldn't help but groan in annoyance when she was led in front of a full-length mirror, and she saw herself looking like a wide-eyed confused brat who is about to get ready to strip again—just to get herself out of the confines of this freaking enormous gown.

After fastening countless ribbons at her back, one of the maids led her in front of the dresser. What happened next was a series of hair-pulling and grabbing that she's surprised that she still has remaining hairs on her head. After arranging her hair in an intricate braid, the wide double doors opened, and Priestess Mauricia came inside with a scowl on her face. It looks like she just got into an argument, probably with the High Priestess. Selene can almost hear their conversation inside her head. It must be something along the line that she is dangerous and shouldn't associate herself with them.

"Get up. It's time."

"But My Lady, we haven't fini—" Mauricia glares at the maid before looking at her with obvious disdain. Selene almost smiles at her in return. In fact, she's happy that she doesn't have to hide her true feelings any longer.

"She already looks fine to me" she dismissed the maids and signaled Selene to follow her.

Selene immediately followed Priestess Mauricia, trying her best to catch to her giant steps without tripping. The long dress made her struggle even harder. Her feet like to get stuck on the hem of the dress that she almost lost her balance a few times. Suddenly, Priestess Mauricia stops in front of gigantic double doors with an intricate design of two serpents facing off each other. Selene nervously smoothed the dark velvet gown she changed into as she patiently waits for the two women who look like a knight standing at both sides to announce their presence.

When the door creaks open, Selene immediately inspected her surroundings while taking note of everything, as she usually does every day of her life. She was welcomed by a cavernous dome-like room filled with mosaics of different creatures and symbolic figures. However, the ancient white ash tree's stained glass with its silvery branches and golden leaves caught her attention. After imprinting the image in her mind and securing it for future reference, she stares straight ahead and finds a golden-haired woman standing in front of an altar where a statue of their Goddess is standing tall and firm. Trying to even her breathing, Selene starts to walk down the aisle, focusing her gaze on the lone figure standing in front when she turns towards her and smiles. Even though Selene hasn't had the chance to see her face while they were in the library, the faint smile that etched her lips is enough for her to confirm her identity.

"You always get into trouble really fast," Lucia stated candidly. Lucia is exuding an indescribable beauty that, for a moment, Selene is at a loss for words. Just like the golden leaves in the ash-white tree, both her eyes and hair shimmers like gold.

Selene stops beside her and looks over the magnificently sculpted statue in front of her. "And it seems like you know about it beforehand. I will not be surprised if you actually admit that you've been spying on me." Selene teasingly replies as she looks at her.

Lucia's faint smile turns into a wide one that made her eyes widened. "Yes, let's just say I've been spying on you."

Selene chuckles in disbelief. "Since when?"

"Since your arrival. Although I like to keep it a secret between the two of us."

Selene turns towards Mauricia, who is already standing paces away from them but staring at Lucia intently. "Don't worry. She can't hear us right now. I put up a barrier so that you can speak freely."

"Why have you been spying on me?"

"Ten years ago, I received an oracle. It foretold about your arrival. I haven't reported it to anyone, not even the Queen. And just as I told you, it's the first time I met someone like you. I believe the last time we had someone from the otherworld just like you was from five hundred years ago. Of course, I will be curious."

"Aside from that, do you have anything else that you're curious about?"

Lucia didn't hesitate with her reply and looked at her gravely."Maybe, about why you're here. Or what your mission is?"

Lucia continued while turning back her attention to the statue in front of them. "It's been a decade since I last heard the Goddess' voice. Although it's been thirty years since my power starts waning, it will only be a matter of time until my magic will completely vanish."

"That's why the land here is dying." Selene murmurs. At that moment, she decided to trust her and tell her about her mission. Selene has never been like this before, but she thinks that she can trust her if it's Lucia. Since she steps foot inside this world, she'd done nothing but to trust and rely on people. If Patrick can see her right now, he might laugh at her face because of what she's doing. In her world, it's been her hobby to doubt people's intentions. Although it is easy for people to trust her because she's competent enough to give them what they want, in her case, it is hard for her to trust the people around her. There must be something about the air or food in this place that makes her act this way.

"When that time comes, not even the Queen nor I will be able to protect the kingdom." Lucia pointed towards the stained glass image of the ancient ash-white tree. "Does that tree look familiar?"

Selene nodded. "I've seen it when the messenger summoned me. During our conversation, she said that this world is on the brink of extinction and that I have to help save it."

Lucia has become quiet for a few minutes before heaving a huge sigh. Her face suddenly looks forlorn and aged in just a matter of seconds. "So, it has come to that. At first, I've had my doubts, but maybe it is just because I refused to accept it."

"Then, are you really going to save our world?"

Selene resolutely nodded. "Don't be mistaken. I want to save this world not because I want to but because it's the only way for me to go back home. I don't want to become a hero, and I also can't promise you that I will absolutely succeed. The only thing that I can promise right now is that I will do everything in my power to do something about the situation."

"That promise is more than enough. Then, I guess it's only right for me to show you this."

In a snap of her fingers, the place suddenly changes, and she finds herself standing in front of a massive white-ash tree with silvery branches that she'd see in the mosaic as well as when she was summoned by the messenger. However, just like the state of the land outside, this tree is also dying. Its leaves continuously fall from its branches, and the moment it touches the ground, it dissolves and disappears.

Lucia's melodic voice fills the cavernous room as she continues talking. "This is the Holy Tree, Eemosolia. And this is this kingdom, no—the world of Albion's lifeline. The Holy Tree plays a central role in protecting this world. In the holy text, the massive and long silvery roots of this Holy Tree stretch to the whole world and connect to the other thirteen Holy Tree located in various places. And as recorded to the journals of the previous generation of High Priestesses, underneath the Holy Tree is a celestial object that holds an insurmountable amount of power."

Selene catches one of the golden leaves that fall from the tree. However, once it touches her palm, the leaf instantly vanishes.

"This is just my conjecture, but since the fall of the beast kingdom of Arcova, a distortion seems to appear in Albion. It causes the first sign of the destruction of this world, and that is the dwindling of mana."

Selene turns towards Lucia with a grave expression on her face. "Then, something must have happened in the Holy Tree that is located in the Kingdom of Arcova or in the other location where the holy trees are located."

The High Priestess nodded, and the wheels inside Selene's mind starts spinning uncontrollably. She feels her chest ballooning because of happiness. There's a chance for her to go back home. This is where she can begin. From this, Selene can lay out a concrete plan to succeed. It was the right decision to trust Lucia, after all. However, before going on a journey, she still needs to tie some loose ends.

A smile etches Selene's lips. The thought of being able to go back home lifts her spirit. "I will do it. I will investigate this case, but first, can I ask for a favor?"

It will be the start and the end of everything.