The Runaway Prince

NICOLAI is seething with anger. He can't believe he got his ass kicked by that little brat. His pride as one of the strongest in the empire feels like a joke now. And he can sense that Vladimir is trying his best to hold his laughter while he heals his injury. Though, Augustus is currently shaking with anger as he stands guard beside him. Nicolai shakes his head in wonder. It seems that the sole thing that spurs Augustus into action is anything that involves him. He will not spare that poor girl. They shouldn't meet again. He already has a headache just by thinking about what will happen.

"Your Highness, please stay still. I'm trying to heal you properly." Vladimir chided. He is already in his human form while focusing his healing magic on his broken jaw. Nicolai thinks he also got some scratches in the other parts of his body; that's why he feels sore.

"I'm going to kill that vermin!" Augustus growls out while his hand tightly clutches the hilt of his sword.

Vladimir's face darkens because Augustus' remark that his voice came out sharp and biting despite his formal speech. "I suggest that you stop that thought, My Lord. We are trying to gain Lord Kaden's trust. She might not be his real sister, but she is still his ward. With what happened earlier, it only put us to a more precarious position."

Augustus tenses at his side, and he starts to emanate a menacing aura that instantly stifles the air. His booming voice reverberates inside the four corners of the room.

"Are you blaming, His Highness?!!"

Vladimir sighs before replying calmly. "I didn't mean it like that, My Lord."

Despite both of them serving him for a long time, Vladimir and Augustus are always at odds with another. They frequently have something to argue about though it has always been Augustus who easily gets annoyed and lashed out with Vladimir that also ends up in them having a duel. Nicolai needs to break the fight before it gets worse.

"Stop it, you two. Vladimir just focused on healing my injuries."

Nicolai slightly turns his head at Augustus. "And Aug, let go of your sword. Vladimir is only telling the truth. I acknowledge that it's partly my fault. I just lose it when she—"

Nicolai shut his eyes tight and tries to shake away the image of him slashing the poor girl. He might be angry at her for mentioning his mother, but he is also mad at himself for losing his temper.

Vladimir gives him a knowing smile. His bluish-purple eyes twinkle against the dark night. "We understand, Your Highness. Please, don't overthink about it anymore. We just need to focus on accomplishing our goals."

"It is not your fault, Your Highness." Augustus stubbornly insisted. "It is that vermin's fault for being careless with her words! And please do not believe what she just said."

Vladimir stops for a moment as if thinking, then looks at Prince Nicolai gravely. "But we cannot simply disregard her words. I've felt it since the first time I saw her. She is not just an ordinary girl. I suggest we should look into her"

Augustus grabbed his shoulder and pressed it hard. "Don't say such useless things!"

Nicolai sharply looks at Augustus. "I just told both of you to stop!"

As if burned by his voice, Augustus takes off his hand in Vladimir's arm and looks at him like a kicked puppy. He may be rude and explosive with others, but he's always been devoted and gentle to him. He can't help but think that he's been too reliant on him.

"Vladimir, I think that would be good. I also need to know her real relationship with Kaden."

Vladimir stood up and held out his hand. Nicolai clutches it without hesitation, and Vladimir assists him in standing up. He bows deeply before answering. "Then, I will investigate it right away, Your Highness. I am also done with your treatment."

Nicolai looks out of the window and to the dark sky while the young girl's cunning face not befitting of her age from earlier vividly reappears in his mind. Vladimir is right. She's not an ordinary girl. Despite her youthful appearance, the girl looked wise beyond her years. When looking at her, it feels like she is the same as Vladimir. He's getting more curious about her real identity.

Suddenly the door slams open, and a breathless Isaac, his Head Knight, runs inside the room. "He's here, Your Highness."

Despite the young girl's escape, it looks like their trouble won't be in vain after all. He just needs to talk to Kaden and convince him to come to him. That is the sole purpose of their travel to this far northern kingdom. And Nicolai is also aware that he only has limited time. His elder brother can't know that he's here in the Kingdom of Lyriboña. His estimated arrival will be the day after tomorrow. He needs to wrap things up before he arrives, or hell will break loose. Unsavory rumors already target him wherever he goes, and the public can't know about this short rendezvous.

"Guide him in." Nicolai orders in a short, clipped tone.

In just a matter of a few seconds, an enraged Kaden came into his sight. And he didn't bother to hide the menacing energy rolling off him in waves. Nicolai always thinks that his cousin has always been calm and composed. He is also excessively vigilant that it took him years to track his whereabouts. It is because, just like that young girl said, Kaden doesn't like a troublesome thing. That's why, ultimately, he decided to stay hidden instead of hearing his people's plea.

"Leave us. Do not come inside until I told you to do so." Nicolai ordered without taking off his eyes at Kaden. For a moment, everyone had become quiet. They're obviously against his request, especially Augustus. He doesn't want to leave him alone, but he doesn't like anyone to hear his conversation with Kaden. Nicolai rewards him with a thin-lip smile before giving in and following his order.

When they were finally left alone, Nicolai smiled at him widely. "It's been a while, cousin. Do you remember the last time we met? I told you that I will always come and find you no matter where you go. It's pointless of you to resist any further. Just come to my side."

Kaden scoffs. His mouth tightens, and he can see a protruding vein on his temple. "And just like I told you the last time we met, I don't want to get involved in your grand schemes. If you don't want to let go of that revenge, do not come anywhere near me."

Nicolai clenched his teeth in anger, years may have passed, but he didn't change one bit. He's still as stubborn as hell!

"When are you going to stop playing pretend with your fake family? I am your real family! Only the two of us are left, and we need to join forces to rebuild our home. Our kin is still waiting for us."

Like a bolt of lightning, Kaden appears in front of him, grabs him by the collar, and smashes his body against the cold concrete wall. Big chunks of dismember wall fly off, his body leaving a gaping dent on the wall. Nicolai groans in pain; it looks like Vladimir has to heal him again. He heard Augustus protests inside his mind and immediately told him off. He can handle himself.

"You must be mistaken. You are the Imperial Prince Nicolai Ernest Goldstein, the third prince of the Empire of Ebon. Do not forget who you are."

Nicolai chuckles in derision. It is a title that he plans to taint with the blood of his enemies. "Yes, we shouldn't forget about whom we are, Prince Kaden Osmon Von Den Driessche. You are the sole surviving pureblood royalty of the Kingdom of Arcova. Our kin is suffering. Please think about your people."

Kaden smashed the wall with just one punch, his clenched fist barely grazing his face. He let go of his collar and glowers at him with an indescribable look of torment on his face.

"Do not call me by that name! I was only a Prince in name, and I was never treated like one! That's why for God's sake, Nicolai! Can't we just live in peace as it is! You are already a Prince of an Empire! You must have tons of responsibility that you need to fulfill. Just forget about everything!"

Nicolai's blood boils with anger because of his last words. "Do not tell me to just forget about my mother's death! I will not rest until I get what I want, just like you are not allowed to forget who you are!"

Nicolai takes a step towards a fuming Kaden and stops short until their ragged breathing mingled against the cold night. "You may be an illegitimate child, but you are still the King's son. It doesn't change the fact that you are still the next heir to the throne. And as we speak, the Emperor of Ethion is hunting you down to eliminate you. If you insist on staying with your family, their lives will be in danger. You don't want that to happen, do you?"

Kaden's face had become deathly pale, and his eyes grew wide with panic. Nicolai continues talking. He hopes this will be enough to convince him. "I've been monitoring my father's actions, and it seems that the Emperor of Ethion found out about your existence, and he asked Father for help. I may be a Den Driessche, but I'm merely a half-breed; I pose no threat. However, once Elder Brother takes the throne upon my father's death, my safety will not be guaranteed. The Imperial Crown Prince doesn't like the idea of having a monster for a brother, and his first edict as the Emperor will certainly be to take my head. We have to take action as soon as we can. I beg of you to think about this."

Kaden drew a shaky breath, his eyes remain anxious, but he is determined not to listen anymore. "Where is Selene? I've already given you enough time to tell your piece, and I will not hear from you any further."

A burning sensation spreads inside every part of Nicolai's body, and it feels like he's going to explode. Why does he refuse to listen? If they just let things be, then the beast-kin his mother's pride and blood will be completely extinguished. He can't let it happen. By not doing anything, it just further validates the humans' judgments that they're nothing but monsters that deserves to die.

"Just…just, why are we not allowed to live? Just because we're different doesn't mean that we deserved to die! We didn't do anything wrong! We're just trying to survive!"

Kaden looks at him with a forlorn expression on his face. "The humans will never think of it that way. It is in their instinct to fear what they do not know. There will never be a time that we will be able to understand each other. That's why I'm telling you just to give it up. In the end, for our kind to peacefully live in this world, we have to eliminate them just like what they are trying to do to us. Of course, you know about that because that is what you exactly plan to do."

"Am I wrong to think that way? That is the only way for us to survive."

"Will you truly be happy once you have your revenge? Is that what Sister Beatrice would want for you?"

Nicolai had convinced himself that he's prepared to do it. He's ready to become evil to exterminate evil. He will do everything in his power to exact his revenge, even if it means that thousands of lives have to be sacrificed. However, the way how Kaden looks at him like how he's some kind of a naïve and pitiful prince gnaws at his heart. He also keeps hearing Selene's words in his mind that he can't utter a single reply. No matter how many times Nicolai denies it, he's been shaken up already. How could he not, when a girl who is hardly an adult uttered big words like saving him while having a confident look on her face. Her eyes looked genuine and sincere. She also didn't falter even a tiny bit when he raised his sword and slashed her. And he can't believe he is thinking about her, right now in this critical situation. A sarcastic laugh escapes his lips.

All of a sudden, he can hear Bethrion's voice inside his head. "Your Highness, I have an urgent matter to report to you."

"What is it?"

"After meeting with Kaden, I went back to the Blackspire Town as you instructed, and I found a group of suspicious people hanging around the place. I haven't verified their identities yet, but I learned that they would be heading to Wheepingthorne's Village tonight. It's safe to say that they might be from the Empire."

"Alright, head to the village immediately and secure the villager's safety. We will be there as soon as possible."

"Yes, I will do as you instructed."

Once Bethrion's voice disappears inside his head, Nicolai meets Kaden's intense stare. He must have already realized that something terrible happened. He already looks troubled despite him not saying anything yet.

Nicolai silently calls unto his companions, and in just a flash, a short knock breaks the suffocating silence between them.

Once Vladimir entered the room, he immediately gives his order. "Vladimir, we need to open a teleportation gate headed to the Wheepingthorne's Village."

Vladimir hesitates before answering, a troubled expression marring his usual poker face. "You're Highness, we may be on the outskirts of the Capital, but using high-level magic will be detected by the Temple. Knowing the Queen's temperament, it will be unwise to do so."

Nicolai suddenly makes a displeased sound. They don't have much time left. Although he already sent Bethrion, he will not be strong enough to fend off the enemies alone. They also need to secure the villagers' safety.

"We need to reach the village as soon as we can. Think about a solution."

Vladimir bows deeply. "Yes, please wait for a moment, Your Highness."

Kaden angrily walks towards him and tightly seizes his wrist. "Just what the hell is going on?"

Isaac stops Augustus before he can even draw his sword. He likes to rely on the sword hanging at his side for someone who is a court magician. Nicolai sighs in relief because of Isaac's intervention.

Nicolai looks at Kaden and tries to break the news to him as calmly as he can. "It seems like your worst fear is about to be realized. They're headed to your village as we speak."