Star Crossed


"Sir Knight, do you remember me?" Selene asks him in almost a whisper. She tightly clenches her fist to stop it from shaking. She can feel the people's curious gaze inside the room, but she decided to ignore it and deal with the problem at hand.

The blonde knight quietly nodded as he looks at him with a blank expression on his face. He placed his fisted hand on his left chest and greeted him with a deep bow.

"I've been looking for you, My Lady," he declares in a crisp and clear voice that rattles her even more. There was no hesitation in his voice, and Selene felt the hair on her skin rises in anger.

"Then, it is true that you're kidnapping young girls that almost look like me to find me?!" she screams at him in frustration.

"It's the only way to find you, My Lady. It doesn't matter how we do it. Master only cares about finding you," he replied matter-of-fact, utterly unperturbed by her anger. His face is also expressionless that she doesn't know what he is thinking. He is like a robot only programmed to answer her question without a hint of emotion. It's a complete opposite of how he behaves around the Emperor from what she witnessed during their short encounter.

Selene slaps her forehead in disbelief. She can't possibly try to wiggle her way out of this. This man only cares about fulfilling his duties and nothing more. If she tries to resist, Selene is sure that he will do something drastic to bring him to his master. The only thing that she can do is to minimize the damage.

"Alright, I will come with you. I need to talk to your Master, anyway. However, you will have to fulfill my three conditions."

An older man with a round belly and thinning hair scoff in disgust while he strokes his mustache. He is dressed lavishly from head to toe that everyone will instantly recognize that he is someone from the nobility. She caught sight of the signet ring that he is wearing that bears his family's crest, and Selene instantly recognizes it. Just from that, she roughly knows where she is as of the moment.

"Woman, you're in no position to bargain. You are my hostage, and you will quietly come with him after he pays me with a trunk full of gold coins."

Selene rewards him with a sickly sweet smile while looking at him harshly. "Baron Winslet, you must have a death wish. You dare to kidnap people and sell them for money. Are you itching to be stripped of your status and be quartered in front of the masses for bringing shame to the royal family?"

The Winslet family is a low-ranking noble with a status of a Baron. From what she remembered in her lessons, Baron Winslet owns a small land near Millwood Town, where the active slave market is located. And despite his status, the family is loaded with debts more than wealth. It is also a known fact that the head of the family is addicted to gambling. According to Carol, there were also rumors that he's been dabbling into prohibited businesses such as human trafficking. However, because they live in a backwater part of the Empire, authorities are not paying much attention to it. And despite his ruined reputation, he still has a little influence on the people to do his bidding. Though, that will have to end. She can't exactly beat the crap out of him, but she will make sure that he will have to pay for it.

Baron Winslet pales at her words, and his mouth moves like a fish out of the water as he gasps for air. The other man standing close to him murmurs something close to his ear that further sent him over the edge. Baron Winslet's eyes widen that it almost pops out of its socket as he collapses like a mess on the floor and begs for mercy.

"Lady Rozeman, I apologize for the rough treatment! If I have known who you are, I won't dare to hurt the Marchioness daughter and His Imperial Highness' fiancée!"

Selene hears a collective gasp from the girls while the air surrounding the room is suddenly stifled with tension. Selene can also feel the intense stare of the blonde knight piercing through her. She doesn't want to do it this way, but if it's the only way for her to make him listen, she will choose to make him submit by using her temporary position.

"Stand up, Baron Winslet. As I've already told you, I will willingly go with him to meet his master. However, you have to make sure that the other girls you've abducted will be taken home unharmed. If I learned that you dared to touch even a strand of their hair, I would make it my personal mission to ruin your damaged reputation further and make the underground prison your new home. And if things come to worse, then Mother might fulfill your dream of being quartered in the town square," Selene threats, exercising a bit of a cold and hard tone on her voice.

Baron Winslet slams his forehead on the ground as he accepted her command. Selene is surprised that he didn't pass out because of the loud thud. "I will do as you say, My Lady!"

"I'm also a nobleman's daughter! Do you know who my father is? I' am Count Evan's daughter! I will make sure that all of you will be punished!" the girl from earlier screams as she struggles to get away from the vice-grip of their guards.

"Shut up, brat!" one of the guards yelled. Selene's glares at him, and he immediately loosened his grip on her.

"Be quiet, If you want to get out here!" one of the girls whispers harshly, and relief washes over Selene when it managed to appease her.

Selene looks back at Baron Winslet. "Also, help me send a letter to my Mother. Don't worry. I won't say anything else aside from telling her that I just need to take care of some business. You better hurry if you don't want to get caught. It's only safe to assume that the Rozeman's knights are already looking for me as we speak."

Baron Winslet scrambles on his feet and urges his minions to settle everything that she requested. However, the blonde knight from the Coliseum refuses to leave her side when they were left alone inside the luxurious room; Selene bows to the girls in apology.

"I apologize for getting you involved with my problem. I know that my apology will not suffice to ease this terrifying experience, but I still want to apologize."

The girls had become deathly quiet, and she can feel that they are getting uncomfortable with the situation.

"Raise your head, My Lady. I know that it's not your fault," the young girl from earlier speaks out.

Selene did as she said and smiled at her in return. At least there is someone kind enough not to blame her, even though she still believes that it's partly her fault.

She looks at the blonde knight surreptitiously. "But are you sure that you will be alright? I don't think it's safe for you to go.

"Let her go. She needs to take responsibility. When she goes with him, only then can we be free," the older girl butted in with a frown on her face, and Selene totally agreed.

Selene chuckles as she raises her arms in an attempt to show-off her almost nonexistent muscles.

"Don't worry. I may not look like it, but I'm strong enough to protect myself."

Selene hears a scoff from behind, and she's almost tempted to slug him. After that, they fell into an awkward silence. They waited for nearly half an hour before the girls were escorted back to the carriage that will take them to their homes. Simultaneously, Selene managed to finish writing a letter to Marchioness Rozeman and gave it to the messenger that will deliver it to the mansion. While the Baron wasn't looking, Selene asked the blonde knight to make sure that Baron Winslet won't go back on his words. He immediately agreed and told her that his men would take care of it, and for some strange reason, Selene feels that she can really trust him.

When Selene finally tied some loose ends, the only one left in the room is her and the knight, whom she still doesn't know his name.

She walks towards his direction and stops when she is only a few meters away from him. "As for my third request, I can't be gone long. So wherever it is that you're taking me, can you make it fast and easy?"

For the first time since they met, she saw a ghost of a smile on his lips. "That would be easy, My Lady."

He held out his hand, and Selene places her hand on his. Once she did, a magic circle appears beneath their feet, and the next thing she knows, a blinding blue light enveloped their body, and she got transported into god knows where. Selene will make sure that this short trip will not go to waste. She will teach that blasted Emperor a lesson he will never forget.


Lord Gadiel Kezef Marriott, the Emperor's Chancellor and his most trusted retainer, worriedly watches as his Lord continues to stare off into space outside the window. He's been repeatedly sighing while wearing a forlorn expression on his face. Gadiel already stopped talking for about ten minutes, but his Lord still didn't realize it. And he's been like this since he came back from the Kingdom of Lyriboña after attending the Spirit Blossom Festival. At first, he thought it has something to do with the revelation of a prophecy that sent the kingdoms all over the continent in chaos and made the Church on edge. However, his instincts tell him that something else is bothering him.

His Imperial Majesty is acting out of character for quite some time now, that the palace staff feels like they are walking on eggshells. Although truthfully, there are some benefits in his sudden change, and that is, he became less temperamental and violent as compared before. However, because he's been so distracted with something Gadiel doesn't know about, he has made decisions that he wouldn't usually do. He also could not finish his paperwork that's been piling up in his office.

And if his memory serves him right, since he starts working as his Chancellor, there's never been a day when the Emperor leaves unfinished reports on his table. He also never makes time to handle small skirmishes in the remote villages personally and usually relies on him and Lord Alastor to do the job. Yet, he volunteered to do the same thing in this critical time. The Emperor decided to handle a task so trivial and again ignored the Church's summons. There really must be something going on, and Gadiel thought that he needs to get to the bottom of it.

Gadiel slams his hands on his table to catch his attention, and for a moment, he looks at him in a daze before looking back outside the window.

"Your Imperial Majesty, you haven't been listening to me for quite some time now. May I know what's bothering you? I want to help ease your burdens," Gadiel offers in between gritted teeth. Despite trying his best, he couldn't keep the blasted smile on his lips.

Sammael sighs distractedly. "I'm listening, Gadiel. You said something about a band of Kevaldi warriors pillaging the villages in the Southern Border. I already sent the Black Knights to handle it. The Vice-Commander, Lord Rosenthal, is already handling the situation."

"And may I know what Commander Alastor is doing as of the moment? He's been out in a "mission" for three months now, and he hasn't been sending any reports to me," Gadiel replied, barely able to hide the frustration in his voice.

"I've given him an important task, and you don't need to concern yourself with it. He is regularly sending me reports about the progress of his mission."

Gadiel grabs his hair in frustration. The Commander of the Black Knights, Lord Alastor, should have been handling the Southern Border problem, yet he's been out somewhere he doesn't know. And he is never the type to leave Sammael on his own, and yet someone else is doing his job of protecting him.

They are currently staying in the Wolveshire Castle, on the Eastern border of the Empire. Wolveshire Castle is usually a favored place of almost all the royal family members to visit in their spare time, especially for those who love the thrill of hunting. With its strategic location inside the very heart of the notorious Bellwitch Forest, it is an excellent place to rendezvous while being away from the prying eyes of the public. It is also protected by an impenetrable barrier that makes it impossible for just anyone to destroy or enter without permission.

And after a day's ride from the Wolveshire Castle is the port town of Shrewcord lies. This travel's initial purpose is to suppress the skirmishes in that port town where a handful of slaves from the ruined Kingdom of Arcova banded together, wreaking havoc to the township and causing unrest with the residence. Gadiel told him that he doesn't have to personally sort out the situation since the fight is not so big that the local lords can handle it. Instead, he proposed that he answer the Church's summon to answer their queries regarding the prophecy that's been spreading like wildfire across the continent.

However, stubborn that he is. Sammael decided to ignore the Church and push through with his plan to travel to Shrewcord. He couldn't help but think that it got something to do with what Lord Alastor has been busy with these past few months. Gadiel only knows a bit of what he is doing, and that's just as far as his people can dig on. Maybe, it's time for him to talk about it with the Emperor.

"Does it have something to do about finding someone?" Gadiel asks, gauging his reaction.

The Emperor flinches in response, and Gadiel gawks at his reaction in utter puzzlement and disbelief. The Emperor looks at him sharply, and Gadiel automatically straightens his back. He is never the type to show any sign of weakness to anyone, especially blatantly expressing his emotion, even to someone like him, he considers a friend.

Gadiel swallows the lump that formed in his throat. "I heard that Lord Alastor is finding for someone, and he is blatantly working with a notorious criminal who has been contacting bounty hunters across the continent to help. May I know who it is?" he continued cautiously.

"It's not something you should concern about, Gadiel," Sammael replied in a cold, stern voice.

"I think that it is something that I should know, Sammael," he retorts in a straight-forward business-like tone. He has no intention of dropping this conversation.

"Do not push it, I'm warning you."

What is it that he is trying to hide? What could be more pressing than answering the Church's summons and resolving the Kevaldi warriors' attack?

A sharp knock breaks the tension between them, and one of the knights standing on guard outside is holding a small piece of paper that he directly gave to the Emperor. Once they are alone in the room, Sammael opens the letter and starts reading it.

In just a matter of seconds, the air in the room suddenly changes. It became heavy and smothering. Sammael could barely hide his feelings, and for Gadiel, it felt even more threatening than the attacks of the slaves or the Kevaldi warriors. A leader should not have any weakness, and if he has one, he should try his best to hide it because a moment of weakness can cause his downfall. Anyone who wants to rob him of his throne can use it against him, to weaken him and render him incapable of fighting back. And Gadiel has been working hard to get rid of those people to protect His Imperial Majesty for a long time. He cannot let anyone or anything foil his work for the past few years.

"Prepare the horses, Gadiel. We're heading out," he murmurs in a breathless voice.

Whoever it is that he is looking for, he just needs to get rid of it. It must not be that hard. That's what Gadiel thought at first, but he was sorely mistaken.

After traveling with haste to the port town of Shrewcord, they were guided by some men to one of the ships ashore and into a room specially prepared for them. Thankfully, there are only a few people in the port. It might pose a risk if someone recognizes them. The people can't know that their Emperor is wandering around the town without a care in the world. Since they left the Wolveshire Castle, His Imperial Majesty has been deathly quiet while he raced towards their destination as if he is running for his life. He can't see or hear anything. It's as if every fiber of his being screams to reach their destination at once, and it makes Gadiel nervous.

And once inside, Gadiel's jaw slackens in disbelief when he sees a group of young girls huddled together while their feet and hands are tightly cuffed. They are dirty and barely clothed, exposing their skin for men to feast upon. Gadiel looks at the Emperor in horror. Why is he looking for women when he already has a plentiful of beautiful and eligible nobleman's daughter in his harem?

And there is Alexander Hollow, the epitome of the devil incarnate and a notorious criminal on the loose, who stands up from his seat and saunters towards them. At the same time, he proudly showcases his piece of work. Gadiel glares at him, but the bastard purposely ignores him and looks towards Sammael instead.

"What do you think, you're Imperial Majesty? I brought every girl that fits your description. Take a close look, the one you're looking for must be one of them," he declares haughtily, and Gadiel is almost tempted to break his face.

However, Gadiel's body automatically shivers when he felt a slight change in the room. This must be why he is getting nervous. His Imperial Majesty is leaking his dark and suffocating aura without concern for his surroundings. Any average human will experience indescribable pain if exposed even to a small amount of mana leaking from his body. And true enough, the young women inside shivers and whimpers in pain. Although he wanted to help them, he can't exactly stop the Emperor. He is already past his breaking point that he's worried that he might also earn the brunt of his ire.

"Is this all you can do? To think that I've been paying you handsomely!" Sammael roared out while his eyes flash in anger.

The fool Alexander doesn't know what will happen to him after angering the Emperor like this. Does he have to clean up dead bodies today as well? It looks like he will have a lot of work ahead of him.

Alexander walks over the direction of the young girls and forcefully drags one of them toward Sammael. The girl whimpers as she was forced to kneel on the floor and pulls her hair down to expose her face in front of him.

"What are you saying, Your Imperial Majesty? You have to look closely,"

He really doesn't know how dangerous the Emperor is right now. Just looking at the dark mana leaking out of his body is enough to make him run from it. And yet, the fool didn't even notice anything, or maybe if he did, he refused to get intimated. He can't exactly say what that sly man is thinking.

And Gadiel was about to watch Alexander meet his demise when the door slams open, and a dazzling young girl, with burning eyes and a face flushed with anger, marches inside the room without care for propriety. At the same time, her furious gaze is dead set on His Imperial Majesty.

When he feels her heated gaze on his back and turns towards her direction, Gadiel watches as his Master and long-time friend expresses a myriad of emotions that he never thought he would be capable of expressing. His face has that look of fear, relief, longing, and utter adoration that all Gadiel can do is gape at him.

The next thing he knew, the young girl with the flaring temper runs towards the Emperor like a raging bull at full speed before landing a clean solid punch on the lower part of his abdomen that knocks that wind out of him. His Imperial Majesty groans in pain as he lay crumpled on the floor because of the impact.

How the bloody hell did she knocked out a grown man like him, with a tiny body of hers?