First Love

Sammael groans in pain as he lay crumpled on the floor. However, despite getting angry, he couldn't help but laugh out loud. It felt like ages since the last time he saw her, and she always manages to surprise him and make him flustered. His adorable kitten has unleashed her claws without concern for the repercussion of her actions. She has quite a temper since she was young, but it looks like she'd gotten fiercer over the years that they haven't seen each other.

From the corner of his eye, he can see Gadiel gaping at them with his jaw hanging down in disbelief. It was unusual for him to stay frozen on his spot. If it's any other typical day, he would have already cut down anyone who would dare to hurt him.

Sammael lets out a broken laugh but eventually wheezes in pain when his abdomen twisted excruciatingly. She didn't hold back at all, and it looks like she's still not done. One moment, Sammael is lying on his side, and then next, a pair of small hands clutch his collar and drags him flat on his back.

Selene's eyes burn in anger as she straddles him and tightens her hold on his collar.

"You crazy, idiot! Who in their right mind would do something as kidnapping innocent young girls just because you're looking for me!" she yells in between gritted teeth and labored breath. Her face has become so bright-red with anger that he couldn't help but caress her cheeks. Even though she's burning with rage, it's good to see her like this.

"I apologize for acting foolishly. I must be really out of my mind, but I couldn't help it. I yearn for you so terribly that I feel like I'm going mad," Sammael whispers whole-heartedly.

Selene stiffens, and her hand slowly loosens from his collar. She had become incredibly quiet, and her face has instantly lost its color as she stares back at him. Sammael took that chance and snakes his arm around his waist as he lifts his body from the floor. He tightens his arms around her waist and pushes her closer to him until their nose touches.

"You ran away from me, and I don't like that," he whispers almost breathlessly as he gazes deep into her eyes.

"I already told you that I don't know you," she muttered as she looks away from him.

Sammael chuckles, "And I already told you, I can't be mistaken. I will always recognize you, my lovely Selene,"

Her head took a sharp turn towards his direction as she stares at him wide-eyed. She must be surprised that he knows her name. He doesn't know what happened to her that made her lose her memories, but he has no intention of giving up just because of that. Even if he has to earn her love again, he will gladly do it all over again. For the past years, all he can think about is what he needs to do to see her again. Even if she lives in a world different from him, he is willing to do everything in his power to have her in his arms again.

"Anyway, do you want to continue our conversation like this?" Sammael asks before looking towards their spectators, who were stiff frozen in their spots. Selene looks around, and her cheeks blushed in embarrassment when she realized how everyone looks as they stare at them.

As if suddenly burned by Sammael's touch, Selene scrambled on her feet and tried to get away from him that annoys him more than over. Sammael stops him from her weak attempt to get out and secure her in his arms.

"I changed my mind, and I rather like this position. I can hold you like this all I want."

"Let me go! I'm going to talk with you, but not like this!"

"Fine, but I'm not going to let you go," he effortlessly stands up from his sitting position while carrying her like a baby. Selene stifles the scream that almost escapes her lips, and she couldn't help but encircle her arms around his neck to keep herself from falling. And once she did, she caught sight of the group of young girls huddled together in a corner, and the other one kneeling before them.

Sammael felt Selene's irritation raising its peak once more upon seeing it. She glares at him. Although he was already expecting it, he couldn't help but feel like someone stab his chest and twist it painfully.

"I changed my mind. I'm not going to talk to you until you make sure the girls are safely brought back to their homes. And I don't know if you can even fix this distressing experience that they have to endure."

Sammael heaves a huge sigh before settling Selene back on the floor. After he did that, he took off his coat and placed it on a girl's shoulder kneeling near them to cover her body. He may be an Emperor of a mighty Empire, but he's just a crazy idiot who had gone overboard with his actions to Selene. Usually, no one would dare to question his decisions and order him around, but it is different when it comes to her. It only goes to show a significant difference in their upbringing and values. Maybe it's one of the reasons why he felt drawn to her. Since they first met inside his small underground prison devoid of any light, she became a blinding radiance that made him thirst to see the sun shining outside in a bright sky. Even without knowing where she came from and how she managed to visit his prison every night, she became a sense of comfort and warmth in this world that never showers him even a small amount of love.

He had done a lot of horrendous things during his long reign, much more terrifying than what he had done right now. It makes people fear and hate him, but no one dared to point out what he did wrong, and no one ever tried to look at him straight in the eye with palpable anger that makes him feel regretful of his actions, not until her. She makes him feel human, and she makes him think that he could be a better person than yesterday.

Sammael bow deeply in front of the girls in his attempt to apologize to everyone. He never thought that he would ever have to apologize to someone for the rest of his life. Sammael hears a sharp collective intake of breath of everyone inside the room; even the poor girls did the same while staring at him with their eyes wide.

"Your Imperial Majesty! What do you think you're doing?" Gadiel asks incredulously. His voice elevated several octaves more than usual, and even without looking at him, he can already tell that he must have looked utterly flabbergasted right now.

Sammael ignores his Chancellor's protests and focuses his attention on what he needed to do at once. However, he couldn't come up with a suitable apology to tell them. Sammael squeezes his eyes shut, suddenly feeling troubled. How the hell will he start with his apology? Sammael stays stiffly frozen while his head is still down when a small but bright and melodic voice breaks the tension inside the room.

"I'm sorry! It's also my fault that you were brought here against your will."

Sammael watches when Selene's small figure takes a deep bow alongside him. With that small gesture, he felt his chest ballooning because of indescribable feelings. Selene looks at him at the corner of her eyes and motions for him to continue his apology. Sammael clears his throat before raising his head and looks at the people around him.

"No, this is my mistake, and I will take responsibility. I know that my apology will not be enough, but I will do my best to make it up to everyone," Sammael announces in a determined voice that rang clear across the room.

"Gadiel, please take care of everything. Make sure they are treated with the utmost care."

"Ha! Uh—ye-yes, you're Imperial Majesty. I will do as you commanded," Gadiel replied clumsily.

Sammael walks back towards Selene and carries her in his arms before leaving the room. This time she didn't struggle, and he felt her hands tighten around his shoulder as she quietly examines the profile of his face. Sammael is almost afraid that she can hear the loud beating of his heart. He feels nervous and, at the same time, elated. Now that he has her in his arms, he will not let anyone take her away from him ever again.