A small act creating ripples

The moment Selene caught the young woman's trembling body, she immediately takes off her black cloak and gently places it on her to cover her nakedness. It was then that she felt a piercing gaze on her back and an intense glare at her side. Selene immediately recognized Kaden's energy and his overwhelming frustration even without looking at him.

Instead, Selene looks back to the buck naked young man who savagely but bravely attacks one of the perpetrators in her premonition. And compared to the vivid flashes of his possible future that filled her mind, she couldn't see any traces of the killing intent and murderous contempt marring his soft hazel brown eyes. Still, his face remains white as a sheet as he stands stiffly frozen on his spot, looking half-surprised and half-confused.

Selene couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that she managed to stop his impending death. She looks back to the young woman in her arms and gently pushes her to the side.