
Selene quickly maneuvers through the crowd while continuously conscious of her boots' squelching sounds as she trod to the mud streaked ground. Despite his silence, Selene can feel Cassius's imploring stare beside her as they walk together.

After the short but exciting brawl that happened smack dab in the middle of a public place, the spectators dispersed in a hurry when her other escorts appeared and forces all of them to leave. Just unsheathing the swords of the Rozeman knights were enough to scare them all away, and the cold, unblinking stare of Kaden as he requested her to leave the vicinity with Cassius one last time is enough to shake her to the core. He sounded cold and distant that she instantly regretted picking a fight with him.

Even so, before leaving him with Zeno, Kaden told her that he will take care of everything and ensure that the slaves will be well cared for. Selene agreed after asking him to give them a proper meal and some decent clothes to change into.