
Alzrar opened his mouth, exposing a vast expanse of gleaming white razor-sharp teeth that proved deadly despite his shrunken size. If it had been any other average person, they would have run away in a second, but in her eyes, he looks like an annoyingly adorable pet yawning in tiredness. Suddenly, Alzrar lets out a loud belch, and Selene almost chokes because of the smelly and robust scent coming from his mouth.

Selene looks at him with a raised eyebrow. "It looks like you had a good time hunting for food that you completely forgot about me," she couldn't help but mutter in displeasure. 

She's running for her life with an injured ankle, but someone is burping merrily because he has his stomach full. He almost looks like a round black ball instead of a miniature dragon because of his rotund belly. 

Alzrar only regards him with a bored look that almost made him want to smack him hard. "Well, you're too busy dallying that I'm surprised you called for me,"