
Right after the young adviser had left her palace after her lesson, Amelia pulled out a blank piece of paper and started writing a letter to the Duke of Jinan.

Ever since he had voiced that he will be supporting her to ascend the throne, Amelia knew that she will need the Duke's help to stabilize her position in court.

And thus, she wrote down a letter and invited him to return to the Capital and assist her.

Although Duke Hady has never involved himself in Noa's political scene, he was still someone who had his influence. With him joining on her side, the Princess hoped that she would at least gain a bit more power.

A sneer escaped her lips as Amelia's thoughts were brought back towards the recent meeting with the nobles. Though she sat at the throne, none of the nobles actually took her seriously. Her opinion was disregard no matter if it made sense. She was treated as if she was invisible.

Even the ladies from the prestigious family who would once fawn over her no longer wanted to associate with her.

These days, the Marquis ambition for the throne was something that has become very obvious.

If she did not make a move now, her enemy will surely drag her down the throne. Fortunately, she had Adviser Damian at her side to assist her. Or else she would be helpless at what to do.

The only option she has was to stop others from coveting the throne was for her brother to return… or for her to become stronger.

Before her brother would return and claim the throne, Amelia was determined to protect the Kingdom from others.

Just as she had put her stamp on the letter, a big blue feathered bird with the bluest eyes landed at her window. It was the size of an adult eagle. Seeing that it was a species that she had never seen before, Amelia was curious.

"Why are you here?" Amelia asked as she tried to touch the bird. She found that it was strange for a blue feather bird like this to appear at night.

Surprisingly, the bird did not try to flee as she approached. The blue feather bird looked at Amelia as if studying her. Its head tilted left and right.

Amelia touched its' sky blue feather and marveled at how smooth it was. Her gaze met with the birds and Amelia laughed.

"You've got beautiful eyes," Amelia complimented. Her gaze could not tear away from the blue feather bird's eyes. Its eyes reminded her of a jewel. Sapphire.

The bird bowed its head at her words. Then, it started to hop into her room and walked around with its short legs.

Amelia laughed at the way the bird acted. At the thought that the bird was looking for something to eat, Amelia walked over to her table and took a few seeds in her hand. Crouching at the bird side, she then offered the seeds to the blue feather bird only to get ignored.

The blue feather bird kept walking around with its head bobbed until it reached to her closet. Then, it stopped in front of it and stared at the closet for a long time with a puzzled look.

Suddenly, there was a sound coming from her bed chamber and soon, a snow-white creature leaped towards the blue feather bird.

Amelia stood up quickly with horror on her face. "Snow! No!"

The bird flapped its wings against Snow and aimed its beak at Snow's head. Worried that two creatures might get injured, Amelia went forward and grabbed Snow in her arms.

"Rawr!" Snow roared angrily when he failed to break the blue bird's neck.

Amelia turned to the blue feather bird and spoke, "Go before Snow kills you."

The blue feather bird stared at Amelia with his beady blue eyes before it leaped to the window again. After giving Amelia one last look, it finally flew away.

Knock! Knock!

Amelia tensed at the sudden knock on the door. She asked Snow to hide in her sleeping chamber before instructing the person to came in.

"Your Highness," Rae curtsied as she walked in. "Is everything alright?"

"Everything is fine." Amelia waved her hand.

Rae looked around and sighed with relief upon finding that there was nothing suspicious going on in the Princess' room.

"Why did you come here?"

It was almost midnight. Although some of the servants would stay around to serve her, it was unusual for Rae to still be awake at this time.

The maidservant hesitated before she gave her report, "There are two men under Commander Irvine here to seek for your audience."

"Commander Irvine?" Amelia frowned. "In this night time?"

Rae nodded. "The men said that they have important news to deliver."

Amelia's thought for a moment before she nodded. After making herself presentable, the Princess stepped into the waiting room and saw two men dressed in uniform.

"Greetings to Your Highness, Princess Amelia." the two men greeted her. The two stood up again when the Princess gave her permission.

"I am Captain Chester. We were sent by Commander Irvine to invite you to the bureau," the elder man said. He presented a seal that belonged to the Commander.

Amelia was stunned. She exchanged her glance with Rae and went back to the police. "Invite me to the bureau? Why?"

"Commander Irvine might have news on the king's whereabouts," Captain Chester announced. The news instantly sparked Amelia's attention. "We have found the king's horses near Shadow Valley and we were told to escort you to the bureau so that you can confirm this fact."

"You have found my brother's horse?" Amelia swallowed. Her heartbeat increased. "A-and what about my brother?"

"I'm afraid that the king and his bodyguard are still missing, Your Highness."

"Oh," Amelia exhaled a disappointed sigh. She hasn't noticed that she had been holding her breath for a while.

"But the troops are going to continue their search," the captain continued as he sensed the disappointment from the princess's gaze. "They believe that the king and his men must have been somewhere nearby. And that's why the commander asks for you. He wanted you to be the first to know anything before everything else become public."

The Princess paused. "Then, we'll need to inform—"

"The Commander wishes for this to be kept a secret at the time being," Captain Chester continued before she finished. "As you are well aware, Your Highness, someone is after His Majesty's life. The Commander was afraid that if this news spread, His Majesty's life would be in danger."

Amelia pondered for a moment. Then, she straightened up and turned to her maidservant. "Rae. Get ready. We're going out to visit Commander Irvine."