Magic Stones

After spending his time around in the Palace for a few days, Laif began to notice a few strange things.

For example, the lack of that blue and purple stones, or that red and purple stones that he would always see placed all around the city and the Eastern Continents.

The first time Laif and Kain arrived at the Eastern Continents, the two of them would often see the two types of stones all around the towns and cities.

The two types of stones were something that magic practitioners as him loathed very much.

Whenever a magic practitioner got too close to the blue and purple stones, they were unable to use magic. If practitioners tried to use magic with the presence of the blue and purple stones, they would feel as if thousands of fire ants crawling and biting all over their bodies.

Soon, the practitioners would be depleted of their energy.

While those red and purple stones were something that the non-practitioners used to warn them when someone around them was using magic. The stones would glow whenever someone used magic around them.

These stones were what the Easterners would use to subdue magic practitioners from using their power and to protect themselves from the practitioners.

However, as compared to the blue and purple stones, the red and purple ones were rare to find. Some noble families with too much money would only purchase this stone as part of their collections.

Anyway, it was not as if the red and purple stones were as powerful as the blue and purples ones.

The two stones were first discovered hundreds of years ago.

During the war between the practitioners and non-practitioners, these were the stones that the non-practitioners used to suppress the magic practitioners from using their power.

Since then, the stones, the blue and purple ones especially were seen all around the Eastern Continents to avoid any magic practitioners to use their magic. It soon became the reason why magic practitioners hated coming over to the Eastern Continents.

When Laif first entered the palace, he had expected to see a lot of these stones all around. Although there were still a few of the stones set around the palace, Laif soon realized that in a certain area, the stones were nowhere in sight.

For example, around the King's palace.

Although he could still see the two types of stones around, it was not difficult for him to know that these stones were nothing but fake stones.

How can the ruler of Noa Kingdom not protect themselves from the use of magic?

Were they not frightened that a practitioner would infiltrate the palace and harm anyone from the royal family?

It was no wonder that it was easy for his blue feathered bird to flew around the palace when he sent that bird to look for any sign of that magic artifact.

As various thoughts crossed his mind, Laif began to wonder if the King's disappearance had something to do with the lack of these stones. Then, a lot of other questions came to his mind.

Of course, as Kain's magic was bonded by him before they applied to join the Knight's selection, Kain did not notice anything wrong with the fake stones. As he was without magic, he would not be able to feel anything.

After thinking about those odd situations in the palace for a while, Laif felt that his head was starting to hurt. No matter how hard he thought about it, Laif could not figure out the answer.

Sitting under a tree in the training ground while massaging his head, Laif then noticed that his guard, Kain, along with a candidate of the Royal Knight jogged towards him.

When he noticed the excited look on Kain's expression, Laif stood up immediately and walked over to meet them halfway.

"What happened?" Laif raised a brow as he looked at the two of them alternately.

"Did you hear the news yet?" Kain said with excitement. "The Princess's Royal Knights selection will take place tomorrow!"

Laif paused before he could react. "What? Why? I thought the selection would be postponed until further notice?"

Although it was good news for them, Laif could not help but wonder what happened that makes the Princess changed her mind so quickly.

Kain lifted his shoulders into a shrug. "I don't know what happened for the Princess decided to change her mind. The training chief posted a new notice saying that the selection will start tomorrow. Don't you think that this is good news?"

Mori Hansen, one of the candidates for the Princess's Knights frowned in disapproval.

After living in the knight's quarters for a few days, Kain was starting to get along with the other candidates and Mori was the closest friend he had among the other candidates.

"I don't understand why you think they are good news," Mori said. "We barely have time to practice and prepare for the selection. Who knows what they are going to make us do during the examination?"

Kain grinned at his comment.

Unlike Mori, Kain liked that the Princess has decided to hasten the selection process. He could not wait for the selection to be over quickly. Once they passed the selection, it will not be long before Laif can look for that magic artifact. Kain could not wait to return to Hase, their home country. The sooner the better. Living without the convenience of magic was too difficult for him.

Besides, as Laif's guard, Kain never has to worry much about practicing or preparing for the selection. He might be too reliant on his magic but his skills in swordsmanship, archery, and martial arts were top-notch. Or else, how can he be chosen as the Prince's guard?

Laif placed one hand on his chin while the other rested on the hilt of his sword. "I wonder why the princess had a sudden change of mind and switch the selection to tomorrow?" He asked out loud. Then, he looked at Kain and Mori alternately. "Do you know if there's something going on?"

As the questions escaped his lips, Laif thought about the Princess's maidservant that he accidentally ran into a few days ago.

Could it be that the little maidservant had said something to the Princess and made her change her mind?

Mori shook his head. "Not that we know of. But some of the candidates have start training like crazy for tomorrow's selection. Some of them are going to meet the training chief and protest the selection. But I doubt that their protest would make any difference."