The Commander's Warning

After he was caught sneaking out with the Princess, the Commander had punished him to clean up the Knight's barrack, the latrine, and a few other menial tasks. He had previously passed the Knight's test at the top of his class, but at this time, he was forbidden to join the others for training.

Kain, on the other hand, was exempted from those tasks. Previously, Laif had convinced the Commander that his friend had nothing to do with his action. Kain had protested when he heard Laif's words. As a servant, how can he let Laif go through the punishment alone? However, it was at a time like this that Laif had used his position to make Kain obeyed to his wish.

Laif was fully aware that the Commander wanted to humiliate him in front of the others by sending him to do those tasks and preventing him to join the training. The Commander wanted to test his patience and Laif was fully aware that the Commander was doubting his intention to get close to the Princess. In the end, he had no choice but to endure the treatment.

After a week has passed, the Commander finally retracted his order to punish him and allowed Laif to join the others for the official appointment ceremony.

Laif glanced at the four other people who had passed the trial to become the Princess's Knights. Including Laif and Kain, there were four others who had passed the trial. Among the Knights was Iris Fisher, the only woman, and Mori Hansen, Kain's new friend.

The Training Chief entered the field with a serious expression and stopped. He turned to face the new Knight and inhaled deeply. "Stand up straight!" he commanded.

The Royal Knights obeyed.

Soon the Commander made his entrance along with a few of his trusted men. The Knights started to feel agitated when Commander Irvine walked towards them for an inspection. He made sure to stop before everyone to find a mistake among the Knights, including at how they stood, how their uniform had a slight crease and how their shoes were not clean enough.

Laif muttered a cursed under his breath when it was his turn. The commander stood in front of him with an unreadable expression.

Living as a Prince of Hase for more than seventeen years, Laif was used to face the pressuring stare of his father, the King. However, as he was facing Commander Irvine's stare at him, Laif could not help but shiver at the pressure.

But no matter what, Laif could not look away from the Commander's penetrating gaze. He can only stare back at the Commander with a gaze that was neither humble nor haughty.

Laif could sense the Commander's anger that he had snuck out with the princess from his gaze. After what he had done, it was hard for him to receive the Commander's trust.

After a few seconds of staring at each other and not saying anything, Commander Irvine's lips tilted into a sneer. "Congratulation." His voice was a whisper. No one but Laif could hear his words. "Since you are about to be officially appointed as the Princess's Royal Knight, you are now free from your punishments."

"Thank you, sir!"

Commander Irvine chuckled at how he had responded. "I may not be your biggest fan after what you did, and I'm not exactly happy that you have tolerated that punishment. Actually, I would rather have you locked up, or have you expelled you from here." he paused to assess Laif's expression. "But Her Highness had persuaded me to let you go and therefore, I have no choice but to give you another chance."

Laif took a deep breath. "Thank you, sir."

"You will do your best not to betray this chance and my trust."

"I won't betray your trust."

"I will be watching you. Even though you are now an official Knight to the Princess, you are still under my command. If you dare to do anything that will harm the Princess, I will make sure to personally come for your life." Commander Irvine took a step towards Laif and pretended to straighten the sash around his waist. "Oh, and please come over to see me as soon as the ceremony's ended."

After he had finished saying what he wanted to say, the Commander continued his inspection. Then, he walked over to the front and gave a signal to the Training Chief.

At this time, someone beat the drum and the Training Chief announced the Princess's arrival with his loud voice.

Laif could not help but watch the Princess as she walked over to the stage along with her maidservants. Although Amelia was dressed in high-quality clothes and accessories, Laif knew that the Princess was the same person as the maidservant he had brought to the gambling house.

At the thought of where he had taken the Princess on that night, Laif began to pale.

The drum stopped as the Princess arrived at the center and the ceremony finally began when the Princess took her seat.


Commander Irvine was surprised when the Princess's maidservant, Rae came to find him as soon as the appointment ceremony ended.

In the end, the two of them spent a long time in the Princess's office to discuss a matter. , Commander Irvine had a gloom look on his face as he walked out of the Princess's office. He turned to find his man and instructed him to bring Laif to see the Princess.

"You're leaving now?" Adviser Damian asked as he approached the Commander. "I heard that the Princess had requested to meet the Knight. And you agreed to it easily?"

"What choice do I have," Commander Irvine chuckled. "After everything, the Princess is still my superior. Last time, we managed to convince her not to see this Knight, to protect her from the nobles' eyes and mouth. We can't continue to deny Her Highness's wishes. Moreover, Laif is now Her Highness's Royal Knight. We will have no choice but to trust that he had no ulterior motive to harm the Princess and he will help to keep the Princess safe from now on."

Damian smiled. "The Knight's training is over now. I heard that the others are going to hold a little celebration in the quarters. What about you? Care to join me for a drink or two?"

"I can't," Commander Irvine declined quickly. "The Princess assigned me to investigate something for her." He chuckled and shook his head as he remembered what the Princess told him earlier. "You wouldn't believe where that idiot took our Princess when they snuck out of the palace."

The adviser raised a brow to inquire. "Where?"

"The gambling house." Commander Irvine laughed as he watched the adviser's wide eyes.