
Rae stared at the boy in front of her and frowned. "A moon bell? What is it? How does it look like?"

"It's a silver round bell, around the size of a fist with some engraving on it." Kain balled his hand into a fist and raised his hand.

Rae thought about Kain's description for a while and shook her head. "I have never seen anything like that before."

"Are you sure?"

A smile formed on her lips. "If it was the size of your fist, I would have noticed."

It was then that Kain realized that he was still showing off his fist at her. Swiftly, he dropped his hand to his sides and coughed dryly. The maidservant's answer told Kain everything that he needed to know—she had never heard or seen this magic artifact.

At this moment, Kain suddenly wonders if this magic artifact was really in the Palace's ground as that blue feathered bird had claimed.

Just as Kain was about to turn around, he suddenly noticed a presence behind him. The person was leaning on the wall as he crossed his arms on his chest.

Kain suddenly felt his sweat trailed down on his face at the sight of the Prince, looking at him with one of his eyebrows arched. Looking at the expression on the Prince's face, Laif knew that he has been standing there for a while.

"L-Laif," Kain swallowed.

Laif stood up straight. He smiled at the maidservant and waved his hand to his subordinate. "Kain, come with me and accompany me to practice."

Kain took a deep breath. He bid goodbye to Rae and trailed after the Prince into the training ground and soon they reached the empty archery area in the field.

"I don't like you snooping around the King's training ground," Laif said. He took one of the bows at the side and stood in front of Kain.

"I wasn't snooping around. The Princess gave us her permission to use the training ground in the King's quarters if we ever need to train or to use the library."

"You shouldn't talk to the Princess's maidservant," Laif said. He took a deep breath and turned around to grab the arrow at his side. He held the bow steadily and leveled the arrow to his eyes. Two seconds passed. Laif then shot the arrow to the target board. Bullseyes.

Looking at the way he reacted, Kain knew that Laif was furious. However, instead of lashing towards him, Laif chose to vent his anger at the board at the end of the field. "I just wanted to help. I was worried. I don't think that it is wise for us to stay in Noa Kingdom for too long."

Laif stared at the man for a while. Then, he took another bow and arrow and handed it to Kain.

The Prince's Guard heaved a sigh. Since they were at the training ground, it would be better if they trained lest others would think that something was not right when they see the two of them at the archery arena. Kain stepped forward and glanced at the other board. It was full of arrows. Then, he aimed towards another board and swiftly released the arrow. It was not that hard for him to hit the center.

"I know what I am doing. The old man told me that we should find the magic artifact here and I trust him."

"But, why do I have the feeling that you have sidetracked from your intention," Kain asked. "These days, I did not know whether you stayed by the Princess's side to find that magic artifact."

Laif's expression grew dark as Kain had poked into something that he should not. "You should not overstep your boundaries."

Kain lowered his gaze. "I'm sorry."

"I know what you were worried about. But you don't have to worry too much. I know what I am doing."

Kain exhaled. He hadn't realized that he had been holding his breath for a while. He was worried that Laif would be angered and asked him to return to Hase without him. Kain was about to say something else when he noticed from the corner of his eyes that the Princess and her entourage were heading towards them.

Quickly, both Laif and Kain put down the weapon in their hands and walked over to the Princess.

"Your Highness," Laif and Kain said in unison when the Princess stopped in front of them.

Amelia turned around to wave her hand at her entourage and they took a few steps further from them.

"What are you doing here at the training ground?" Laif asked her.

The Princess smiled. "Were the two of you are having a practice?"

"Yes, Your Highness," Laif replied.

Amelia eyed the bow on their hand, and then, towards the boards at the other end of the field. Her eyes widened in amazement when she saw that the two boards were full of arrows. Almost all of the arrows hit the center of the board. "The two of you are good with archery," she complimented. "I'm glad that I have the best archers on my side."

Kain and Laif both nodded and thanked the Princess for her compliment.

"Would you like to try archery?" Laif said, offering the bow in his hand.

Amelia waved her hand. "Oh no. I'm afraid that I don't have any talent in archery." She tilted her head slightly to the right. "I don't think I have any talents in martial art. The King, however..." she paused. The smile on her face instantly disappeared at the memory of her missing brother.

Laif saw the change in her expression. "Your Highness, are you alright?"

Amelia raised her head and smiled. "The King had tried to teach me a few tricks of martial art before, but I don't think I'm any good with weaponry. I'm very clumsy with them. I caused an accident most of the time. And the King finally decided to give up on me."

"We could teach you martial art," Laif suggested. "Just a few basic tricks. Nothing that involved any weapons. So you would know self-defense. It will be good for you too."

Amelia pondered on his suggestion. "That is a great idea. I will talk about this to the Commander first, but I'm sure that he will approve. Actually, that is not why I am here." she looked at Laif and said, "There's something that I need to say to you. In private."

"Then," Kain bowed. "I will leave first."

Laif glanced towards the princess's entourage who stood not far away from them as Kain stepped away to leave them at the arena. "Your Highness," he addressed her. "May I know why you wanted to see me?"

Amelia turned around to face him. "I need your help."

"What kind of help?"

The Princess glanced around as if someone would hear their conversation. "I need your help to sneak me out of the palace."

Laif looked at her incredulously. "What? No," he replied quickly.

Her expression was aghast. "Why not? You've snuck me out of the palace once. I'm sure you can do it again."

"I hadn't known of your position back then," Laif pointed out. "You're the Princess of Noa Kingdom. It would be dangerous for you to sneak out of the palace without protection."

"I wouldn't be without protection," Amelia said. "You will be around to protect me."

"The Commander and the Adviser won't allow it."

Amelia blinked. Seconds later, a laugh escaped her. "If that is what you're worried about, then, I will have to tell you that you need not worry. Both Commander Irvine and Adviser Damian knew of my request and they have given their approval."

Laif raised a brow as he wondered what were the three of them planning to do.