The Physician, Graham Deasey

The person who was said to be dead, King Asher, was in his mission to find the missing physician who was previously in charge of his father's health.

After Leo had rented two horses for them, Asher was able to leave Eileen behind. After traveling for a week, the two of them finally arrived in Green Valley, a small town, somewhere in Noa Kingdom.

Some times ago, Asher had received information that this physician, Doctor Deasey, was last seen around Noa Kingdom's border with Roam. After analyzing the situation, Asher had decided to come over to Fayn City to begin his investigation there.

Right now, both Asher and Leo had stopped in Green Valley to rest before they will continue to Fayn City the day after to find his late father's attending physician.

Asher was walking around the street when he heard the murmurings of the passerby that some townspeople suddenly went missing. Curious, he then walked over to the notice board to see the news.

Just as he was approaching the notice board, an elderly man turned around and they had almost collided.

Asher felt his throat tightened at the sight of the familiar face before him and his mouth parted to call him out.

"Your Majesty?" The old man beat him to it. His voice was a whisper, and therefore, no one had caught his words amid the busy town. The old man's eyes widened in surprise and there was fear in it as he saw the King stood before him. "What are you doing here?"

"Doctor Deasey," Asher took a few steps to reach him. "I have been searching for you for months. I thought you were in Fayn City?"

"You shouldn't be here," Graham Deasey replied curtly. His eyes shifted around to observe the street before he turned to the King. "Your Majesty. Your life's in danger. They will kill you if they know you're here. You need to leave. Now."

Asher swallowed at the old man's warning. He watched as the physician turned around to leave and spoke, "I need to know the truth about my late father's death."

The physician paused when Asher spoke up.

"I know that his death wasn't natural," Asher continued. "I have evidence showing that you, Doctor Deasey, had tampered with my father's medicine and tonic. I need to know who gave you the order to mess with my father's medicine. I know that you didn't act on your own."

Doctor Deasey turned around and his face paled.

Asher stepped closer to him. "If you tell me who was involved with my father's death, I promise that I will show you leniency for you and your family."

Graham Deasey shifted his weight and clenched his hand anxiously. "I can't tell you anything. Not right here. Not right now. They might be watching me. Us."

Asher glanced at his surroundings. Then he narrowed his eyes dangerously at the elder man. "Who?"

The physician stepped closer to him. "If you wish to know more, find me at the tavern at the end of the street tonight. I will tell you anything that you need to know, Your Majesty."

Leo frowned as he listened to the King's plan to meet with the former Royal Physician. He wasn't expecting that the King would run into the physician in Green Valley. A part of him was relieved that the King had met the royal physician before they continue their journey. At least, they would not waste their time going to Fayn City only to learn that the person they were looking for was in Green Valley.

However, Leo could not shake off that bad feeling he been getting once he learned of the King's plan. He found it strange that the former Royal Physician had willingly volunteered to give them the information they needed. Leo had thought that they may need to hunt for the old man, dragged him back to the palace and forced him to give up the information they needed.

Asher fished something from his inner garment and pulled out a letter. The white paper was covered with red, brownish spots—his blood, which stained the letter after he was involved in a battle as soon as he left the palace.

The King had received the letter a day before he fleed from the palace. It contained an anonymous warning that someone was planning to kill him. He needed to escape the palace or he will lose his life and everything he wanted to protect.

Anyone would have told Asher it was foolish for him to trust the anonymous letter. But, that was not the first time the King had received the anonymous letter.

The first time he received the letter was two days after he ascended the throne. Someone had warned him that he should be careful—that one of the people around him was planning to murder him and win the throne.

Asher had disregarded the letter at first. But he began to take notice of the letter after a few attempts for his life.

It was a year later when he received another letter, which hinted at the death of his father, was no illness—he was poisoned to death.

It took Asher a while before he started an investigation. There were only a few people who knew of his secret investigation: and that included his trusted advisor and two of his closest guards. The investigation was kept as a secret from everyone dear to him, including his sister, Amelia.

What he has found out from his investigation was shocking!

When Asher found the whereabouts of the Royal Physician who used to look after his father, he decided to pursue the physician to find out about the truth. He left the palace with his trusted bodyguards with a promise to his younger sister that he would return after two days.

It was a promise that he had yet to fulfill.

Asher slowly reread the letter in his hand. It contains a warning that another plan to overthrow him. And this time, something big will happen.

"I know that this may not be the wisest plan," Asher spoke up. "But this is the best chance I've got to find the truth about the late King's death. I need to know who was after my life and the throne. My sister and I would not be safe until I find out the truth."

Leo shut his eyes and sighed. After a while, he nodded. "Alright. It is my duty to protect you, Your Majesty. But if anything goes wrong...." he trailed off.

The King nodded, fully understood what Leo was about to suggest. "I know. We will escape and this time, we will return to the palace."