Daren's Plan

"Someone's coming," Asher whispered as he listened to the approaching footsteps. As someone who had practiced martial arts for years, it was not hard for him to find that there were at least four or five people out there.

The footsteps stopped in front of the door. There were muffled voices outside and then, a clinking sound of something being unlocked.

The door swung opened after, revealing Asher's former Knight, Daren, along with a few of his followers dressed in black. One of the men was dragging the former royal physician with him.

As the man in black shoved the old physician inside the shack, Daren looked at both Asher and Leo with a mocking smile on his face. "I see that you guys are awake."

"Please sir," Doctor Dansey pleaded. He tried to sit up properly after his face hit the rough ground and ignored the trickling blood on his forehead. "I have done everything you asked. I will hide. I will go away and move to the Western Continent if you could just spare my life."

However, none of them spared a glance towards the old physician. They were all interested in their high profiled 'guests'.

"Daren," Leo said. His eyes were looking at his former comrade sharply. "Do you realize that what you did now is treason? Release His Majesty this instant!"

The former Knight laughed happily as if he had heard the funniest joke. "Oh Leo, you are so adorable. If I let both of you go, then what will happen to me? Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Leo gritted his teeth. He could not believe that the person who was the closest to him would dare to betray them. "Tell me who were you working for, Daren." Leo spatted.


"Why?" Asher suddenly spoke up. There was a mix of anger and disappointment in his gaze. "I have provided you with everything you need. Why would you betray me?"

"That's true. You provided everything I need," Daren sneered. "But not with what I want. You see, what I want are power and wealth. If I continue to stay by your side as your Knight, I will never get what I want. However, this person had promised to give me what I want." Daren walked towards the King and crouched beside him. He stared at him for a long time before he rummaged through Asher's clothing to pull out a crest.

"Daren!" Seeing his crest in the former Knight's hand, Asher's anger suddenly intensified. "What are you going to do with them? You will give me back my crest."

"No," Daren studied the crest in his hand for a while before he clenched his hand around the goldcrest. He tilted his head and smiled. "You don't need this when you're going to die, Your Majesty. But for me... I'm going to need this crest to convince the Princess that her dear brother has passed on. I will show her this crest and with testimony from this Knight," Daren pointed at himself and laughed. "The Princess will have no choice but to trust me."

Asher could feel his blood rushing up to his head as he imagined what will happen to his sister when she saw that crest. He knew that his sister would be grieving.

"Daren!" Asher shouted from the top of his lung.

The King's former Knight laughed loudly as he stood up and turned towards the door. His subordinates followed suit.

Asher was infuriated but helpless. At this time, there was nothing he can do but to stare at his former Knight walking out of the shack with his crest.

"Daren!" Leo shouted just before his former comrade shut the door. "I'm going to hunt you and beat you till death when I get out from here."

Daren stopped at the door and chuckled "Hmm... Adorable. I'd like to see you try that. But first, you need to get out of this place. Alive."

Asher closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm down. No matter how many breaths he inhaled, Asher could not control his emotion. If only he was not tied down pathetically like this, Asher would lunge to Daren and kill him on the spot.

As the door shut close, Asher shifted his gaze away. His eyes stopped at his late father's physician. "Graham Dansey," his voice shook with anger.

The elder man sensed the King's anger and scooted back. "Please, Your Majesty." He held up his tied hands to beg for forgiveness as if this action could stop the King's wrath. "Forgive me, Your Majesty. I beg you to spare my life."

Asher snickered. "Spare your life? You're going to lose your life anyway. That man, Daren had made it clear that we will all be dead. And you want me to spare your life?"

"Please Your Majesty," he pleaded.

"You betrayed my father," Asher pointed out. "When you die, you can ask for my late father's forgiveness in the afterlife. But first, I need you to tell me everything. I already know how you poisoned my father with your so-called-medicine. But I still need to hear everything from you. Tell me. Who are you working for? Who is Daren working for?"

"I—," Doctor Dansey swallowed at the King's piercing's gaze. "I didn't mean to betray King Louis. But that person blackmailed me. He said that he would end my career as a physician if I did not do what I was told."

"What did he blackmailed you with?" Leo asked.

Graham Dansey shifted his gaze to the Knight. "He had evidence that I was pocketing some of the rare medicine and herbs and selling them to the black market," the old man lowered his head as he confessed.

The old physician figured that it would be better if he confessed to everything he had done as he was going to die, after all. Maybe by confessing his sins, it would lessen the guilt and burden he has been carrying.

"Ha!" Leo spitted. "You're just rotten to the core."

"I told him that it was wrong. No matter what, I did not want to betray His Majesty." Graham Dansey continued. "I was going to confess to King Louis of my crime, but they took my son and threatened to kill my family. They gave me the herbs to feed His Majesty and had someone to monitor my movement. When I did not do what they asked, they sent me my son's finger and threaten to send more if I failed to do what they ask."

"Who are you working for?" Asher asked. "Who is this person? I need a name."

The physician stiffened at Asher's question. His lips quivered as he answered, "It was Baron Ake."