Giving In

Laif tightened his grip on his sword and swung it. Anyone who saw him would be able to tell that he has been practicing swordsmanship for years. His movements were fast and graceful. No one would have guessed the weight of the weapon in his hand with the way he swung his sword.

His ears picked up the sound of approaching footsteps and Laif halted immediately. He dropped his sword to his side and turned around. In an instant, his gaze met with the Princess.

"Were you always practicing martial art whenever you're not on duty?"

"Your Highness, Princess Amelia" he bowed down.

Laif slid his sword into its sheath. "What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't sleep and therefore decided to go for a walk. Before I knew it, my feet brought me to the King's palace." She took a deep breath and smiled. "Then I heard some noise coming from here and I saw you. I am not interrupting your practice, am I?"

"No." Laif shook his head. He turned to look at the Princess's escort and noticed that there were not many guards with her. On this night, only Mori and another Knight called Criss Goldsong were on duty. "You shouldn't walk around the palace at a time like this."

"It's alright," she waved her hand. "There are lots of palace guards on patrol at the palace. I should be safe."

Laif sighed quietly. The nighttime was even more dangerous for the princess to wander around the palace. Because it was dark, the guards' sight view would be limited. It would be dangerous if any assassins were waiting in the corner.

"As the person who is in charge of your safety, I must tell you not to do something like this again," Laif said. "At least bring along a few more guards with you."

"I understand." The Princess smiled. She walked towards one of the wooden benches and sat down. Then she lifted her hand, motioning her small entourage to withdraw just a little bit. "Will you accompany me for a while, Laif?"

Laif replied to her with a bow. "Yes, your highness."

The princess smiled when she noticed his rigid posture. "Ease up. You're always so stiff recently. I think you were more laid back when you didn't know about my identity." She took a deep breath when he didn't reply. "I'm sorry that I've been difficult for you. The other day..."

He shook his head. "No. I should be the one who apologizes. Forgive my audacity, Your Highness. It wasn't my place to say those things I've said. I do not know what has gotten into me."

"No. I must thank you for setting me straight and telling me not to give up."

Laif felt heat creep into his face. Whenever he recalled that conversation with the Princess, he was overcome with embarrassment. He was supposed to stay still while the Princess vented her unhappiness at him. But he went on and on, boldly giving her a speech on how she shouldn't give up.

"You're a strange one," Amelia said. She tilted her head slightly so that she can see his face. "Most people wouldn't say anything in that situation."

Laif brought his hand to cover his face. "I," he paused, feeling that his voice stuck in his throat. He abruptly kneeled before her. "Please pardon my insolence."

The Princess laughed at his expression. "I don't mean to say that it's bad," she gestured him to stand up. "But sometimes, I had the feeling that you're... different. From your manner and your speech, I can tell that you're no ordinary person. Are you by any chance someone from a reputable family back where you're from? A nobility?"

Laif froze at her question. "I'm not," he told the truth. Nobel and royalty were different.

"That's true," Amelia said. "Why would someone from a reputable family came here to be my knight."

Laif heaved a sigh when the princess didn't ask him further. He followed the Princess into the King's yard and they headed for the study. He noticed her longing gaze as she toured around the king's quarters.

"I... I have made my decision," Amelia said. "After a long discussion with Advisor Damian, I decided to go with the minister's suggestion and announced my brother as deceased."

Laif stared at the Princess in shock. He was not expecting her to make that decision.

"They were right. I need to do anything, everything I could to protect the throne and this Kingdom before my brother return," Amelia spoke. A smile that did not reach her eyes curved on her lips. "There will be a lot of difficulties after I pass my edict. But that did not mean that I am giving up. I am giving in for a while and wait for my chance to fight back. Advisor Damian expected that the court will get a lot more hectic after this and Commander Yue predicted that there will be an attempt after my life if I decided to fight back."

Laif bowed. "I will do anything to protect you, Your Highness." He looked up to see the Princess was looking towards the King's quarters. "I," he clenched his hand into a fist. "Can I ask you something?"

Amelia turned to meet his eyes. "Of course."

"Will you tell why your brother, the King went missing?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I'm curious," Laif answered carefully. "No one in the palace seems to know why."

Amelia pondered over his question for seconds. Finally, she spoke, "I'm not sure where that idiot has gone to. It's not like he told me where he was going before he disappeared," she heaved a sigh.

Laif stared at her with his mouth open. He was momentarily shocked upon hearing the Princess calling the King an idiot.

"But after days he hasn't returned, I found out that he went out the palace because he found a few clues to his investigation," she raised her gaze to meet his. "That's when I found out from Advisor Damian that he was investigating the late King's death."

Laif stood firm as he listened.

"My brother," Amelia continued. "He believed that someone murdered the late King."