The Eastlake Couple

Somewhere in the woods on the outskirts of the city...

The King's eyes brightened and his thin lips tilted up into a smile as he reached his destination.

In front of him was a small residence that seemingly belonged to a farmer couple. Though there was a hint of joy on the King's expression upon seeing this courtyard, the others who came along with him does not have the same expression.

The rest of them knew that King Asher had come over to this place to seek for help. However, as their gazes fell on the shabby courtyard, each of them we doubting that whoever resided inside this residence will be someone who was able to help them in their situation.

King Asher had led the group and traveled for days and hope that they would arrive at this place before something happened to his sister. Though he had a feeling that he might be a little too late, he still hoped that there was something he could do to change the situation.

The King glanced to his guard and soon, Leo stepped up and entered the door. Finding that the area was safe, Leo let the King and the others step inside. However, as they looked around, Asher was disappointed when he could not find anyone.

"It seemed that the person you were looking for is not at home," Eileen spoke. "Are you sure this is the place you were looking for?"

"I'm sure," Asher nodded. "Since he's not at home, then we will wait."

Just as Asher was about to head over to the small stool under the tree, Asher felt something tugging on his shoulder. His body floated for a few seconds and soon, he found himself lying on the ground with a man on top of him. And the man with his face covered in black cloth was pointing a sharp knife to his throat.

"Your Majesty," Leo cried. Though he had rushed forward the moment he noticed the man's presence, he was still too late. The guard let out his sword and pointed it to the unidentified man. "Let go if you value your life."

A scoff escaped the man. "Let go of your weapon if you value His Majesty's life. You know very well that I could end his life before you could try and do something."

Asher stared at the man who was pointing the weapon at his throat and a light flashed in his eyes upon meeting the man's gaze. "Just do what he told."

The man watched Leo threw his sword to the ground and noticed Leo's resentment for not sensing his presence earlier. Then he glanced towards the woman who stood at the side as if observing the scene quietly. "You too, lady."

Eileen frowned. A second passed and she threw the dagger that she had been hiding in her sleeve. If the man tried to do anything to harm His Majesty, she can still reach her bow and arrow to act.

"You let your guard down," the man said. He removed the knife and shoved it inside his boot. Then he helped the King to stand up and watched as he dusted off some dirt off his clothes. "That's not very good. You should be mindful of your surroundings." The man took off the covering on his face, revealing the face of a man in his late thirty. Though there were some spots of white hair on his head, the man remained handsome. Once the covering was discarded, the man smiled towards the King's entourage before he dropped down on both knees before the King. "Your Majesty."

"I didn't expect to get ambushed here and lowered my guard. It was my mistake," Asher spoke. He glanced towards Leo and Eileen and held up a hand to signal them to stop from whatever they were thinking of doing. "Relax. This person not going to hurt me." He returned his gaze to the man. "Get up, Finn. There's no need for courtesies with me."

The expression on Leo's face changed upon hearing the man's name. "Finn? Finn Eastlake? Wasn't he was one of the late King's royal guard?"

Finn stood up and bowed slightly as a form of greeting.

Leo's eyes widened and he continued to look at the man in front of him with undisguised amazement. He had heard Finn Eastlake's name before and knew of his good reputation as the late King's guard. Unfortunately, the man soon disappeared and not many knew where he had gone to.

"Right now, I am a mere farmer," Finn motioned towards the small vegetable farm behind him.

"Yes. He was one of my father's royal guards until he decided to resign to marry." Asher narrowed his eyes slightly.

Finn raised a brow and the corner of his lips tilted up into an amused smile. "I see that you're still bitter about me leaving the palace."

Asher scoffed. "I'm not."

He was.

When he was still young, Finn Eastlake was one of his mentors in martial art. In Asher's opinion, Finn was one of the best fighters he met. Up till now, none of his guards were good enough as Finn's skill alone. If Finn did not resign, he would be an astounding force behind him.

"The late King gave me and my wife his blessing." Finn continued. "You should too."

"I attended your wedding, didn't I?" Asher sighed. "But that's not why I'm here." His expression turned serious. "Did my sister read the letter?"

"The Princess was unable to read the letter before the announcement if that's what you wanted to know," Finn said. "My wife tells me that it was hard to meet with the princess in discreet. Her quarter was heavily guarded, and she has been turning down every visitor, including the advisor. This matter will require some time."

Asher frowned at the news.

Previously, he had sent a letter to Finn and hope that the man will be able to help him to warn his sister, Armelia about Daren's intention. But it was still too late. He wondered how did his sister had reacted when Daren broke the news of his death? Asher was sure that his sister would be heartbroken. "Have you heard of anything from the palace?"

"Just the news on your passing," Finn said. "They said that you died in a horrible fire. Your body and mostly your face have been charred badly. I heard that your funeral will be held in a few days."

Asher clenched his fist. It was not hard for him to guess that Daren must have used someone else's body and disguised it like him to deceive the Princess. The thought of it makes him sick. "Finn. I need your help."

"Anything for you, Your Majesty," Finn bowed. "My house may be small, but I think it can accommodate you and," he paused to count his guests, "the other three."


When she returned to her small residence on the outskirts of the city, Jane Eastlake was surprised to see the few guests in the house. Her eyes widened in surprise as her husband introduced her to the King, and she immediately curtsied.

"And everyone," Finn addressed to his guests. "This is my wife, Jane."

"Your wife?" Graham Daesey frowned disapprovingly as he gave the woman a look over. "But she's too young."

The woman had a youthful face and as the couple stood side by side, the others would often wonder what was the age difference between the two.

"I'm not exactly old, either," Finn said nonchalantly. But there was a hint of hostility as he looked at the physician. Turning to his wife, Finn then said, "How was it? Did you pass the letter to the princess?"

"Yes," she nodded. "If it wasn't for her maidservant's request to let us in, I don't think I could slip in the letter."

"My wife works with the royal infirmary," Finn explained. "It was easier for her to pass the letter to the Princess with her position. The princess quarters were heavily guarded. Commander Irvine must have hired a few good people to protect her."

Jane watched the king and saw that he was relieved upon hearing that his sister was with good protection.

Asher turned to Jane. "Can I ask you another favor?"

Jane glanced towards her husband for his approval, then, she nodded. "Yes."

"I need you to pass another letter to my sister before the-" Asher grimaced as he paused, "Before the funeral. Can you do that?"