Change of Heart

The night sky was overcast with dark clouds and the moon and stars were hidden behind them.

At the prison which was located at the northern side of the palace, a shadow was seen hiding behind a pillar. The night without moon and stars helped him to move stealthily as he avoided the patrolling guards.

Kain Elford continued to hide behind the walls to watch the guards and waited for them to fall asleep from the dinner he spiked with some concoction. Once he was sure that the guards were asleep, Kain sneaked into the prison and went straight towards where the Prince was locked up.

"Hey," he whispered. Swiftly, Kain unlocked the cell using the keys he took from one of the guards and entered the cell. "What have they done to you? Are you alright?" His gaze darkened upon noticing the Laif's complexion. His lips were chapped and Kain guessed that the Prince was not given any food or drinks once he was bought to the prison.

Laif looked at his friend questioningly. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to rescue you," Kain said. He grabbed the flask on his knapsack and handed it to Laif. "Here. Drink this."

He took a swig from the flask. "Thanks."

"Your Highness," Kain whispered as he watched Laif emptied the water from the flask. "I think it is time for us to escape from here. I'm going to sneak you out of the palace and then we can run away or maybe head back to Western Continent. They won't have time to look for us if we escape now. Everyone in the palace is busy with the preparation for the King's funeral."

"No." Laif spoke. His tone was thick with resolute. "I'm afraid that I cannot go back to Hase. Now is not the right time."

Kain drew back. "Why not?"

"I made a promise to the Princess that I will help her to restore and stabilize her position."

"You what?" Kain stared at him in disbelief. "This is ridiculous." He crossed his arms on his chest. "What were you thinking? I've warned you not to get involve with Noa's political matters, but now you're telling me that you're going to help the Princess to restore her position?"

"Don't talk too loud. What if any of the guards heard you?"

Kain scoffed. "They won't. The guards are asleep."

Laif watched him with surprise. "You spiked their drinks?"

"No. I spiked their dinner," Kain replied, although it did not matter which. "How do you think I was going to sneak in into this prison? It was heavily guarded by the Commander's men. I can't bribe my way in to see you. Spiking their food was the only way to get in." He took a deep breath and said, "Come on. I think now is the right time to escape."

"We are not escaping," Laif said. "I'm not escaping."

"As your guard who was responsible for your safety, I'm saying that we're escaping." Kain gave him a disapproving look. "They treated you this badly and you still wanted to stay?

Laif gripped Kain on his arm. "Please Kain. Just leave me be. The Commander would not let me be in this prison for too long. I promised the princess that I will help to protect her from her enemy and I don't have any intention to break my promise."

Kain stared at the Laif and suddenly his anger risen at his stubbornness. "Why? Why are you so eager to turn the Princess's problems into yours? We are staying in Noa Kingdom to find that magical artifact and we are supposed to flee at the first sign of trouble. Now is the time."

"I know." The frown on his face deepened. "But I changed my mind. Kain, I am planning to stay here for a while longer."

"Why?" Kain closed his eyes momentarily when Laif did not answer. A thought flashed through his mind and the way Kain was looking at Laif was no longer the same. "You," he hesitated. "Are you—do you have feelings for the Princess?"

He opened his mouth to say something, but his throat felt too dry, even though he had finished the water from Kain's flask. "What feeling?" he looked away.

"A romantic feeling. That kind of feeling that man feels about a woman." Kain shook his head and chuckled at the way he was saying things. "Is that it? Do you like her? Is this why you're so persistent to stay and help her?"

Laif closed his eyes and various thoughts went through her mind all at the same time. He found that he could not think straight.

Like her? Romantic feeling? Does he like her in that way?

"I," Laif paused and licked his lips. "I don't know."

Kain raised a brow. "You... don't know?"

"I'm not sure. I admire her courage. I admire her for stepping up as her brother's substitute. The Princess... She didn't have much power or influence in her court but she still did her best and fight against the nobles who only make things harder for her. She's very much different from me." A sigh escaped him and his lips turned up into a faint smile. "She's kind. She thinks of her people. While I... I gave up on my crown and my people because I didn't want to deal with the nobles and politics."

Kain's expression began to softened when he understood why Laif could not look away from Princess Amelia. "That's not true." He knew that the prince loved the people of Hase. He had done so much for his people while he went out, traveling while disguising as a commoner. Truthfully, Kain thought that the Prince had done a lot more for his people when he decided to get out of the palace as he finally saw and understood his people.

"I wanted to protect her," Laif continued. "I wanted to help her to win against her enemy. I wanted her to succeed so that she can continue protecting her people," he tried to suppress a smile. "Is that wrong?"

"It's not," Kain said. He crouched down on the ground and let out a very long sigh. Perhaps Laif himself has not realized it yet, or perhaps he was too embarrassed to say it out loud, bout Kain could tell that Laif liked Princess Amelia.

He had spent most of his time by Laif's side and could see his expression right now.

His shyness... and how he glowed when he talked about the Princess. Laif had never had an expression like that. Not when he was surrounded by other women back in the Hase. Not even when he was in the company of his former betrothed.