Securing Position

Princess Amelia let out a breath of relief knowing that everything between her and Laif was resolved. The past few days that the two were not talking was making her uncomfortable and Amelia did not like the feeling.

Perhaps she did not know Laif for too long, but Amelia trusted her instinct. She knew that he's a good man and she can trust him with her life.

At this time, the Princess was in her office, looking through a few documents when her maidservant entered the room.

"Your Highness," Rae greeted and bowed. "Advisor Damian and Commander Irvine are here for your audience."

Amelia nodded, signaling Rae to let them both in.

Her expression lightened up when she saw the advisor. Damian is Asher's best friend and he would be happy to know that Asher is still alive. However, her happiness faded as she recalled Asher's warning not to tell anyone about him. Asher thought that the less person knew that he was still alive, the better the chance for them to figure out what their enemy wanted to do.

Asher had his plan and Amelia did not want to ruin it for him.

"Your Highness," both Damian and Irvine greeted.

"Thank you for coming." The Princess signaled them to have a seat before she asked Rae and the other maidservants to empty the room.

"How are you doing?" Damian asked with worry.

It has been a few days after the King's funeral, and Damian was worried that the Princess might still be in shock. He was a little surprised when Amelia attended the funeral without shedding any tears. As the King's advisor, Damian had watched Amelia grew up. Watching her trying to be brave in front of the minister made him worry... He did not want the Princess to suppress her emotion too much and got sick because of it.

"I'm alright," Amelia assured him. "I just needed some time to cope with everything."

Irvine and Damian exchanged a look and had a tacit understanding to let this matter pass.

Amelia took a deep breath before she spoke again. "The ministers are going to pressure me into deciding on the next successor when the mourning period is over. I wanted to know what you think of this matter."

Commander Irvine cast another glance towards the advisor. "Your Highness, what do you wish to know?"

"Now that my brother's gone," Amelia paused and bit at her lips. Her expression at this time was as if she was trying to suppress her sadness. "I want to know who are in line to fill in the position as according to law."

"If only the king had an heir," Commander Irvine paused. "I guess, the next in line will be any male family members of the royal family. At this time, there is no male descendant of Reed's family. However... Duke of Jinan is an adoptive son of your grandfather."

Damian turned to Commander Irvine and scoffed. "Duke of Jinan is not a part of the royal family. He cannot be the next ruler."

"He is still at the top of the hierarchy and had many followers," Commander Irvine argued. "The others would agree that Duke of Jinan is a suitable candidate."

"There will be opposition among the nobilities if he was to succeed the throne," Damian spoke. He turned to the Princess and continued, "Your Highness... In the circumstance where the King deceased without heir or any successor in line... According to our law, the Marquis may also be elected as the next ruler."

"But that's very unlikely to happen," Commander Irvine said. "Marquis of Hemi is very powerful and influential among the others, but he was not as strong as Duke of Jinan."

The Princess listened to their argument in silence as she was trying to absorb the information. "What if I want to secure my position as the legitimate ruler of Noa Kingdom?"

Her question immediately turned the room silent.

Commander Irvine looked up with astonishment on his face, while Advisor Damian's expression was a mixture of pride and worry.

"Your Highness, are you sure you want to go through with this?" the advisor asked.

"Do you think I'm out of my mind?" Amelia spoke gently.

The Princess was a little worried that both of them wouldn't want to help her to secure her position. But she needed them to win this to fight.

If she wanted to live, she has to secure her position. Or else, The nobilities would dispose of her as soon as they gain power. Then, it would be impossible for her to help Asher to return to the palace. Securing her position as the legitimate monarch was the first step for them to fight against their enemy.

Damian shook his head. "No. Your Highness, I am happy that you wanted to claim the throne. But after everything that happened recently, I was worried that you might want to give up."

"I love this kingdom," Amelia said. "I don't think I can give up on something that I love."

Advisor Damian smiled and bowed. "I'm glad to hear that. I'm sure that is what the King would want too." He glanced at the Commander and continued, "Your Highness, we both would do anything to help you."

"Your Highness," Commander Irvine spoke. "I pledge my loyalty to you and the royal family for as long as I'm alive. I will help you to achieve anything you desire." A frown appeared on his face. "However, I have to warn you that the road won't be easy. It's not impossible, but not easy. The nobilities will continue to oppose the idea. After all, a woman ruling a country is unheard of."

"I know that there will be a lot opposition coming from the nobilities. However, I also know that I'm going to need their support to succeed." Amelia sat up straight and looked at both men before her. "Do you think you could find out discreetly if there are any of the nobilities who would support me as the ruler?"