Asher's Scolding

"Yes. I know." It was Amelia who had answered her brother's question instead.

Asher narrowed his eyes as he looked at his sister. He noticed that Amelia had changed during the time of his absence. She used to be the baby of the family. But right now, his little sister doesn't seem so little anymore.

His gaze shifted to Laif, wondering if he played a part in his sister's change.

Asher concluded that he really did not like him. He could not like him.

With that thought in mind, Asher walked over to Laif, wanting to give him a piece of his mind.

"Stop it!" Finn Eastlake held on to the king's arms, preventing him from taking another step towards Laif.

As someone who had worked in the palace before, Finn knew the King ever since he was young and understood Asher's temperament. He knew how protective Asher can be over his sister, and how hot-headed he can be.

"Princess Amelia didn't make this dangerous trip here to argue with you, Your Majesty," Finn whispered.

Asher was about to argue when he noticed that Eileen was holding his other arms.

"Your Majesty, I will not allow you to get into another fight." She shifted her gaze to the King's clenched fist. "Your wound isn't healed yet. If you continue to be stubborn, your wound might reopen."

Asher took a deep breath to suppress his frustration. Slowly he pulled back and unclenched his fist. "Very well. I won't fight."

Finn released his grip on Asher. He glanced at both Asher and Amelia before he went over to Laif's side. "Mister Hue, why don't you come with me while the two siblings catch up?" He flashed a smile. "My wife made an excellent tea."

Laif hesitated. He glanced to the Princess and watched her nod in approval.

Actually, Laif would rather stay by the Princess's side where he could watch her closely. However, he knew that it would be best if he can get away from the King at this time. He saw the way the King was looking at him and knew that the man did not like him.

However, they are on a tight schedule and they need to get back to the palace soon. Having another round with the king would not go well with their plan.

Laif turned around to follow Finn. However, his steps halted when Laif had a feeling as if someone was watching him.

His eyes narrowed when he saw the physician beside the King. Suddenly, he had a feeling as if he had seen that woman before.

Their gaze met, but Eileen quickly looked away, gathered her belongings, and ran off somewhere else.

Laif tried to recall where did he had seen that woman, but nothing came to his mind. With Finn's urging, he soon followed him into the house, leaving the King and his sister behind.

Asher watched as Laif walked away with Finn and snorted. When he looked at his sister again, Amelia had this angry look on her face.

"I'm sorry." He tried to appease her. "I shouldn't make a scene when you came here to see me." His expression changed again when he thought of the reason his sister was at this place. "But still... What were you thinking? Don't you know that it is dangerous for you to be here? The nobleties have their eyes and ears everywhere. You could have put yourself and me in danger."

Amelia stiffened when her brother had suddenly scolded her. "I know. I was aware of this situation and what it would lead to. You don't have to scold me. I have heard the same lecture from Laif a while ago."

Amelia grimaced as she remembered that long lecture. Laif had reminded her of the danger, but Amelia knew that she still has to come over and meet her brother.

Asher raised a brow when he heard her words. A part of him was relieved that his sister's knight was sensible enough.

"You don't have to worry," Amelia spoke again. "I can assure you that I'm safe. I will not come here knowing that I am going to jeopardize your safety. Laif is here with me. He will make sure that I am safe."

"You trust him that much?"

"I trust him with my life."

Asher was surprised upon hearing his sister's words. He took a deep breath to calm down and decided that now was not the time for them to argue. He rubbed his head and sigh. "Alright. Tell me why are you here? What is so urgent that you have come to see me?"

Amelia hesitated. "I—It's just that... I wanted to see you." She lowered her gaze. "A part of me couldn't believe that you're here, alive. I wanted to see you once again to make sure that I'm not dreaming. I wanted to be sure that you're alright. Brother, I didn't want to lose you again."

His expression softened and his heart grew warm. Asher let out a long sigh. Then, he raised his hand and flicked at her forehead, causing the Princess to flinch back in pain.

"It hurts!" Amelia rubbed her painful forehead and shot her brother an angry look. "What do you did that for?"

"To let you know that you are not dreaming."

"What?" Amelia grew furious.

Asher laughed when his sister tried to hit him on his arm. "It's part of your punishment for acting so reckless."

Her anger faded. She knew that she was at fault, and was relieved that the tension between them had slowly disappeared.

"Listen, Amelia." Asher's tone became gentler. "You can't do something like this again. I want you to be safe. I know how much you wanted to see me, but you have to restrain yourself. Be patient. Just until we caught whoever it is that tried to harm our family."

Amelia closed her eyes momentarily and nodded. "Alright. I understand."

A gentle smile curled on his lips knowing that his sister understood his concern.


Back in the city...

The young advisor treaded into the night in his black robe and a large hoodie to cover his face.

As he reached a junction, Damian stopped to check on his surrounding. Only when he was sure that there was no one trailing after him did he continued to walk forward.

It was a crucial time and he needed to be careful lest he would jeopardize everyone's plan.

His movement stopped when he reached a house. Without hesitation, Damian lifted his hand and rapped his knuckle on the wooden door. After waiting for a while, a butler showed up to open the door.

The old man nodded before he glanced at the road to ensure that there were no prying eyes.

"Welcome Advisor Chase," the butler bowed. "Lord Benedict is waiting for you inside."