Chapter 1

Have you ever wanted a switch in reality? You gamers out there! Ever wanted A Character in a game to be there in real life? Well This is the story for you..i guess :D

"Hitoshi!" His mother called from downstairs. "Dinnertime! Come im leaving soon!" She continued. "Yeah ill be right there!" Hitoshi yells To his mom. "Ive just got to make my character!" Hitoshi, an 17 year old boy and a talented gamer Playing a new game. Flames of honer. His new addiction. In this game you get to be not only magical girls but magical boys too! You level up and after competing against bots you get to do pvp! But only if your over the level of 10. hitoshi is on the level 35. He plays alot. 'This game is so interesting..' he thinks. Suddenly the screen freezes and his computer starts to make weird noises "Eh?! What the fuck?" He gets away from it as it looks like it might even explode. "M-Mom!" He runs out his room. When we was gone a huge cloud of smoke came and someone walked out.

Back downstairs he was calling for his mom "Mom! seriously mom come here!" He runs into the kitchen and its empty. He looks around and sees a note. "Me and your sister already left i called you ten minutes ago but you didnt answer. But text me if you want anything from the store"

He drops the paper. "Well.. maybe it was just a game glich. I dont hear any Explosion noises"

He rushed back upstairs and opened his door only too see a human. "What?! Uh who are you? I I dont have any money!" The person looked confused. "I am not here for money. I am kohaku. Or amber. The character you created in flames of honer. You didnt finish Making me so if you can. Would you?" Kohaku says. Hitoshi Was taken aback. "what That is not possible! It- I what?!" He replied. Kohaku looked serious. "I am not lying. Please check your computer and finish Me. I do not have clothes on currently." Kohaku stepped out of the smoke and it cleared away. "AH!" Hitoshi Blushed "Youre in underwear!" He says. Hitoshi had never seen a Naked boy. The only time hes ever seen A naked person was when his sister was a baby. So Really he Didnt know how to react. Kohaku shrugged. "Then you must Choose my outfit." Kohaku was a purple haired Boy who was About the hight of a girl. He had baby blue eyes and pale skin. Hitoshi walked over to his computer and sat down. It was making the weird noises and was no longer frozen. He clicked on a Grey and white hoodie with Light blue short that were kinda big on him. "Thank you. It was Kind of cold here." Kohaku Says. Hitoshi turned around and Kahaku was in the clothes he chose. "B-but how?!" Hitoshi stuttered. "Well. I dont know really. But now im here. So wheres all the fighting?! Id like to level up!" Kohaku made a sword appear in his hand. "uh.. there is no fighting. Can you like go back into the computer." He turned back around and His computer was black with the game Disk Broken. "Eh?!" He grabbed the pieces. "oh. So i cannot go back looks like im stuck here with You hitoshi!" Kohaku says. "How do you know my name and i dont even know whats going on. You can stay here!" hitoshi says and looks up at Kohaku. "But ive got no where else to go." Kohaku says and started to cry. Hitoshi gasped and his reaction. "what is this. Why is water Coming out of my eyes. Am i okay?" Kohaku says rather calmly. "You are crying.. do you- have you never cried?" Hitoshi ask out of shock. "no. I am simply a Character from a game. I only know a few emotions. This- is not one I usually Feel." Kohaku explained. "Oh.. thats so sad." Hitoshi felt kind of bad for kohaku. "i-i dont know if you can stay here forever. But if i ask my mom she might allow it if i Make up a small lie.." hitoshi says. "I don't usually like to my mom though." he adds. "Oh thank you I appreciate it much! Hotishi!!" Kohaku says as he walks over to me and hugs me. "uhm. How do you know what a hug is but not what crying is?" Hitoshi asks Him. "Dunno!" Kohaku replies. Hitoshi pushes kohaku away from him. "I guess ill ask my mom when she gets home. But even so i have a question.." hitoshi says. "Oh ask away." kohaku replies. Hitoshi sits down on his bed " Well.. Do you have all those cool magical powers you had on the game?!" He Asked "i mean This might be some crazy realistic lucid dream but its pretty cool.." he finished. "oh! Actually I do. You must know. In the game we all have powers, ice, fire, or air. Well you made my power ice. So i can Do ice things." kohaku says. "can i see?" hitoshi replies. "well.. ill try." Hi attempted to Shoot ice out his hand but it didnt work. "Huh. Seems my Magic has stopped working" he looked quite disappointed. "i guess its because were in the real world. But even so.. how did you make the sword appear? Try that again" Hitoshi says. Kohaku trys to make the sword appear but yet again it didn't work. "Maybe is because The game broke. My head is spinning im so confused its making me tired." hitoshi say Dazed. "It is okay you can sleep. I have patients and can wait." Kohaku replied with a smile. Hitoshi laid down. "What might you do though?" He says. Kohaku walked over to the bed. "I shall sleep too!" He exclaims. "Eh what? I only have one bed so.. you can sleep on the floor wait thats rude uh!!" hitoshi Panicked flustered. "No it is fine I do not mind sharing a bed." kohaku said it as if it were nothing. "Oh. I remember you are a video game character.." Hitoshi scoot over a bit. "I guess.. we can share a bed. It will be okay because i am straight and you do not have romantic feelings!" Hitoshi Says as Kohaku climbs onto the bed. Even though what hitoshi says he still thought it was so embarrassing. He was blushing. "But see you are wrong! I think us characters do have feelings we just do not realize it." Kohaku says completely unfazed. "Oh. Sorry i judged...." Hitoshi replier and was starting to fall asleep. He closes his eyes for a second and next thing he knows hes asleep. Kohaku also quickly falls asleep. In hitoshi's small bed.