Chapter 2

Hitoshi woke up and felt unusually warm. He turned his head and there was kohaku. His arms were around Hitoshi and hitioshis legs where between Kohakus. He had a silent panic not knowing if he should wake him up or not. Kohaku looked so peaceful when he was asleep. Maybe it was because he was half awake but hitoshi thought he was quite cute when he was sleeping. Hitoshi fondled Kohakus hair. "Its soft.." He Stopped when he realized what he was doing. kohaku was waking up. hitoshi turned away and pretended to be sleeping. "hitioshi" kohaku says "wake up" Hitoshi quickly hopped out of the bed. "You hungry i am lets eat! I wonder if my parents are home ahah!" He was flustered because of the way they had slept. "Sure id like some food" hitoshi rushed downstairs. kohaku Sat up on the bed. He Stood up and walked over to Hitoshi book case. "Woah. He has all versions of my game" he looked around the room But when he heard footsteps he say back down on the bed. "I could only find some left over from dinner . My mom is home so ill ask her after we eat" hitoshi handed kohaku the food. Hitoshi starts eating then looks over to kohaku. The sunlight was shining on his face And he was also eating. Hitoshi stares at him for a bit Until Kohaku noticed. He Fed some bread to hitoshi. "Mm! Hey!" Hitoshi spit it out then kohaku laughed. "Im sorry sorry!" Hitoshi Looked away blushing. "L-lets just go ask my mother!" He walk out the room and kohaku followed. "Hey mom!" Hitoshi nocks on his mothers door. "Come in you dont need to nock" They walk in together. "Oh. Who might this be?" She looked at Kohaku and he smiled at her "this is Kohaku he Uh was Uh i found him on the no I mean he's a friend from school and his parents kicked him out" Hitoshi lied. "oh we should return him then poor boy!" his mom says. "No no! Mom i was wondering if he could uh live with us.." he asks. "Thats so sudden.. you know we dont have any spare rooms" His mother replies. "That is okay i am fine sharing with hitoshi." Kohaku says. Hitoshi Blushed "its mot like that. I think he means Uh hes okay with sharing bedrooms like Uh Separate beds and stuff." Hitoshi Said looking down. "But i dont know. Are you sure you want a roommate? And What if we get in trouble with his parents?" She says. "Uh well i dont Mind really." Hitoshi says. "please miss I promise my parents will not cause any problems with you and your family" Kohaku begs. "No need to plead its okay its okay! I- i guess you can Stay here We have an extra Mattress" His mom finally answers. "oh really? Thank you maam!" Kohaku Smiles. "Thank You mom! He appreciates its! he doesn't have any luggage so we should be fine im sorry for this all of a sudden mom.. its just temporary" i wave to my mom and grab his arm and walk out. "Thank you mom love you!" We Go to my room. "So. Where will we put your mattress? We could put it over there" hitoshi points to A wall. "yes i guess that works.." hitoshi got up and Left the room "you stay here" Kohaku sat on the floor waiting. Hitoshi returned a few minutes later with a mattress "and you carried this all the way here? Isnt it heavy?" Kohaku says and he helps Hitoshi get the mattress in. "No sweat! Its fine lets set it up soon its 10:28 and i usually sleep at 12 even though we took a nap earlier it was short." Hitoshi says. Kohaku nods. "Its kind of weird. I barley even know you and now you're living with me." Hitoshi says while moving stuff to fit the bed. "Well I dont really know how i got here. so i dont have an answer for you. But at least its not the other way around. For my game is pretty violent." Kohaku says. "I guess so. But At least its summer break" hitoshi and Kohaku put thw bed down and Put a sheet and a blanket over it with some pillows. "There you go! Its pink and girly but that's because the only spares we have are from my female cousin haha! Sorry" hitoshi Apologizes "hey it's okay!" Kohaku says and sits on the bed. Hitoshi sits next to him and looks down. "So uhm..tomorrow. I was supposed to be going to the park with a friend want to come with?" hitoshis asks. "Sure!"

Hitoshi walks over to his own bed. "Uh are you tired yet. Theres nothing else to do today." Hitoshi lays down on his bed and stares at the ceiling. "I can sleep" kohaku replies. "Lets watch some tv on my computer"

Kohaku snd hitoshi bounded that night. they stayed up talking about earth and video games. Time passed by and before they knew it it was 2:47

Hitoshi noticed kohaku falling asleep. "Lets go to bed" kohaku nods and gets into bed. Hitoshi sighs and gets into his own bed. A few minutes later he was about to fall asleep when he heard a noise. "Hey Hitoshi i cant sleep. Can i sleep in your bed?" Kohaku said. He looked like he was going to cry. Hitoshi stared at him for a second. 'He looks fairly cute when hes crying..' hitoshi blushed and scooted so Kohaku can sleep next to him. "Thank you much hitoshi!" Kohaku crawled into the bed and snuggled up to hitoshi. 'Hes so close ah!!' Hitoshi think. But doesnt Say anything. Kohaku holds hitoshis waste and pulls him closer. again, hitoshi doesnt stop him. He just laid there blushing letting Kohaku cuddle him all he wants. Hitoshi could feel Kohakus hot breath on his neck. Most people would think that was annoying but hitoshi found it oddly comforting. He soon feel asleep along with kohaku.

Meanwhile his mom gets put of her room and opens his door. She doesnt notice anything at first but then she sees the two cuddling. "Oh.." she says Slowly closing the door an walking away.