Chapter 3

Hitoshi was already awake Waiting on Kohaku to wake up. 'Watching him sleep is kind of creppy.. but he has this way of holding onto me until he wakes up. I cant say i dont like it. But even when i try and wake him up i end up staring at him. I cant help it. Hes very.. pretty.' Hitoshi was thinking in his head. "hitoshi. Wake up" kohaku Sneezed. "Hey you sneezed in my face! You dont have to tell me to wake up every morning usually im already up." Hitoshi said as kohaku tried wiping his face. "Sorry!! Thats never happened to me!!" Kohaku said. "Its okay. More important wheres my phone?" Hitoshi looking around. "You shower while i look for my phone okay." He told kohaku. "Here your phone is but Shower? I know what it is but i do not know how" kohaku says As he pulls out Hitioshi phone from under the pillow.

"I- its like Easy just Use soap and water to clean yourself. With a towel. Like clean ever part of you.." hitoshi tried to explain. "you can help me shower" kohaku says. "Eh? What? I cant do that. Thats Just.. No!" He Blushed flustered. "You know you shower naked right?" He told kohaku. "Oh? But haven't you seen me Already. When i first got here" Kohaku replied. "but i mean. Youd be completely naked.. id like to live my life without seeing another mans Area." Hitoshi said as he looked down and blushed. "what area?" kohaku Asked. "Your uhm the Uh your P-Private area."

"Oh? Then you shall close your eyes"

"No thank you. I will just sit outside the shower while you Shower how about that."

"That works Hitoshi!"

They walked out the room and too the bathroom. "You can where my clothes i will be right back" hitioshi Was about to leave and Kohaku followed him. 'Jeez it seems he never wants to be alone' Hitoshi found a shirt and Basketball short. "I- i dont have any new underwear.." he says. "That is fine I can wear yours" Kohaku says. "Oh. Uhm okay..." he handed him the clothes and they went back to the bathroom. "Lets hope your my size. How old are you anyway" hitoshi asks. "I dont know i think i am Your age." Kohaku says. "Oh okay well uhm.." he turns on the shower "get in." He sat down on the toilet. Then kohaku started to strip. "AH! Im sorry" hitoshi covered his eyes. "That is okay." Kohaku went into the shower. 'Gosh this is so awkward. I never thought id be in the same bathroom as a boy let alone while they are showering a few inches away from me behind a curtain' Hitoshi thought. "hitioshiii it is very hot in here! Stop it!!! Hitoshi!!" kohaku complained. "shh! Its going to sound like something's happening in here. Just turn the Nob thing" hitoshi says Look down. "Oh wow! Thats like magic or something thanks!"kohaku Said. "Just hurry id like to shower too and We only have one bathroom!" Hitioshi says. "And make sure to wash everywhere with the towel and soap"

"Okay i will!" kohaku says. 'He is like a child. Hard to believe hes 15. He needs someone in the bathroom with him while he showers. Its cute and all but Yikes.' Hitoshi thought. "Hitoshiii!! Im done" kohaku stepped out of the shower. "next time warn me so i can cover my eyes! Take this towel" hitoshi handed him a towel and covered his eyes. "okay!" Kohaku agreed. While kohaku was drying and changing hitoshi had his eyes closed. He moved his hand and took a peak at kohaku. Then he blushed and covered his face again. 'Why did i look ugh!!'

"hitoshi you can go and shower now! I am all changed" kohaku smiled. "Well i dont feel that comfortable showering infront of a guy" hitoshi mumbled. "So just go talk to my sister or something and dont talk about how you are from a video game okay!" Hitoshi finished talking. "Okay! I will explore the house!" Kohaku walked out of the bathroom and hitoshi was alone. He took of his clothes and got into the shower.

About 10 minutes passed and he got out. "I dont want him to wait too long. Plus i meeting up with someone today!" He started drying himself when the door started opening. "hitoshiiiiii!! I was-" Kohaku stopped talking when he saw what he walked in on. Hitoshi was completely naked. Kohaku Was blushing. "Kohaku get out!!"

Hitoshi was also blushing and he covered himself with the towel and locked the door. "Thats so embarrassing oh my god.." he finished getting dressed, took a deep breath and walked out. "oh hai hitoshi!! Aren't we supposed to meet your friend?" kohaku smiled. 'He's completely unfazed..' Hitoshi thought. "Yea lets just go now before My mom stops us" they Walk downstairs and outside. "Wow your world is much more colorful than mines!" Kohaku said excitingly. "wow all of the trees in my world are Burnt! You have Perfectly green trees!!" he continued.

"Hey its not that exiting. Just ask normal okay." Hitoshi says. "okay okay ill try Hehe!" Kohaku wad very energetic and waved at every passerby. "Okay were here." Hitoshi said. "Hey!! Yori! Im here" a girl with long red hair came running towards them. "Hitoshi!!" She hugged him and he hugged back and smiled. "Oh you brought a friend.. whos this?" Yori says. "Oh this is kohaku." Hitoshi said. Kohaku wasnt as energetic and happy as before but he didnt know why. "hello." Kohaku says. "Youre really cute i love your purple hair! You must be like 5'6 almost like a girl!" Yori says. Hitoshi waited for her to finish talking. "Anyway Lets go get Some food Ill pay!" He says. "Oh yes id like to get to know your friend more!" Yori said walking ahead. Hitoshi started walking but kohaku grabbed him. "Your friend is weird. Scary" Kohaku says. "Hey dont say that shes just exited." Hitoshi said. Kohaku tried to hold hitoshis hand but hitoshi pulled away and starting walking at the same pace as kohaku. "hitoshiiiii!" kohaku Runs after them. "You cant leave me alone! I dont want to be alone." Kohaku says. Yori looks at him confused. "Kohaku you cant say things like that. Im sorry yori he isnt from here and doesnt have many friends" hitoshi says. "it is okay!" Yori smiles. Hitoshi leaves to go get some food from a nearby food truck. "hey Kohaku. Do you think i can get your number or no because i think your really cute" yori says blushing. "I do not have a number. I do not even have a phone" kohaku answers. "At your age? Wow that's weird" yori says. "i do not think it is that weird. I can just share with hitoshi we share almost everything." Kohaku says smiling.

"Wait what? What do you mean?"

"I mean like last night-" kohaku was cut off when hitoshi came back.

"hey! Guys i got food! Chicken nuggets to be exact." Hitoshi Handed them both a small box of Nuggets. "Lets go sit down to eat"



They all sat down and started talking.

'Its weird.. i always thought i had a crush on Yori but today the only person on my mind is Kohaku' hitoshi thought. Kohaku laughed which made hitoshi blush.

"hey hitoshi your all red" yori says.

"oh its cause of the heat. Yes the heat we should probably go home soon anyway its getting late hahaha" hitioshi Smiled. "Oh yea i guess. Well bye i guess hitoshi and Kohaku. Ill text you later i guess!" Yori said getting up and walking away. 'They are Weirdly close. It makes me mad' Yori thinks as she Walks to the bus.

Hitoshi and Kohaku Go home.

"you smiled alot today! And you have a very cute smile. And see Today yori called me that. Cute she called me cute i mean!" Kohaku says. "Oh she did? How strange when i look at you i dont really see cute" hitoshi says. "hey that rudee!" Kohaku sticks his tongue out at him. "I was jokingg!" Hitoshi softly slapped kohaku.