Chapter 4

Kohaku and hitoshi made it home and are in hitoshis room. "I told mom we already ate so she wont make dinner for us." Hitoshi says. They are sitting on his bed. "Your moms cooking is good though." Kohaku says. "Oh yea i guess." He giggled and everything went quiet for a second.

"Hey hito-" hitoshi blushed and then he cupped Kohaku face and kissed him. Kohaku was surprised and didn't know what to do. Hitoshi pulled away. "I-Im sorry! I-i didnt know w-why i did that!!" He buried his face in his pillow while kohaku sat there. His face was blushing. "Was that a.. a kiss?" Kohaku covered his mouth. Hitoshi nodded. "Hitoshi its okay." Kohaku got under the blanket and cuddled hitoshi. Even though hitoshi was fully awake he let kohaku cuddle him. "Hitoshi" Kohaku Says. "Yea?" Hitoshi mumbled. "Can you kiss me again?" Kohaku asks. "I- what?" Hitoshi Blushed. "I mean what i say." Kohaku kissed hitoshi and hitoshi kissed him back. Hitoshi covered his face. "You should go to your bed im sleepy.." he says. "Okay! Aha goodnight!" Kohaku smiles and goes to his on bed. 'I guess it is kinda comforting when we sleep together but I don't care' Hitoshi thinks. He closes his eyes and falls asleep. "Hitoshiii!! Oh are you sleep?" Kohaku got out of bed. "I cannot sleep" he climbs into Hitoshis bed and snuggled up to him.

The next morning hitoshi woke up kohaku was on top of him. Eh? When did you get here?!" He says. "I came while you were sleeping because i could not sleep" kohaku replied. "Oh..well uhm id like to move so can you like get up" hitoshi says. Kohaku rolled off hitoshi. "Hitoshiii! I am hunrgy."

"Lets go see if breakfast is ready." They walked down stairs and conveniently, Hitoshis mom was cooking. "Hi mom!" Hitoshi says. "Hey! We haven't spoke much this week. Come eat breakfast with me and your sister. Do you think you can take her to millies house down the street? Its her birthday. Id like to finish cooking." His mom says. "Sure i dont mind! We'll be back quickly. Cmom Ami" hitoshi Grabbed Millies hand And walked out the door. "Hito. Whos he? Because mama told me that theres a new person living with us now." Ami,Hitoshis little brother, said. "Oh hey! Im kohaku" kohaku smiled at her.

"Hi kohaku! Im ami" she smiled back. They all start talking untill they get to her friends house. "bye bye ami Love you! Have fun." Hitoshi waves at ami. "Bye bye hito Love you too!" She runs up to the house and goes inside. "Your sister is so Cute." Kohaku says. "Yea i know and shes so nice. Aha!" Hitoshi smiles. "She never did get to meet dad though. But she kinda looks like him with her eyes." Hitoshi says. "Oh how come she never met him? Is he not alive anymore?" Kohaku says. "Oh no hes alive. My mom and him got divorced before they knew she was even pregnant. So yea" hitoshi Replies. "Oh okay good!" They make it back home. "Good timing. foods ready." His mom places plates on the table. They all sit down and hitoshi and her said there prayers. kohaku was confused. "So Hitoshi i have a question." His mom says. "Oh what is it?" Hitoshi says. "I dont mean Anything rude but i saw you guys sleeping in the same bed and i was wondering.. are you guys like dating?" She asks. Hitoshi blushed. "mom! No no its nothing like that!!" Hitoshi said while blushing. Kohaku just laughed. "Hm. Okay" his mom shrugged and started eating. Hitoshi looked down. Kohaku and his mom were eating. 'She must've came in while we were asleep. Im glad she didnt come in when i kissed him. I don't even know why i did that. I guess i didnt hate the kiss though..' hitoshi thought. He started to eat. "So mom, when should bring ami home?" Hitoshi asks. "Maybe around 12:00." His mom replied. Hitoshi nods and then he gets up and puts his bowl away. "Im done." He says. Kohaku gets up too. "Me too!" Kohaku says. His mom nods. Shes still eating. The boys go upstairs to hitoshis room. "Hitoshi i am sorry your mom thought something of that. I will try and sleep in my own bed tonight." Kohaku smiles. "Oh okay. Hey kohaku, when school starts if youre still around.. will you go to school with me?" Hitoshi asks. "Oh yeah i will! I like to spend time with you anyway!" Kohaku says. That comment made hitoshi blush. 'How dows he say such things with such calmness.' Hitoshi thought. "Hitoshi. I have a question hitoshi" kohaku says. "What is it?"

"How come yesterday. When we were talking why did you kiss me?" Kohaku asks.

Hitoshi looks down and blushes. "I dont know. Ive never kiss anyone before so like i dont know." Hitoshi mumbles. "Oh well. Im Happy to be your first!" Kohaku smiles. "And second.." hitoshi whispers. Kohaku giggles. Hitoshi sits on the bed and kohaku sits on hitoshis lap. "H-hey!" Hitoshi blushed shocked and flustered. "Y-your are a v-very 'cuddly' person.." hitoshi says. "i am? I dont know ive never been close to anyone but you so!" Kohaku smiles. Hitoshi looked away. 'Ugh why do i get so flustered around him.. am i..' hitoshi thinks. "Hey hitoshi youre red! Are you sick?" Kohaku exclaims. Hitoshi shakes his head. 'Am i.. gay?' He thinks. "hey hitoshii!'hitoshi!"

"What?" Hitoshi says. "Can i have another kiss? Because i liked the one last night" kohaku says smiling. "Huh? What?" Hitoshi says. "you heard me" Kohaku giggles. 'If i kiss him. And I like it.. does that mean im gay?' Hitoshi thinks. Hitoshi looked up and kisses Kohaku. They kiss for a bit. 'I must be. Because i dont want to stop..' hitoshi pulls away then looks down. "Hey hitoshi!! I think i like you" Kohaku says. "W-What? Thats l-like impossible! W-Well we like just met" hitoshi said flustered and shocked. "Well youre really the only person i know and Well you are So nice! And.. and you kissed me so you must like me too!" Kohaku smiles. Hitoshi is very red. "i-i its not like that..." he says. Kohaku giggles. And hugs hitoshi. Hitoshi slides up kohakus shirt and he kisses kohakus Shoulder. "Hitoshi?" Kohaku says surprised. "Uh-!" Hitoshi looked away Blushing. "Im sorry i just got a little carried away.." he says. "Hitoshi it is okay." Kohaku smiles. 'He Fairly innocent. I mean i guess He wouldnt know much about S*x and stuff because he is not from here but. Why did i do that ugh.." hitoshi Was blushing. "Hey hitoshi! Let's go to the park hitoshi!" Kohaku Says. "Oh the park? Sure why not." Hitoshi replies. Kohaku gets of hitoshis lap and he and hitioshi walk out the room and outside.