Chapter 5

Hitoshi and Kohaku are now at the park. "Hey! Hitoshi lets go to the swings because ive never been on one!" Kohaku Runs over to the swing set and sits on one of the sets. Hitoshi walks after him. "Hitoshi! Push me!"

"Okayyy but make sure to hold on okay" hitoshi says. Kohaku nods and sits on the swing and hitoshi starts to push him. "You know hitoshi. We kinda look like a couple you know." Kohaku says.

"I- its not like that!!" Hitoshi mumbles. "But we do couple things!" Kohaku exclaims. "Y-you youre being loud.." hitoshi blushes. "But we share a bed and we cuddle and We kissed 3 times" Kohaku says. "Well- we dont share a bed we just sleep In the same bed sometimes.." hitioshi mumbles. "But being youre friend i learned so much that i didnt know before! And i even know what its like to like someone!" Kohaku says. "Honestly same. I like how you say what you think without caring of the consequences. You aren't afraid to say bold stuff like when you said you like me. And not to mention your smile is cute to be honest" Hitoshi says. Kohaku Just smiles. Hitoshi continues to push Kohaku. "hey! Hitoshi! Thank you.." kohaku blushes. "Eh? For what i didnt do anything" hitoshi Stopped pushing him for a second. "For everything really. You didnt even kick me put when I randomly showed up. Your so nice." Kohaku gets off the swing and hugs hitoshi. Hitoshi blushes then pushes Kohaku away. "Lets just go.. I-i.. lets Get icecream!" hitoshi Puts His hands in his pockets. "hey wait up!" Kohaku grabs hitoshis hand. "I dont know where to go so you cant just leave me places you know.." kohaku holds his hand tightly. "And so You must Never let go of my hand" he smiles. Hitoshi blushes. "N-no way.! People might get the wrong idea!!" Hitoshi trys to pull his hand away gently. "Whats the wrong idea hitoshi?" Kohaku lets go. "Well i mean Boys dont usually you know.. do what we do. And to do they stuff in public. Anyone can judge. I dont wanna be judged.." hitoshi explains. "I also dont want them go say anything mean about you.. the thought of that just makes me angry." Hitoshi whispers. "What did you say? I didnt hear you. Well the second part at least. Say it again" Kohaku smiles. "Oh please. You heard me"

"Okay fine i did. And that makes me happy" Kohaku grabs hitoshis hand again but hitoshi didnt pulls away this time. 'Ugh why do i feel this way right now. Its- i just feel all warm and stuff..and part of me Just.. wants to kiss him right now. But i cannot' hitoshi blushes. 'He has such a free spirt. Like a child. He is merely the size of a 7th grader. Its adorable. Could it be that I like him?' Hitoshi orders the icecream. 'Oh my gos hes so cute' hitoshi looks at Kohaku whole hes eating his icecream. "Hitoshi Is Sticky! Oh no its getting on my hands! Hitioshi its gonna get on the ground! Helppppp!!" Kohaku panics. "Yea icecream melts. Here tale some napkins." Hitoshi hands him a napkin. "Cutie-" hitoshi stops himself. He looks down at kohaku. He didnt seem to notice. "Look a flower field!" Kohaku grabs his hand and runs into the field. "Hitoshi its Beautiful!" Kohaku lays in the flowers. "And theres no bees! Amazing." Kohaku pics a few flowers. "Hey look i got you a Bouquet!" He hands Him the flowers. "They are cute.." hitoshi takes the flowers. "Hey this one reminds me of you" hitoshi points to a beautiful purple Flower. Kohaku looks at the flower. "It does!" Kohaku smiles. "lemme show you something my friend showed me" hitoshi starts to make a little flower crown out of the flowers kohaku gave them. "Woah Hitoshi! You made a hat out of flowers your so cool!"

Hitoshi blushed and puts the Flower crown on Kohakus head. "It looks beautiful on you" hitoshi smiles and looks into Kohakus eyes. "I- you really think so?" Kohaku blushes. "Yea. even mybad clothes look cute on you" hitoshi smiles. Kohaku hugs hitoshi making him fall back. Kohaku lays on Hitoshis chest. "You are beautiful too hitoshi"

Hitoshi smiles. Kohaku kisses hitoshis cheek.! "I like you hitoshi" kohaku says. "You mean.. nevermind." Hitoshi blushes snd sits up. Kohaku was on his lap. "I dont want to lose you ever hitoshi" hitoshi leans to Kohaku facs and he was blushing. Hitoshi kisses him. Kohaku pulls him close. Hitoshi slides his tongue between Kohakus lips then he starts to suck on Kohakus bottom lip. Kohaku looked shocked. "Uh- i did not mean to that.!" Hitoshi pulls away. "But hitoshi i- i still want you to kiss me. Because i liked the kiss" Kohaku smiles. "Gosh kohaku. It is hard for to control myself when you say things like that" hitoshi looks down and blushes. "what do you mean?" kohaku asks. "Well im like a normal teenage boy im getting older and my body reacts differently to things like that. Look, i dont want to go into details" hitoshi says.

"Oh okay!" Kohaku smiles. "I didnt bring my phone i dont know what time it is. But im supposed to bring Ami home"

"Oh. Let us just ask Some random person!" Kohaku gets up and hitoshi follows. "Uhm hello mister" kohaku says to a random man walking with his family. "Do you mind telling us the time"

"Its 11:28 pm" the man says then he Walks away to catch up with his family. "Im supposed to being Ami home at 12:00pm." Hitoshi says. "Lets go home okay" he grabs Kohakus hand. "You do not have to hold my hand anymore it is okay!" Kohaku smiles. Hitoshi ignored him and continued holding his hand. 'This day was so fun. Part of me wishes is never ended. So it is true. I may have slight feelings for him. Its to early to tell' hitoshi thinks. 'It is also strange that he called me beautiful. But from what i know he doesnt lie. Its just weird because i am basic with brown and black hair and green eyes. Hes got beautiful purple hair and his blue eyes are adorable. He also has cute little freckles and his smile is cute. I have none of those and my smile is basic.' Hitoshi and Kohaku make is back To ami's friend house. "Hito! We had cake and stuff Super good! I got you guys some Candy! Because I am nice" Ami says while running up to hitoshi and hugging him. "That sounds fun" hitoshi pats her head and they all walk home together. "Mommy! Me and hito and his friend are home!" Ami Goes to her moms room. Hitoshi and Kohaku go to theirs.