Another Obstacle

Her hair looked like mother's. But darker. I can tell that she's mother's sister that father is talking about. Amanda. She's pretty, but mother is way prettier. There's just something about her that made me feel suspicious.

She took off her headdress; a big hat with feathers since its hot outside, and give it to a servant. Her sharp eyes met with mine and her serious look turned sweet in a matter of seconds.

"My beloved nephews!"


She pulled her skirt a little so she could walk faster without getting tripped, then walk toward us. I looked over to Juno confusingly. He stood up from his spot and signaled me to follow him.

The two of us walked down the stairs.

When we reached the bottom floor, Juno bowed his head to show courtesy.

"Good afternoon, aunt,"

"Hello auntie," I said.

"Awe aren't you the cutest?!"

I wide my eyes in surprise when Amanda grabbed me and lifted me from the floor. Juno also looked surprised.

She showered me with sickening kisses on my cheeks. Her perfume is horrendous! did she pour a whole bottle on her dress?!

But pushing her face away would hurt her feelings.

"You're going to suffocate him,"

The three of us turned our heads to the voice.

My savior!



I reached my tiny arms desperately to him. He walked over to us and grab me gently from my aunt's embrace. She smiled brightly.

"Ezra is so adorable, my heart melts just by looking at him!"

"... Indeed. You must be tired from the long travel. My servant will escort you to your room to let you rest, then we'll chat back in my office,"

"Alright," Amanda nodded her head.

Hm? what's this?

Is she, blushing?

I see those faint blush on her cheeks. The way she smiled is also strange. I looked over to Juno who's also been staring at Amanda.

I don't have a good feeling about this.

Where is Raphael? I'm waiting for Raphael and this troublesome woman ruined my day already. Ugh, I want to take a bath to get rid of this nasty perfume. Just everything about her is weird.

First, she ignored Juno's courtesy, she literally didn't respond to it and pick me up without my consent.

Bad impression. Minus four points.

Father, Juno, and I walked back to my chambers so I could take a bath. And in the hallway I finally asked father;

"Where's Raphael?"

"Ah," Father's eyes glanced at me. "He'll be late,"


"He needed to do extra credits because he's late,"

"Aaw," I mumbled, furrowed my eyebrows.

"Christopher is helping him, so he'll return in a week,"

A week?!

Raphael will be home in a week?

This day is ruined.