Rose With Thorns

Since my day was ruined, I tried to find something that could cheer me up.

Exploring the mansion with Juno, and when he's busy doing something else, I will go to the kitchen to steal some cookies. I would let the maids carry me and pamper me, then visit the guard quarters to watch the guards sparring.

I did them all...

Ugh, but I can't stop thinking about my aunt!

If Raphael is here, I would've been more relaxed. She's very suspicious, and I feel uneasy ever since she stepped into this house.

I wonder if Juno is spying on her right now.

"Little Buddy!"

It's brother Edgar. I forgot that he was always hanging out outside the mansion. I wonder if he knew about aunty Amanda.

"Edgar!" I called out to him.

He patted me on the head.

"What'cha doing here all by yourself, little bud?" He asked as he raised one of his eyebrows.

I looked up to him. "Bored,"

"Pfft, of course. Your brothers are busy, and I need to attend school next year. How are you going to survive without your cool brother Edgar?"


"... Don't look at me like that," Edgar pouted his lips.

I only looked at him strangely.

Indeed, I'm always sad whenever my brothers go away to attend school. Three years I have to wait until they're going to return home. And I can't believe I have to wait another week to meet Raphael.

"Oh right, I saw a carriage earlier today and saw a weird lady walking in,"

I looked up to Edgar.


"Hm, so that's aunt Amanda. She's weird," Edgar shrugged.

Ha! same mind! Brother Edgar always understands me. If only Sylvester is here, he could read what she's thinking about.

This is why I'm uneasy. There's nothing terrible going on for the past four years after my mother's death; I don't want any incidents to happen. My brothers saved me. Raphael saved the first incident, and brother Christopher put a protection spell and manage to figure out the sleeping powder in my room. Juno, Edgar, Sylvester, and the twins are useful too.

But who's going to protect them if the enemy is stronger?

I feel even more unsettled because of aunt Amanda.

Edgar and I watched the guards sparring together, and I let him go back patrolling outside the mansion. He forced me to go inside, of course.

It's close to lunchtime.

Thanks to my hungry stomach, my body just automatically went to the dining room. It's like magic; I'm just here somehow.

"Hm hm~" I happily circle the dining table, then sit under the table.

My perfect spot to think!

Sometimes I even hear gossips among the servants since I'm hiding under the table. That's a plus.


I lower my head a little to peek since I heard someone's footsteps coming into the dining room.

"Now where is that baby,"


Aunt Amanda. Is she looking for me?

I shuffled backward quietly and cover my mouth with my hands.

She walked awfully slow. To the left, then to the right. She was tapping her heels before walking around the room.

I'm scared to go out. What is she going to do?

"Aunt Amanda,"


It's Leorys and Sehan!

I can't see their faces, just their body, and legs. Thank goodness that they're here! I feel so relieved.

"... The twins," Her voice is stern.

Much different from how her voice sounded like when she's talking to me. Or in front of me.

"..." The twins stayed quiet.

The atmosphere is so heavy. I wonder what's going on.

"Have you seen little Ezra?" Amanda asked.

"No, we haven't. Why'd you ask, aunt?" Sehan asked back, sounded curious.

"None of your concern. Now please excuse me, I shall waste my time looking for Ezra instead of conversing with the two of you,"


Did I hear that right?

I was so stunned that I forgot to breathe.

After that aunt Amanda walked out of the dining room. The sound of her heels are far away now; then it's quiet. I saw Leorys and Sehan still standing there, probably in shock like I am.

First, she's ignoring Juno, and now she was blatantly expressing her dislike toward her nephews?

What are her intentions for her to act like this?