First Pet

"Are demons scary?"

"Their demonic version, yes, "

"Demonic version?"

"They have two forms,"

"Two forms?"

"Their demonic version and human version,"


Father and I continued our chat regarding my awesome power.

I asked him a lot of things, and he answered with so much patience. I know he has a lot of work, but I want him to tell me everything.

My power will start early development by the age of five. Having one demon as my pet will be perfect to start training. Summoning my pet, giving it orders; It's just too cold!

Not only that I'm going to be a handsome kid, but I'm also going to be hella OP!

"Your eyes are all sparkly," Father pointed out.

"Mhm!" I nodded enthusiastically.

A thin smile formed on Father's face. He ruffled my hair.

"Good... I'm worried that you'll get scared,"


Who do you think I am? A wimp?

Well, he's not wrong. I'm kind of scared when he told me he's going to give me a pet demon. Heck, everyone will get scared if they're offered a demon as a pet. I don't know how they'll look like.

Apparently, demons can be in human form. So It wouldn't be too scary. The demonic form can be in the form of animals or monsters. I can't wait to see my first pet demon now!

"Can I have one now?"

"Now?" Father looked surprised. "No, you can't. If a Coordinator has a demon under the age of five, the demon will likely possess the coordinator's body,"


Okay, that's kind of scary.

Father smirked upon seeing my terrified face. He pats my head then stood up from his seat.

"Was that all?"


One last question. What should I ask? I pretty much already asked a lot of things about my power.

"How to find out which one a demon and which one a human?"

Father turned his head to look at me.

"You're the only one who can see them. You can make them visible by ordering them to turn visible,"


Only I can see them?


Why did I suddenly get reminded of Io?


Father furrowed his eyebrows when seeing my surprised look. He paused for a moment before his expression changed to serious.

"Have you seen one?"

"... I-I think?" I mumbled.

"Is it nameless? Floating?"


The two of us stared at each other in shock.

Father sat back down and grabbed my shoulders.

"Are you alright?!"

"I-I'm okay! He didn't hurt me!"

"... Incredible," Father mumbled. "You're not even four yet. Your fourth birthday is in seven months. And yet...," His smile grew wide.

It's a smile that's screaming proudness.

He pulled me in a tight embrace. I confusingly hugged him back. Father kissed the top of my head.

"We should celebrate this when Raphael is home,"

"Yeah!" I beamed when I heard Raphael's name.

"Ezra, you gave the demon a name, yes?"


"It'll be difficult to summon him. He'll come and go as he pleases, and that's not alright," Father said. "You need to provoke him, tell him who's the boss. If he respected you, he'd come if you mention his name,"

"... Mm," I nodded.

Io, he seemed like a sly little demon. It'll take a while for him to obey me.

I grinned.

But I'm not giving up!