
Power. This again. Father warned me about enemies that wanted to take my power. But honestly, my aunt? No, Sylvester said utilize. She's going to use me, not taking my power.

Her behavior made sense now.

I inherited my father's power, and Amanda wanted to have my favor. Investment! of course. She's treating my brothers like shit behind my back and treated me like a gem. I'll grow up into a powerful man, and she'll take advantage of me.

When I have a soft spot for her and letting my guard down, she'll then take my power away.

Of course.

I scoffed.

I'm so sick of this! I don't even know my own power yet!

"Ezra?" Edgar blinked when he saw me standing up.

"I'm going to dada," I said.

"Now? wait, you're going to tell him?" Edgar looked flustered. "Don't!"

"No," I shook my head when Edgar grabbed my hand. "Power,"


"I'm going to ask him about my power,"


My brothers looked surprised. Edgar loosened his grip on my hand. He looked over to Juno. Juno cleared his throat.

"... Maybe it's time. He'll be five next year anyway," Juno said quietly.

The twins nodded. Sehan and Leorys smiled at me.

"We'll escort you to father's office,"

Edgar sighed in defeat. "Fine,"

I smiled happily.

"I'll keep this letter with me," Edgar said, shoving Sylvester's letter inside his pockets. "We know what aunt is on about, let's keep our guard up,"

Everyone nodded their heads.

The twins and I walked out of the room, heading to father's office. It didn't take long since the office is nearby.

Leorys knocked on the door.

"Come in,"

Father's voice was heard on the other end. Leorys and Sehan pushed the door in unison.

Father is looking through some documents while standing up, leaning over his desk. He saw us and put the papers down.

"Ezra wanted to speak to you," The twins said, again, in unison. The two of them looked at each other, probably irritated that they always speak the same thing in unison almost every time.

"Ok," Father nodded. He signaled the twins to get out, and they did. The doors were closed, and I walked over to my father.

Father picked me up and put me gently on the sofa. He sat beside me, ready to hear what I'm about to say.

"... What's my power?"


Father's expression doesn't change. Maybe he knew that I'm going to ask this sooner or later.

"Ezra, you won't remember what I told you when you're just a baby. When I told you about a pet demon and Coordinator,"

Ah, I do remember. But I stayed quiet.

"There's a relation to that, Ezra. Your power is to control, and summon demons. The most powerful existence in this world. That's why you're called the Coordinator."


"When you're able to control your power, you'll be able to give specific commands to your demons. But remember, you're not a true Coordinator if you're acting like they're your friends. I called them pets because all they have to do is to do what you ordered them to do. They're demons, not humans. They'll betray you and use you if you're weak,"


"... Was that scary?" Father looked worried. He frowned a little bit, and his eyes turned warm with a hint of concern.


Father, that was the best thing I've ever heard in my life.

When I was reincarnated, I thought I'm reincarnated in a crazy household, with a mysterious power that I don't really pay too much attention to it.

I shook my head to him, giving him a bright smile.
