
"Juno... you should have known very well that a child around Ezra's age would be very nauseous if they teleported with no preparations,"

Christopher is pinching his nose bridge with his index finger and thumb, and vein near his cheek from holding so much anger.

Juno stayed silent.

Christopher's healing magic saved me. My extreme nausea disappeared in an instant.

But oh God, it felt terrible.

Christopher even cleaned the puke on the floor. Magically. We don't need servants anymore, just let Christopher do all the work.

Hm, maybe I should propose that idea to father later.

"Sorry, Ezra," Juno apologized sincerely. I only stared at him lazily, then nodded my head.

"You're lucky I love you,"

Juno has a faint blush under his eyes. Then he started to ruffled my hair again.

"Okay, that's enough," Christopher stopped him.

My raven-colored hair is a mess now.

Juno disappeared without a trace after apologizing. This colossal library has two floors. On the second floor is where Leorys and sehan are studying. Christopher is guarding on the first floor.

"At first, I asked you to meet me after talking with father because I wanted to spend time with you, but it seemed like you wanted to ask something," Christopher started.

He poured milk on my teacup, and push a tray of cookies toward me.

I grinned at him.


Christopher sat down beside me, with his hand on his cheek and smiling at me.

"Ask away my beloved baby brother,"

"Mm," I took a sip on my milk before speaking. "Seal,"


"Balam's Seal,"


Woah, he looked as if I grew a third head.

"Where did you hear that from?"

His cheerful expression vanished. His eyebrows are furrowed, and his relaxed posture straightened a bit.

I gulped down my milk hurriedly upon seeing his reaction.

Was it that serious?

"Uh, Io,"

"Oh, your demon," Christopher muttered. "What did he say?"

"A year ago, when I summoned him, he told me he only submits to Balam. And he said something about Balam's willpower and a seal. He told me Balam is a-"

"Great king from hell who managed to conquered millions- no, billions of demons. And known for his great willpower...,"


Great willpower. What even is that?

"What does that mean?" I asked him.

"No, give me a second to think," Christopher looked taken aback. "You're telling me, you have that seal?"

"That's what Io told me,"

"That's, wow. You've been keeping this all by yourself?"

"I told father about it, but he never heard of it before, so he's not that bewildered. Because of his reaction, I thought the rest of my brothers are clueless, except for you. You've been so busy so this is my only chance to ask,"

"... I forgot that father is too relaxed. He reminded me too much of Edgar," Christopher is massaging his temple, letting out an exaggerated sigh. He started to mumble again. "My angelic little brother is too destructive..., how should I explain this to the elders?"

"Is it a problem?"

"Hm?" Christopher blinked realized that he has been talking to himself. "Oh! Please don't worry too much. You're a genius,"

That's what Edgar said.

"I was just so perplexed," Christopher do looked stunned. "Ezra, listen to me. No Coordinator in this world has 'perks.' Never. You're unique. The first unique. And it's not impossible for a Coordinator to have perks,"


"A Coordinator is a Coordinator. They coordinate. Simply giving demons orders, and summoning them. But a Coordinator with perks, that means they have a seal belonged to a powerful King from hell. Yours is Balam's. Your willpower is overpowering the demons around you that it made them submit to you automatically. They would devote their strength and existence for you,"


"This study is slowly being abandoned because there are no Coordinator with perks before,"

"Then, that's good news?"

"... Good and bad," Christopher frowned. "The good news is, the emperor will give you the title of Unique Coordinator. Not only that, but you will also receive a generous amount of wealth that will suffice for the next five generations. And become the strongest man in the whole world. There are a lot of other benefits, But...,"

I gulped.

"Currently, you're in great danger. You're only five, Ezra. Your power, your demons, they're not enough to protect you. A stronger enemy will try to take you more seriously. They'll hire master mages, skilled assassins, spies. We must ensure that this news doesn't spread to the outside... but, we have so many servants,"

Christopher anxiously looked around. There are only two servants, but they're far away and possibly couldn't hear their conversation.

I'm getting anxious as well.

"Ezra, you can't show others your willpower. Just use your normal one. Summon and giving orders. Okay?"

"Un," I nodded my head slowly.

Christopher gently caressed my cheek. He frowned wistfully. He must've worried about me, his beloved younger brother.

I clenched my fists and bit my bottom lip.