
Another day, another activity. Christopher already informed the rest of our brothers about my perks. Like what Christopher guessed, Edgar, who is at school, only responded by saying "awesome" through a letter. Raphael is bewildered, Sylvester is the same. Juno didn't get it, but when Christopher mentioned danger, he became a little more clingy. Father kept him busy lately, though.

The twins said if I could do a handstand, then they'll be impressed.

And today, I have a plan.

Scouting for demons that are scattering in this land!

Since I have this powerful seal thingy, I have to gain more demons that will protect my family and me. I clenched my fists, then sighed.

"Please give me Cerberus, or buff demons,"

"Good luck, little master," Io said happily as he floated beside me.

"What are you talking about? go find a demon for me,"

Io grinned. "I'm not the scout type, little master. I'm your shield and sword, not your lackey,"

... Is he for real?

I stared at him in disbelief.

"B-But aren't you my demon? father said demons would do anything their master ordered!"

"They're low-leveled demons. Imagine a high ranked demon like me doing such things," He dramatically sobbed, with one hand covered his mouth.

I glared at him tiredly. Father never mention anything about demons' ranks. Then again, after seeing Io's demonic form and how he handled aunt Amanda, I believed he is a high-ranked demon.

I should go to brother Christopher to ask about demon ranks later.

"Then how the heck am I going to look for demons?"

"Ask your brother,"


"Correct," Io smiled devilishly. "He's a mage, and he knew a lot about demons,"

"He's busy right now though,"

"That's unfortunate. Then you have to look for one yourself~."



"Io, please?"


Io widened his eyes when I started to clasp my tiny hands together, furrowed my eyebrows, and looked up to him with a frown.

"... Don't ever do that again, little master,"

Io sounded defeated. He looked away as if he just saw the grossest thing in the world. I beamed happily.

"Go look for some demons for me!"


Inside a small alley, there is a market that is plainly obvious to anyone who sees it that it looked suspicious. Small tents covered with black cloth, sellers were wearing black robes, covering their faces. This is not an ordinary market. The empire claimed that the black market is illegal. The Emperor even ordered the mages that worked under the empire to get rid of black markets.

That's why Io traveled far ahead. Far from the nation.

For a powerful demon like him, teleporting to faraway lands is easy.

He disguised himself as a human, wandering in faraway land just to visit this black market.

"It's rare to see a young boy like you. But a customer is still a customer,"

And the most reliable person that could provide him with many useful things is this enchantress called Oralia.

"Show me containers,"

Without asking twice, Oralia put her hand above the small table, and five obsidian appeared.

"Stored for centuries because no Coordinators could control one of them. I hope that Conover boy could at least handle one of them," Oralia smirked.

This lady already knew that Io's purpose. Another reason why Io pick Oralia, a talented enchantress that's name was known by a lot of demons.

She's a demon hunter.

Io smirked, amused.

"You're not thinking about capturing me, right?"

"Of course not," Oralia chuckled. "I like the Conover boy. But are you sure you want him to control one of these demons?"

"My little master is quite reliable. I wouldn't worry,"

"Is he now. Then," Oralia grabbed a stone and gave it to Io. "One of Abaddon's descendants,"

"... A sloth,"

Io mumbled dryly.

Oralia smiled. "This is great, isn't it? You trusted your master. The past Coordinators only have one or two demons from descendants of seven deadly sins. If that Conover boy manages to make all descendants of seven deadly sins as one of his demons, he'll create the most powerful army,"