Twins' Friend

"Fine," I sighed in defeat.

I still have Io to call at night anyway.

"Good," The demon boy nodded lazily. "Now give me a name so I can go back to sleep,"

"... That easy?" I blurted out in disbelief.

"Like what I said, little master. You're powerful. It'll be easy for demons to submit to you, but it'll be difficult to make them completely submit to you," Io explained.

Father told me not to treat demons like my friend. Claiming them can be easy, but controlling them and make them do as you say is difficult. Io submitted completely because the seal is broken, maybe I have to do something else to make this one demon completely submit to me.

I sighed again and started to think about what I should call this demon.

His eyes reminded me of that one moon.

"Your name will be Callisto,"

"Ok, great, bye,"

And quickly, Callisto disappeared into thin air.

Io and I stood in my room in silence.

"... Keep an eye on him,"

"Yes, little master,"

"And stop calling me little,"

"But you are little,"


I have three demons in my army now. I started to understand something. These demons know how strong I am, and they'll take advantage of that. I have to grow up fast, strengthen my power so those demons wouldn't dare do anything to me.

That's why I'm meditating right now.

Sitting on my bed, closing my eyes, and feel the energy flowing within me. Father taught me about this. Meditating will strengthen my power as a Coordinator.

But my focus shattered when I heard a knock on my room.


It's the twins. They must've just got home from training. I assumed it because their clothes are dirty.

"Stay away, you guys stink!"

"So mean!" Sehan whined.

Leorys grinned. "Ezra, we're here to introduce you to someone!"


Introduce? their friend?

"He's so talented! He kept beating us twins whenever we spar,"

"We invited him to have lunch. Wanna come?"

I don't have anything better to do. Meditating can be done anytime. I grinned at them.


And like that, the twins took a bath, and a maid helped me change my clothes. The three of us walked downstairs, then to the back door toward the garden. A table is already set with four seats. But I don't see the twins' friend anywhere.

"Oh, He must be exploring the maze," Leorys said.

"He's probably lost," Sehan laughed.

"Let's find him! It'll be fun!" Leorys added, grinned widely. Sehan looked even more excited.

"Yeah! Let's go, Ezra!"


Before I could respond, the twins ran inside the maze.

"I was going to say that I could've just ask Io to look for him," I mumbled.

"Want me to look?" Io, who suddenly appeared beside me, asked.

"Nah, just keep watching Callisto,"

"... He's sleeping," Io replied dryly.

"... Just keep watching him," I said. Io sighed.

He must be bored because I didn't give him any orders for a while. And watching a sleeping guy is not fun at all. Io disappeared, and I march my way inside the maze.

I heard Sehan's and Leorys' giggles. I only shook my head.

Huh? I heard something.

A rustle inside the bushes.

I walked over to it.

All I see is a butt.

A butt is sticking out. There's a little boy plunged himself in the bush, leaving his lower body out.

I took a deep breath and scratched the back of my head. How am I supposed to react? I facepalmed mentally and decided to walk to the other side of the bush.

It's definitely Sehan's and Leorys' friend.

A daredevil only hangout with another daredevil.

He has red hair with eyes that reminded me of the sun, gold-colored. His expression is severe. He's looking at a black cat that's staring at him back.

He's been following this cat and got stuck in the bush?

"... Hey,"


When I called out to him, the boy startled—causing the cat to run away. He looked over at the cat.

"Aaw I scared him,"

"... Sorry?" I muttered.

The boy crawled out of the bush and cleaned his clothes.

"It's alright!" He grinned.

Woah, he's shining.

It's not fair! How come every male in this world is so good looking?