An Ally?

Arden Calderon, the son of Viscount Alphonse Calderon. Arden's mother passed away, and he's the only child in the house. Calderon's family isn't that famous; they didn't stand out much.

That's why I feel a bit unsettled.

Leorys explained to me how they met. They met a year ago and became close friends. Leorys and Sehan are only eleven years old. They're entirely oblivious of the situation. Usually, people would share a little bit about their family's background.

But Arden is very secretive and mysterious.

"Oh, there's you got some icing there,"


I was startled when I felt Arden's thumb on the corner of my lip, wiping the icing off my face

My calmness shattered, and I stared at him, dumbfounded.

"Arden is so considerate," Leorys said.

"Yeah!" Sehan exclaimed happily.

Arden only smiled.

Ah, maybe Arden treated me like a little child. He's probably treating me like his little brother.

"Thank you, brother Arden,"

"You're welcome," Arden smiled brilliantly.

Goddamnit, he's too handsome.

But I can't be deceived by his kindness. Father said I have a lot of enemies. From the outside looking like an innocent sheep, but from the inside, they're wild beasts who are ready to charge.

I took a sip on my tea while locking my gaze to the red-haired fellow.

After our peaceful lunch, Arden left the mansion. Leorys and Sehan went to study at the library, and my other brothers are busy. So I walked back to my room to meditate.

Inside a mansion, the red-haired boy walked in an empty hallway. Quiet too. The only sound that was heard was his footsteps. His usual bright expression was gone. It's dark, lifeless.

Like he just lost his life.

Arden stopped right in front of a door. He knocked on the door, then turned the knob to open it after hearing a response from the other side.

"You've met the Coordinator?"

"... Yes,"

Arden replied quietly.

He's standing inside of a cold room with two of his hands behind his back, his head and eyes lowered. Staring into the marble floor.

"Excellent. You know what you have to do, right, my son?"

The man with blazing red hair turned around, facing directly to his son. Viscount Alphonse lighted up his cigarette and puffed the smoke out.

Arden's eyes lost its light. He simply nodded.

"Good," Alphonse mumbled.


Arden stayed quiet.

The two of them stood there in silence. Then Alphonse grabbed a letter that's placed on his desk, and give it to Arden. Arden took it and read the letter.

"Duke's birthday will be held within a week. After that, we'll execute our plan,"

"... Yes, father,"

Arden bowed his head.

But his hand that's grasping the letter is trembling. He stared at the floor, with his eyes glistened with anguish.