Birthday Present


I have a peanut-sized memory.

I forgot it's father's birthday tomorrow!

There are arrangements, carriages, the chefs are busy in the kitchen, and I innocently assumed that there will be another banquet.

My brothers probably thought I know already!

No one, not a single one in this house, mentioned that it's going to be father's birthday.

I kept forgetting that my father's birthday is two weeks after my birthday. I frustratedly pulled my hair. No wonder he's acting weird today! He's been staring at me, carrying me, and even fed me during dinner.

"Goodnight my baby brother," Christopher escorted me back to my room after dinner, then gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Raphael and Sylvester said their goodbyes as well before going into their rooms. Juno appeared in my room to say goodnight, then disappeared. The twins couldn't visit because they'll get confronted by Christopher.

But honestly? I don't care about all of that.

I don't have anything to give for father!

I panicked and looked over to the clock that's hanging on the wall.

It's ten pm. The party will probably be held in the afternoon. I have to look for a present now!


It didn't take long until Io appeared in front of me. He floated to the floor and stood there. That sly smirk of his is plastered on his face.

"Yes, little master?"

"Quick, think of a present that I could give for father tomorrow,"

"A dead body,"


"... I solely made a joke,"

I massaged my temple.

"Okay, so after living with him for five years, I still haven't figure out what he truly liked,"

And for five years I never give him any present. I'm very forgetful, even though it's the simplest thing to remember. Two weeks after my birthday! That's it!

"When there are no tangible- or touchable present, intangible- or untouchable thing is the best choice,"

"And you're suggesting that I...?"


I was so shocked I started to gasp and coughed after that. I covered my mouth with both of my hands until my cough subsided.

Singing, never in my life ever thought of doing that.

But I can't sing.

Well, in my previous life of course.

"... Really?" I nervously asked Io.

Io smiled again.

"Certainly. That's better than dancing or reciting a poem,"

"Oh God no, no no no,"

I tried to get rid of the image in my head where I dance in my tiny body or reciting an emotional poem. I cringed at the thought.

"What should I sing?" I tried to change the subject.

"Hmm," Io is thinking for a bit. "All I know is songs for the dead, I'm a demon. Have you ever heard a song before?"

Obviously I did. But they're all the songs from my past life. Anime soundtracks to be exact.

"No... Is there any song here?"

Now that I think about it, I never hear anyone sing. Even in parties like my brothers' birthdays or mine, the music is there but no one is singing.

"Little master, you might be powerful but you're rather, a nitwit,"


This little overconfident sly demon literally just called me a fool.

"You haven't started your classes yet, but later you'll learn that a person who sings is considered rare," Io explained.

Rare? Huh. Then it'll be a good choice for me to sing for my father then.

"Alright, you can go," I waved my hand toward him. Io chuckled and bowed his head before disappearing.

I jumped on my bed, sighed, and stared at the ceiling.


Can five-year-olds sing?

"... La la la,"

I furrowed my eyebrows when I tried to sing a couple of melodies.

It's soft, but not powerful. I don't even have to clear my throat to make my voice smooth. I changed my position to sit once I realized something.

"I rocked at singing," I muttered.

Just like mother!