A Warning

My extraordinary singing caused an uproar for the nobles. Even the servants share these rumors outside of our house.

Ezra Conover, a muse. Reincarnation of Calliope, Goddess that has the most beautiful voice in the world.

Those rumors are exaggerated in my opinion. I'm so embarrassed to hear that.

But these rumors are not good either. Unlike the twins who seemed ecstatic that I became famous, my other brothers, father, especially Christopher is worried. Because I'm more famous, many people want to meet me.

I was invited by various families. Either to meet their child or an invitation to dinner. Of course, my father and brothers refused.


"Calderon?" I blinked when I heard my maid's words, Julean.

Julean smiled and nodded her head. "A dinner invitation from Viscount Alphonse Calderon,"

It's Arden's father. Arden is a bit shady. I'd be lying if I said I'm not curious about Calderon's family. Plus Arden is Sehan's and Leorys' friend.

It's a good idea to investigate and decide whether Arden is bad news or not right? It's for my brothers' safety.

I have three demons anyway.

I smiled at her. "Accept the invitation!"

After accepting the invitation, I asked my brothers' permission. Leorys and Sehan agreed, Raphael is a bit suspicious but he could tell that I'm interested. Christopher refused a lot that he's almost in a verge of tears. Leorys convinced him that I'll be okay because Arden is his friend. Sylvester is out so I didn't get the chance to ask his permission. Juno only nodded, and father?

He agreed because I have demons now.

Not many, but they're strong.

Except for Pyumo...

"Pyu pyu!" I decided to let Pyumo out and wander around me so he could keep a lookout while I'm going to Calderon's residence.

Still a little baby dragon, but Pyumo is good at observing. He'll do a better job than Io or that lazy demon Callisto.

"Young Master Ezra Conover has arrived,"

A butler from Calderon's house announced as my carriage arrived in front of the mansion. The mansion is smaller than mine but neat and elegant-looking. Maids lined up on the side while bowing their heads.

"Young Master!"

"Hello," I smiled when I saw Arden walked toward me.

He bowed his head and helped me get off of the carriage.

Hm? There's something off with Arden's smile. His usual genuine, sincere, and warm smile seemed forced now.

"I am immensely grateful for Young Master Ezra to accepted my invitation,"

A tall man with a smile while walking out of the door. He looked so much like Arden.

He bowed to me and I nodded at him.

"Arden is my brothers' friend. It'll be nice to get to know my friend's family," I answered.

"Young Master Ezra sounded precocious. I felt like talking with someone much mature," Alphonse complimented.

"Thank you," I smiled brightly.

Our small polite greeting ended and I was escorted inside. My four maids and three guards that my father entrusted followed me from behind. And I just noticed something.

Arden is strangely quiet.

I can't get ahold of his personality.

His first impression is weird, that's for sure. He got lost in a maze, got stuck in a bush because he's following a cat. His smile seemed innocent and bright, seemed considerate.

Still, it felt uneasy.

Is he faking it?

"I hoped Young Master enjoyed his dinner," Alphonse said.

"I will,"

I replied.

The food is lavish. There's even a person playing the violin. But my attention is focused on Arden.

What's wrong with him?

He's been staring into his plate. No expression.

His usual gleaming golden iris are gone. Just dark gold that lost its value. I looked over to Alphonse who quietly eating his food.

I looked over to my food and grabbed my fork and spoon.

I felt nervous for some reason.