Layered Wall

Pyumo who has been flying around the Viscount's mansion spotted something. His round pupils turned into slits and quickly flew toward the suspicious person.

A skinny man who's wearing a black robe, his face is hidden. He's hiding in the tree, staring into the dining room where his master, Ezra, is about to eat his food.

Feeling the sense of strong suspicion, Pyumo shoots an invisible curse toward the suspicious man. It's a black liquid. When it touched on the man's neck, there's a circle tattoo that appeared.

Pyumo marked him, so he could track him later. Now, he has to go back to his master.

"Pyu..." Pyumo seemed worried. His little wings are flapping rapidly, tried to increase his speed.


I stopped midway when I'm trying to put the slice of meat inside my mouth. Arden who's being quiet for a long time finally spoke. He seemed nervous, and I could see his fingers trembled.

I put my fork down and looked over to Alphonse.

"What's wrong my son?"

His voice didn't show any concern. Rather, a threat.

Arden flinched, he slumped his head back down. Then forced a smile at me.

"I-It's nothing, I forgot what I was about to say,"

"Hm," Alphonse only hummed.

Now, this is definitely gotten a lot more suspicious.

Arden kept glancing at me. His eyes are shaking.

He's trying to tell me something.

But I have to act as if I don't realize. I don't know what this man, Alphonse, is capable of. My guards are standing outside the dining room, my maids are inside near the wall.

Don't worry, take a deep breath. I could call Io or Callisto if anything happens.


When I put the slice of meat in my mouth, Pyumo appeared. Thank goodness he's invisible. Pyumo frantically pointed at the window, more like outside. I followed his tiny claws discreetly and spotted a man in a black robe staring daggers at me.

I widened my eyes and started to cough.


Arden abruptly stood up from his seat.

"Cih," Alphonse glared at Arden. "Sit down!"

"... No," Arden quietly refused with his hands clenched.

I started to choke. Something sharp is prickling my throat.

Was this food, poisoned?

"Young Master!"

"Young Master Ezra!"

Alphonse stood up from his seat, flustered. My maids and guards ran toward me. Julean offered me to drink, but my hands are trembling.

"... Take them," Alphonse's words are heavy.

I widened my eyes in horror.

"No, please stop it father!"

"You little...!" Alphonse threw a plate directly at Arden's way. Arden managed to dodge it. Then there are two guards holding Arden's arms.

"Don't hurt him!" Arden pleaded helplessly. Alphonse signaled the guard to knock him out, and they did. Arden fainted after being hit by the guards.

"Ar.. den,"

My voice is hoarse. My vision started to get blurry.

The last thing I saw was Alphonse and a couple of men wearing black robes walking toward me.

Julean, my other servants... I hope they're ok.

My body is numb. Everything goes dark.