Callisto's Wrath

Arden tried to rip the tape off my mouth as gently as possible. But it still stings. I tried to say something, but my voice is hoarse, and it hurts to talk.

"Don't force it..." Arden said.

I nodded.

Arden sighed sadly. "... I don't have the keys for the chains,"

"..." I nodded again, trying to reassure him that it's alright.

I looked over at Pyumo, who's floating beside me. I whispered, "Go" to him, and he disappeared immediately. Before I could mumble Io's name, I heard Arden hissed in pain.

He's holding his swollen ankle.


He told me his father is going to kill his wife if Arden disobeyed Arden's orders. I understand it now. Arden didn't want to do this. He's doing this for his mother. But the public said that the Viscountess passed away a year ago. So she's been kept by his messed up husband?

I feel bad for Arden. He's only seven...

"... I'm sorry... I'm sorry," Arden started to whisper those words in repeat.

I'm not sure who's he's referring to. His mother, or me.

I leaned over to him and put my head onto his shoulder. His body is trembling. Mine as well. The wind is freezing, and the rain is pouring. The two of us stayed quiet for a while, staring at the rain blankly.

My throat is burning. I can't summon anyone in this state. What if Alphonse and his men found us?

"Hopefully, the rain would stop soon... I have to get you out of here. They'll find us if we stay here for a long time,"

"?" I glanced at him, mouthing "Who?", without a single sound coming out.

"... Alphonse and Laizar's men,"

Laizar? This is a new name.

Who's Laizar?

"He ordered my father to kidnap you... we've been doing this mission for a long time. Me meeting your brothers is part of the plan..."


Has it been that long?

"At first, I only pretend to like your brothers. As time passed, Sehan and Leorys felt like my brothers. And when I met you..." Arden glanced at me, sighed, then shut his eyes. "... I couldn't do it,"


"I don't want to be like my father. But he's been keeping my mother in the basement. He kept threatening me to kill her if I didn't do as he says. But I... I don't want to hurt anyone,"

I see... It must be difficult for him. He must choose whether to save his mother or hurt other people.

"I'm sorry, Ezra... I hope you could forgive my sins,"


I gently placed my hand on the top of his trembling hand. He looked over to me with wide eyes. I smiled to reassure him that I forgave him. Arden is in a daze for a while, and then, that sincere charming smile appeared on his face.

"There you are,"


The two of us widened our eyes. I startled in shock as I turned my head over the voice.

Under the pouring rain, a tall angry-looking man is standing there with a sword on his hand. His eyes are glaring at the both of us. Arden instinctively grabbed me closer to him, hugging him tight while glaring back at his father.

"... You want your mother dead, don't you?"

"!" Arden gasped. His menacing look crumbled, turning into worry. I glared at Alphonse.

This f*cked up man. I can't believe someone like him exists.

Nevermind, he and Amanda match very well.

Alphonse started to point the end of his sword right on Alphonse's forehead.

"Hand him over,"

"... No," Arden whispered.

"... You asked for it. Good-for-nothing child,"

I widened my eyes when Alphonse started to swing his sword upwards, ready to slice his own son's head. Arden didn't even flinch; he only hugged me tightly to protect me.

I opened my mouth.


Ignoring the burning sensation on my throat, I called out Callisto.

I was in a state where I can't think straight. Instead of Io, I called out Callisto.

"You dare summon me during my slumber...,"


Callisto, no, more like demonic-version of Callisto, appeared in the middle of the field. Everyone there could see him, and their faces are filled with terror. Alphonse is speechless, the same as Arden.

His body is bigger than Io's demonic version. Black steam pouring out of his body, and his glowing ocean-like eyes caused me to flinch.

Suddenly, Callisto's words about not summoning him at night crossed my mind.

Did I just make a mistake?