Nonchalant Demon

The ground slowly reverberated as Callisto set foot on the ground. The people around us lost their balance. Arden tightened his embrace on me, and I leaned closer.

Even though Callisto is my demon, he's not entirely submitted to me yet. I could tell he's outraged right now. Callisto roared and started to attack the guards and Alphonse's men.


Heads falling off, limbs sliced. The sight is so horrifying. More gruesome than when I saw that man's head fall off because of Raphael.

Arden covered my eyes. When he did that, my anxiety slightly descended. I still can hear the groans and bloody screamings. The image won't disappear from my head. I tried to calm myself down by focusing on the sound of rain.

The rain where I usually fell asleep while listening to music.

Where I fell asleep in my room's house after working on my school work.

"Shh," Arden soothed me.

He's still a little child. I bet he's just as terrified as I am. His body is trembling like crazy. But he even took care of me despite his current situation.

I leaned on his hand that's covering my sight. The two of us tried to comfort each other with our warmth under the rain.

And then, the voices stopped. Arden slowly pulled his hand away, and I blinked.

Everyone's dead.

I know I already saw two dead bodies in this life. But this is a massacre.

I'm so horrified by the sight that my mind went blank.

Callisto is standing on top of Alphonse's lifeless body. Arden is staring right at him.

His gold eyes are darkened.


When my eyes met with Callisto's, the hair on my body stood up. I shivered and started to hiccup. Callisto began to walk toward me.

Is he going to kill me? Possess me? Is this it?

I opened my mouth. "I.. I," I tried to mention Io's name. F*ck it's a two-letter word! Come on, spit it out!

I can't even clear my throat.


I widened my eyes when Callisto's giant demonic hand grabbed Arden's neck. He lifted Arden off the ground.

"N..o," I struggled to stand up. I shook my head rapidly at Callisto. But he's not even looking at me.

He's going to kill Arden!


Finally, I overcame the pain on my throat and mentioned Io's name.

Io, in his human form, appeared beside me. He saw the situation where Callisto is grasping Arden's neck. He looked at me, asking for confirmation.


"..." Io smiled at me.

With ease, Io floated to Callisto and put his hand on Callisto's shoulder. He leaned over near Callisto's ear.

"No more nap if you killed that boy,"


Hearing Io's threat causing Callisto to dropped Arden. Arden started to cough, and I hurriedly crawled to him. His eyes are closing.

No, no. Stay up!

I couldn't speak. But I started to cry. I looked over to Callisto, who disappeared into black smoke. And Io who's looking at me.

"He's only a mere human... But since my little master let out tears for this mere mortal, I shall save him as well. Now please stop crying, you looked pathetic,"

I cried even more.

Cry of relief, scared, worried of Arden's life.

I'm just so terrified. And I'm happy that I manage to call Io in time.