From This Point On

Five hours had passed since Io brought Arden and I back to the mansion. Arden, He's still unconscious and currently is resting on the guest's bedroom. The doctors said he has severe trauma. Mentally and physically. That event will scar him for life.

When I told everyone that Arden saved my life, they decided to treat him. Then I said to them that his father is the culprit and Arden doesn't have a choice. Thankfully they understand.

The twins and Christopher are staying in my room. Their eyes are swelling from crying after seeing my condition. Chained up, soaked, wet eyes.

They're furious.

My father immediately left with Juno to Calderon's residence. I heard he's going to kill every servant in that house. And let Juno investigate the traces of other involved people who ran away. I told father about Laizar. That name was unknown. Sylvester currently researching about this Laizar guy and work with the detectives from the kingdom, trying to connect the dots based on Juno's information that he gathered in Calderon's residence.

Raphael is staying at the guest room, watching over Arden.

I wanted to know about his situation. I'm so worried. It's my fault he almost died.

Is it fair for me to say that it's even now? Arden obeyed his father's words and actually gotten me into trouble. But then again, Arden was watched, and he did it to protect his mother.

I groaned softly.

"What's wrong little brother? is it hurting?" Christopher immediately checked on me when I make the slightest groan or movement. I shook my head.

Christopher healed me once he saw my state.

The look on his face, it's hard to describe. He reminded so much of how mother would react. But he's also a man, so he must've felt conflicted.

"Get better please..." Leorys sniffled. Sehan looked at me; then, he started to cry.

I sighed and smiled at them.

"I'm okay," My voice is better too. The poison in my body is not that many since I only ate a slice.

If I didn't notice Arden's signals, I would've eaten much more.

And if I did, I would've been dead already.

"This is what I'm afraid of..." Christopher whispered. He grabbed my wrist that's completely healed. "... We shouldn't let you out,"


I can't go out anymore for a long time then. This event is shaking everyone up.

Even my own demon is a threat; I'm not entirely safe. This is my fault. I underestimated my enemy. I'll have to scold Callisto, scout more demons.

And I have to be more careful now.

If I'm careless like today, I will hurt my family. I already hurt Arden...

My words from the past where I kept wishing to grow stronger, ended up in vain. I suddenly got frustrated. This frustration, and my anger toward my unknown enemies...

My body felt warm again. The same feeling I've got when Amanda is about to hit me that day.

This feeling... my rage. The willpower.