Butterflies And Flowers

I woke up early by accident. Renn was snoring like crazy, and I couldn't go back to sleep. So I decided to take a shower. When I checked the time, it pointed to five in the morning.

I don't even know what time class will start.

Then I remember that my roommates have the same schedule as I did, and I checked the bedside table. On Julian's bedside table, there's a paper with the schedule on it. I'll have to ask for one of these later to Alvert.

Ok, class will start at eight.

What should I do to kill time?

Should I take a stroll outside?

Might as well do that.

I grabbed the room keys and unlocked the door. When I take a peek outside, there's no one here. Of course, it's only five in the morning. It's still dark out. I tiptoed outside and closed the door behind me.

I remember the way to the front door of the building. I walked down the stairs, walked past the giant bulletin board, then to the doors.

Mm, fresh air.

The sky is still dark. But at least the air is refreshing.

I started to walk further to the front, hanging out by the trees.

There's even a bed of flowers!

I scurried over there to smell the flowers.

"Mmm!" I hummed happily. This school is fantastic. Everything is amazing. The sky, the trees, flowers, everything.

I'm so happy to be out.

"Good morning, Ezra,"


My heart almost jumped out of my chest when I suddenly hear someone behind me. I quickly turn around to spot pair of piercing golden eyes. My tensed body quickly warms up.


I completely forgot that my father sent Arden to watch over me every day.

"I was supposed to watch over you from a distance, but there's no one here, so,"

Arden playfully put both of his hands behind his back, smiling mischievously.

I giggled at him.

Since we've known each other for a long time, Arden's polite demeanor slowly fades away, and now I can see his true colors.

Now I'm facing the real playful Arden that got stuck in a bush from following a street cat a couple of years ago.

"You're getting braver, huh?" I smirked.

"You can say that."

"But if you get caught, I'll pretend I don't know you,"

"That's very harsh, Ezra. My heart is too fragile. It couldn't handle your harsh remarks,"

He pretended to frown while putting his hands on his chest. I rolled my eyes playfully and nudged my arm into his arms.

"Hm, but you're right," Arden said. His usual mischievous smirk appeared on his face. "I should get going before anyone sees me,"

"That's right!"

Then suddenly, Arden grabbed my hand gently. He leaned over to it and kissed my knuckles softly. The warmth within me started to spread throughout my body, and the butterflies are dancing in my tummy. When his eyes glanced at me, he chuckled.

"You looked like a tomato,"

"S-Shut up!"

I yelled at him.

Sheesh, he kept doing these cheesy things, but it always made my heart flutter.

I pouted at him, and he only smiled.

"I'll see you later, Ezra."

Then he disappeared, precisely like how Juno did it.

I sighed and crouched to the ground, staring into the flowers.

"... Calm down," I muttered quietly while patting my chest.